Arizona House Speaker Wants Voters to Approve Plan to Cut Welfare Benefits for Illegal Immigrants, Strengthen E-Verify

Ben Toma

Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma (R-Peoria) announced on Monday an effort to hold a public referendum for Arizona voters to decide whether to eliminate the possibility for illegal immigrants to receive welfare benefits from the state and to strength the E-Verify system used to prevent companies from employing those in the country unlawfully.

In a speech outside the Arizona State Capitol on Monday, Toma called his Protecting Arizona Against Illegal Immigration Act “one of the toughest anti-immigration laws ever written” and declared, “Our message to illegal immigrants is simple: If you want to take advantage of Americans, go somewhere else.”

“It is painfully clear at this point that our governor and our president will do nothing” about the immigration crisis, said Toma. “When those that are responsible for the disaster at our border refuse to do their jobs, and they look the other way while our children are being killed by drugs, while there’s human trafficking, and crime filling our streets, I refuse to stand by and do nothing about it.”

He added, “We may not be able to do the federal government’s job, but we can definitely stop Arizona from becoming like California.”

The legislation, HCR 2060, would require any city, town, or county in Arizona that receives state money “for which a portion is used to fund any welfare program” to “verify that an adult recipient is lawfully present in the United States” before allowing an individual to receive aid.

It additionally makes it a Class 6 felony to obstruct “the legal duty to use E-Verify” by circumventing the federal system, which is the least severe felony in Arizona and can be treated as a misdemeanor. Arizona lawyers explain those found guilty of Class 6 felonies often serve between four months and six years in prison.

In a post to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Toma wrote that the referendum is an opportunity for Arizonans to solve the immigration crisis without aid from the Biden administration.

“If the Biden administration won’t provide deterrents to stop the illegal invasion, Arizona will,” Toma wrote.

After Toma announced the call for a public referendum on Monday, the effort passed the House Appropriations Committee with 10 votes in favor and seven votes against.

Democrats on the committee expressed concern about the criminal punishments for obstructing the E-Verify system, and argued it would be better to create a path for legal work and citizenship for those who entered the country illegally.

Speaking to the committee, Toma acknowledged, “I’m an immigrant, I’m also a small business owner.” Furthermore, he said he is confident any business owner could use E-Verify to check the immigration status of potential employees.

Toma also said that should current rates of illegal immigration and welfare use continue, the measure could save Arizona up to $5 billion annually.

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Georgia Star News, The Virginia Star, and The Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ben Toma” by Ben Toma. 





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