As President, Billionaire Mike Bloomberg Vows to Increase Refugee Admissions 694 Percent to 125,000 a Year


Billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg wants to flood America with refugees by 694 percent.

Breitbart reported the shocking story Monday, saying the former New York mayor wants to vastly increase the number of refugees taken in from 18,000 each year to 125,000 annually, a 694 percent increase.

This is the billionaire’s scheme to “grow and enrich” the economy, Breitbart reports.

The proposed numbers stand in stark contrast to the 18,000 refugees President Donald Trump’s administration is on track to accept between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020.

Bloomberg tweeted up a storm of statements attacking President Donald Trump on immigration, including this: “Immigration doesn’t threaten America, it strengthens America. America doesn’t need any more of Trump’s fear mongering. What we need is a modern immigration system that honors our history and readies us for the future. Here’s how we’ll #GetItDone”.

The tweet links to Bloomberg’s immigration plank, including the refugee flood and a pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants.

Mike’s plan will protect Dreamers and TPS holders and create an earned pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented. Mike will reform Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP), implementing sensible immigration enforcement priorities that promote public safety and national security. Mike will also end construction of Trump’s ineffective wall, invest in smart security measures and upgrade our ports of entry to protect the border and increase efficiency.

Mike’s plan will modernize our legal immigration system while protecting and investing in U.S. workers—and will protect all workers, including immigrants, from exploitation and labor violations. Mike will make employment-based immigration more responsive to economic conditions and reduce the backlogs that keep families apart. He will implement policies that attract job-creating innovators and entrepreneurs and create new place-based visas that allow localities to address unmet needs.

While Bloomberg gushes over illegal aliens, he lambasts ICE rank-and-file workers: “Since Trump took office, there have been more than 400 allegations of sexual assault or abuse and at least 29 fatalities in detention facilities overseen by ICE. I’ll investigate abuse at ICE and CBP, restore oversight and accountability, and keep all Americans safe.”

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s decision on December 18 to say yes to more refugees in the state allows the federal government to resettle refugees from any country it wants into the state, including an estimated 300 to 720  refugees from Middle East countries that the government of Australia has refused to accept.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.






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16 Thoughts to “As President, Billionaire Mike Bloomberg Vows to Increase Refugee Admissions 694 Percent to 125,000 a Year”

  1. […] Mike Bloomberg, the former mayor of the Big Apple, wants to go big with refugee resettlement, calling for a 694 percent increase to 125,000 refugees each year, The Tennessee Star reported. […]

  2. […] Mike Bloomberg, the former mayor of the Big Apple, wants to go big with refugee resettlement, calling for a 694 percent increase to 125,000 refugees each year, The Tennessee Star reported. […]

  3. […] Mike Bloomberg, the former mayor of the Big Apple, wants to go big with refugee resettlement, calling for a 694 percent increase to 125,000 refugees each year, The Tennessee Star reported. […]

  4. midnitelamp

    Does this mean Gov. Lee has endorsed Bloomberg?

  5. William R. Delzell

    This just in. Today’s (Feb. 12th) DEMOCRACY NOW! program with anchorwoman Amy Goodman has more damning evidence against Bloomberg’s misandry (anti-male bigotry), Afro-/Hispano-phobia (anti-black/anti-Hispanic bigotry). Forty minutes into today program broadcasted a 2015 audio tape of Bloomberg addressing the Aspen Institute where he blatantly assumes a one-size-fits-all mindset about non-white males, saying that we over-frisk whites and females while underfrisking non-white males of a young age bracket. He also lied when he said he later corrected himself as mayor by supposedly decreasing this practice. Evidence shows just the reverse; he increased this practice! He and his supporters even BEGGED the Aspen Institute to destroy any evidence of his 2015 interview with them. The fat’s in the fire. Even Trump now denounces him as a racist. This will definitely hurt Bloomberg even among his conservative white supporters who listen to every word that Trump says. If Trump denounces Bloomberg as a white racist, then Bloomberg is in real dep doo (as Bush, Sr., would have said).

  6. William R. Delzell

    What? Bill Lee a liberal, much less a leftist? That’s a laugh. Just because he chose to deviate from the right-wing party line on the refugee issue, everybody thinks he’s a born-again leftist. That’s too good to be true. Truth be told, he deviated only on that issue, but otherwise, he blindly follows in lock-step with the right-wing agenda of the Legislature. His blatant homophobia, gung ho support for executions with his equally fanatical Attorney General Slatery, his so-called “heart-beat” bill shows Lee’s REAL colors.

    As for Bloomberg, what I say about him still goes. He pandered to right-wing extremists when he pursued the racist/sexist agenda of Bill Bennet, Elizabeth Lederer, and their ilk when he decided to assume that all minority males were criminals while letting both female and white suspects off with a free pass. Now, Bloomberg wants to pretend to be a friend of refugees fleeing from U.S.-created right-wing dictators. His REAL motive is to exploit these refugees as cheap labor in order to depress already too-low wages and to bust up labor unions. Bloomberg doesn’t fool me!

  7. Aries

    What this points out is that Gov. Lee is is being short sighted and lacking in humanity and concern for Tennessee’s taxpayers. This tells him that once President Trump is not in office the number of refugees could increase exponentially and because of his unilateral action the Tennessee taxpayer will pay for his holier than thou attitude.

    1. James A. Mcclure jr

      Bill Lee is just another wealthy liberal masquerading as a Republican to get elected. He needs to run as the Democrate he really is. Tired of these fake Republican s stealing our primary. Look who he hires, La Rasa Randy Boyd.

  8. Bay State Deplorable

    You’ve got 2 out of 3 right, but he has never ever been anything but an extreme leftist. Of course, to someone like you who is so far out on the left edge you can barely hang on, anyone who is “only” an extreme leftist probably looks like a right-winger. I’m having trouble thinking of anyone who ISN”T to your right.

  9. William Delzell

    Today’s Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman has a damning interview by a fierce critic of Bloomberg and discusses how he, as NYC Mayor, scapegoated black and brown youth, especially male ones, while covering up for corporate sex predators like Jeffrey Epstein, and company.

    Rest assured, Bloomberg has enemies on both the Left and Right. As more information materializes about him, Progressive Democrats will run him off the state. Get him off our streets!

  10. Beatrice Shaw

    Bloomberg is the next best option past Elizabeth Warren. Nothing wrong with bringing in some new customs and workers for this country. We have plenty and should be ashamed for not openly realizing we are more fortunate than others.

  11. Mike my vote is not for sale

    Mike Bloomberg is wrong illegal immigrants does threaten America. In fact Mike Bloomberg threaten America. He threatens our jobs, our economy, and the ability to achieved the American Dream and our freedoms.
    Mike Bloomberg thinks that he can buy his way into the presidency, while tell you that you can have your Big Cup of soft Drink from your favorite eatery. The Conservatives need to attend his rally at Rocket-town and tell him he a bad choice for America.

  12. Lazer

    America brings in legally 1 million immigrants per year what is Mike talking about? United States brings in more immigrants than any other country. Trump wants to bring in immigrants but not those who want to live with our government he wants to bring in Merritt Based immigrants. So that America and the New Immigrants could prosper

  13. William R. Delzell

    Bloomberg was also a right-wing racist thug while in New York.

  14. Mary

    NO! He’s a billionaire and won’t have to live among them.

  15. cruzin

    Bloomberg is the true definition of “dumber than a rock”.
