As Vaccinations Ramp up, One-Third of Americans Still Say They Don’t Want One

by Andrew Trunsky


As more people receive vaccines across the U.S. coronavirus cases have continued to fall, but one-third of Americans still say they will not get one, according to a Thursday NPR/Marist poll.

While 45% said they would get vaccinated and 22% said that they had already received a shot, 30% of Americans said they would not get one, the poll showed. Among Republicans, 41% said they would not take one, compared to just 11% of Democrats.

Those unwilling leapt to 49% among Republican men, while just 6% of Democratic men said the same.

The poll showed disparities among Americans of different races. While 27% of white and 25% of black Americans said they have already received a vaccine, just 11% of Latinos said the same.

It also contradicted a widely circulated narrative that black Americans were less likely to get a vaccine. Just 25% said they would not get one, compared to 28% of white people and 37% of Latinos. A Pew Research poll released Tuesday had similar findings, showing that 61% of black Americans planned to get a vaccine or had already been vaccinated.

Among Latinos, 52% said that they would received a vaccine when available, according to the poll, compared to 48% of black people and 43% of white people who said the same.

President Joe Biden said during his primetime address Thursday that every American adult would be eligible to receive a vaccine by May 1. The U.S. supply of vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson has steadily increased in recent weeks, and Biden announced Wednesday Johnson & Johnson had entered into a federal contract to provide an additional 100 million vaccine doses.

Over 98.2 million vaccines have been administered nationwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and over 33 million Americans have received both doses.

The NPR/Marist poll surveyed 1,227 American adults from March 3 to March 8, and has a margin of error of 3.8 percentage points.

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Andrew Trunsky is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.





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3 Thoughts to “As Vaccinations Ramp up, One-Third of Americans Still Say They Don’t Want One”

  1. Ruth Wilson

    Rep. Bud Hulsey is sponsor of HR0013. It will be heard in Committee, 2:00 PM, Central time, March 17, 2021. The Web site is Tennessee General Assembly. Very simple and concise, “Prohibits State and Local authorities from Forcing, requiring, or coercing a person to receive an immunization or vaccine for covid against a person’s will.” This a vote for American Essential Liberty. American Government at any level, Fed, State or Local does not have Constitutional authority to dictate medical procedures to Citizens. For God & Country

  2. Ron Welch

    As many say, “healthcare is a right”. I agree and it would be included under the 9th Amendment. And that right, or any tight, is something that is a matter of individual and personal CHOICE. So any medical procedure, medication or vaccination is a matter of CHOICE. Also, the first enumerated right in the 4th Amendment is the right to BE SECURE IN OUR PERSON, so no medical procedure or injection of any vaccine or gene therapy (mRNA) can be forced upon anyone!

  3. 83ragtop50

    Not going to take it.
