Avenatti May Sue Tucker Carlson for Defending His Own Daughter

by Jessica Kramer


“Creepy Porn Lawyer” Michael Avenatti is representing a person trying to sue Fox News Anchor Tucker Carlson over a restaurant incident a month ago when Carlson’s daughter was allegedly harassed by Aventatti’s client Juan Granados.

Carlson claims his daughter was called a “whore” and a “c*nt” by Avenatti’s client, who is a gay Latino and a LGBTQ activist. Avenatti is claiming Carlson attacked the man and told him to “go back where he came from.” The country club has revoked Granados’s membership.

DCNF reporters comment on whether or not Carlson’s reaction and defense of his daughter was justified.

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Jessica Kramer is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Jessica on Twitter







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2 Thoughts to “Avenatti May Sue Tucker Carlson for Defending His Own Daughter”

  1. Randall

    Aventatti was arrested for domestic violence. Somewhere in the White House Trump is doing backflips.

  2. Randall

    Tucker should have judo chopped that scum bag.
