AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda on Bannon’s War Room: ‘We Need to Litigate to Protect Ourselves from Lawfare’

Newly-elected chair of the Arizona Republican Party (AZGOP) Gina Swoboda joined Steve Bannon’s War Room on Monday where she discussed her plan to litigate and protect the party from lawfare ahead of the November election.

Swoboda was elected at the annual AZGOP Mandatory Meeting of the State Committee on Saturday, days after former chair, Jeff DeWit, resigned.

Prior to the vote, Swoboda was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake, U.S. Representatives Eli Crane (R-AZ-02) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05), and more than 20 Arizona lawmakers and political leaders.

During Monday’s edition of War Room, Swoboda said she initially was not going to run for chair, however, changed her mind after receiving a call from President Trump, where he told her, “you need to do this.”

“And I said, “Yes sir. I’m in. I’ll fight for every vote”,” Swoboda said she told Trump.


When asked what she needs to succeed in her role as the new AZGOP chair moving forward, Swoboda said she needs funding to litigate and protect the party from lawfare, specifically in regards to election fraud in Arizona.

“I need to litigate, we need to litigate, we need to protect ourselves from lawfare – that’s how they weakened the system in 2020 and we didn’t see them coming,” Swoboda said. “So we need to know where they are. Please go to and donate whatever you can. We’ve got to litigate, I need money to do that – the other side has like, Arabella Advisors right on down, and they’re funding the lawfare and they’ve got an endless supply of cash. We’re running on fumes and if I can’t litigate, I can’t protect us.”

Swoboda said she plans to specifically focus on current cases challenging “unmanned drop boxes” and signature verification on mail-in ballots.

After Bannon clarified that the AZGOP needs “help to go on offense,” Swoboda added, “We’ve got to take it to them. We can’t sit here and wait and then try to flail about when it’s too late and it’s already started. We’ve got to do it now, we’re bringing it now, but we need support to do it.

When asked if she’s committed to beating Democratic election attorney Marc Elias, Swoboda said, “I am. I’m going to beat him many times. I’m going to beat him any time he comes at us.”

“For the folks in Arizona, we’ve got to come together. We’ve got to put all of our swords and differences aside right now…As Arizona goes, so does the country,” Bannon noted.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.



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