Banana Republic: Crom Carmichael Discusses the Legitimacy of Hunter Biden Emails and Why There Has Been No FBI Action


Live from Music Row Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio to discuss the Hunter Biden email scandal and its legitimacy and the FBI’s inaction.

Leahy: We are joined in the studio by our good friend and the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael. Crom, good morning.

Carmichael: Good morning. How are you, sir?

Leahy: Mon jour. The French have changed their mind again. They were going to come in here Monday and you and I were going to talk and we were to be somewhere on the far left station far left Network in January of French. But they change their mind and they’re going to come tomorrow. So the French public Crom will not get to see you.

Carmichael: That’s the way it goes. (Sighs)

Leahy: (Laughs) It’s interesting though. We have been given some suggestions that you know, they might be trying to caricature us. They just might. But we’ll see.

Carmichael: They won’t have me to kick around.

Leahy: Speaking of kicking around, Hunter Biden’s been kicked around quite a bit over the past couple of days.

Carmichael: Well, apparently legitimately. you know Tucker Carlson, he would not do this without clearance from the legal people at Fox. He has said that there is no question about the legitimacy of the laptop.

Leahy: The laptop.

Carmichael: The hard drive.

Leahy: The hard drive and laptop. Again you kind of can’t make this up. Apparently, the story is somebody, perhaps a slightly inebriated Hunter Biden dropped off this laptop a de Delaware computer repair shop. The guy who got it is legally blind. I mean I can see enough to apparently work on computers, but not much beyond.

Carmichael: He has a mechanism, he has something some physical thing that helps him do that.

Leahy: But anyway, when he looked at this drive, he saw all of these emails from Hunter Biden and foreign types. And apparently, the first thing he did in December is he gave that to some of the FBI had a grand jury asked for the laptop and he gave it to him. He made a copy of it. the FBI’s had it since December. there’s a lot of incriminating stuff on that.

Carmichael: Yeah, and apparently I mean what we don’t know if you have the FBI has done anything with it. As far as we know they’ve done nothing. But that doesn’t mean we know everything. But as far as we know there have been no reports from the FBI on what was on there. And you would think that frankly, that’s very troubling. Just the fact that there aren’t any reports.

Leahy: Very troubling. the other part is that there’s been no denial from the Biden campaign that this is authentic. No denial, and apparently, Tucker Carlson believes it is 100 percent true. They’ve apparently double-checked people that receive some of the emails there. And they said yeah, that’s really what happened. I got that email. So the emails appear to be authentic.

Carmichael: And then Peter Schweizer.

Leahy: A separate deal.

Carmichael: A separate deal, but probably a lot of emails are duplicates.

Leahy: Perhaps.

Carmichael: Peter Schweizer was given 26,000 emails.

Leahy: That’s from a different source. It’s not from Hunter Biden’s hard drive.

Carmichael: It was a connection.

Leahy: There was a guy who was in business with him and Yes who’s now in jail and prison? the guy who’s in prison apparently is unhappy because he’s in jail and Hunter Biden isn’t. It was a separate deal on 60 million dollars of fraudulent bonds for a tribal Indian operation that this one guy was is now in jail for. And then another guy was convicted and is going to jail. And the third partner hundred Biden apparently his off scot-free on that. It was prosecuted by the way by the southern district of New York. The same guys that are prosecuting Steve now.

Carmichael: We’re getting very very close to a country that is a Banana Republic.

Leahy: It looks like it.

Carmichael: I mean, getting very very close.

Leahy: Well, the other thing about this about these emails is if you look at them Crom, what was interesting about the email is this. In the email in the laptop what you saw was a communication from Hunter Biden basically to set up a meeting with a guy at Burisma, an executive there. Burisma was paying him $50,000. And this meeting apparently did happen with his dad.

Carmichael: Well, you have a thank you email from the executive.

Leahy: Exactly.

Carmichael: Saying thank you so much for setting up the meeting with either his father or the vice president. But I mean, they’re one of the same.

Leahy: Crom,  I have one little thing. Our Caller Faith has a very interesting thing to talk about. Apparently the Today show. I guess this morning is talking about Hunter Biden.

Caller Faith: Good morning.

Leahy: Good morning Faith. So you said the Today Show is talking about Hunter Biden this morning?

Faith: That’s apparently this morning. That was what they were saying. that this whole thing is just a Russian spy hoax.

Leahy: You’re kidding me?

Faith: That Guiliani is in on it and they are just trying to take all this and turn it into something it’s not.

Leahy: All right. Well, Faith talking about the left and their operatives in the mainstream media. NBC by the way, the correspondent who will be moderating the debate here on Thursday. Hold on a second Faith. Crom what Faith is saying is not a surprise.

Carmichael: No, it would be a surprise if it were otherwise if they treated it as a true news story.

Leahy: Yeah. So Faith as a somebody who’s watching this, how do you respond when you hear this apparently false claim by NBC that this was all a Russian set up when we know that these emails are authentic. The hard drive was Hunter Biden’s. How do you respond to that Faith?

Faith: (Inaudible talk) I immediately started broadcasting this especially on Twitter because it’s so surprising in the four years since Trump was elected to now have Twitter changing and the positiveness towards him. But you know look, Savannah Guthrie’s husband works for Twitter. And my goodness as soon as the story broke Twitter banned it.

Leahy: Yeah.

Faith: Twitter cleaned out tons of channels and Facebook put people in jail for passing it around. Let’s see who her husband is. That explains a lot, and then I think how many of these journalists’ names are on the indictments that were all still breathlessly waiting to be served.

Leahy: Which indictments you are talking about their faith?

Faith: Well, all this supposed hundreds and thousands of sealed indictments some of which have been served and some of which are still waiting to be served apparently. I’m not quite sure if I buy that extreme or not. But I do know that many journalists are have been complicit with withholding and lying about the news.

Leahy: Well, thank you. Thank you for that faith. Crom, I want to follow up on what faith was saying. I’m not sure that there are a bunch of indictments that are out there waiting. But I do think that basically most mainstream media are folks that are Democratic operatives with bylines. And the way they’re treating the Hunter Biden story seems to be a great example of that.

Carmichael: Well, the way they treat everything. I mean Savannah Guthrie’s questions were all silly.

Leahy: Yeah. They were all silly.

Carmichael: I wish the president at some point had turned to the audience and said, you know, I thought I was here to answer your questions. And I doubt if your questions are about this. And then just get up and go ask an audience person what they care about. Just get up in the chair and go over and ask him, and say, Savannah you’re an embarrassment to your profession. You truly are.

Leahy: Yeah, she certainly was.

Carmichael: An embarrassment to your profession and your paid millions of dollars.

Leahy: My question to you and would about how like it’s if today’s Today Show and NBC’s trying to portray the laptop story as one that’s a Russian plant. How do you think that’s playing with the electorate.

Carmichael: I think that people who are undecided I think it’s a relatively small number. I think that Amy Coney-Barrett probably helped the President considerably because he in fact selected her. So they’re not disconnected. And she did a marvelous job of keeping her cool showing she has a wonderful temperament for the job. And also she showed her intellect and her knowledge of the law to be absolutely beyond description.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Hunter Biden” by Burisma. Background Photo “Joe Biden Ukraine” by U.S. Embassy Kyiv.




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One Thought to “Banana Republic: Crom Carmichael Discusses the Legitimacy of Hunter Biden Emails and Why There Has Been No FBI Action”

  1. CCW

    Oh, there has been FIBI action alright. Laptop picked up and returned to the blind computer repairman with “nothing there” according to FIBI. FedEx (we assume) package apparently opened and contents removed as discovered Tuesday. The package shipped from east coast to LA arrived empty. Handlers said it had been opened and contents removed. The contents…damning evidence on the Biden’s according to the shipper who works with Tucker Carlson, who was waiting in LA for the info.
