Bannon’s WarRoom Discusses ‘Super Neo-Con’ Morgan Ortagus’ Upcoming D.C. Fundraiser ‘Filled with Trump Adversaries’

The Tennessee Star’s Aaron Gulbransen appeared on Bannon’s WarRoom Wednesday to discuss his report on Morgan Ortagus’ upcoming fundraiser in Washington, D.C., where the congressional hopeful will be hosted by a former Trump administration State Department staffer who was fired for tweeting that President Trump was unfit for office, as well as several NeverTrumpers.

WarRoom host Steve Bannon began, “Morgan Ortagus – have you heard her name? She worked for Pompeo in the State Department – a super neo-con. She’s announced. She went district shopping in to run for Congress. She found it in the great state of Tennessee.”

He continued:

And remember, Tennessee is the backbone of the Trump movement right now because the Tennessee legislature overruled the wuss governor there to get the redistricting – everything’s about redistricting right now.

We got a seven to one map because of the great Patriots in the Tennessee legislature.

And by the way, now Missouri following suit; in Florida, they’re following suit. And that was the leadership at Tennessee.

Morgan Ortagus kind of, you know, drifting down to like in Britain, they kind of pick a district of run and then they run from it – big blowback from the district itself.

But Aaron Gulbransen, from the great Tennessee Star –

Aaron, this, this is kind of a blockbuster story.

She’s got a big fundraising event and it’s really neoliberal, neo-con, Never Trumpers that are all coming to finance her. Is that correct, sir?

Tennessee Star journalist Aaron Gulbransen answered, “That’s exactly right. On March 2nd – which happens to be Ash Wednesday – Morgan’s going to be in D.C. at a fundraiser headlined by Dan Crenshaw and Lindsey Graham. But when you look at the host committee, you can see kind of a reunion of sorts of the 2016 Never Trumper movement. You got, the honorable Kerry Healey, the former lieutenant governor of Massachusetts who came out against Trump. She’s currently registered as an independent and she’s pro-abortion.”

Gulbransen added, “The organizer for the event, Lisa Spies, was a former staffer for Mitt Romney and Mike Pence’s congressional campaigns, at one point. She’s got a history of bad-mouthing Trump, and she was a Never Trumper in 2016. She said that Trump is not only going to– lose the women’s vote in 2016, he’s going to lose the Republican women’s vote.”

The Star reporter reminded viewers that in 2016, Trump defeated Hillary Clinton with a strong majority of the Republican women’s vote.

“And then, of course, there’s the interesting side of this is there’s Morgan Ortagus’ [own] history of bad-mouthing the president,” Gulbransen said. “So this is a very interesting fundraiser coming together.”

Watch the full interview “Tennessee Star Reports on Ortagus Fundraiser Filled with Trump Adversaries“:




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One Thought to “Bannon’s WarRoom Discusses ‘Super Neo-Con’ Morgan Ortagus’ Upcoming D.C. Fundraiser ‘Filled with Trump Adversaries’”

  1. william r. delzell

    If these neocons love war so much, then these men and women should go to the front to risk their own lives instead of the lives of our young Americans. In fact, the term, neo-con, has another appropriate meaning in denoting these people: they are con-artists.
