Bernie Sanders Wants to be Joe Biden’s Labor Secretary According to Report

by Thomas Catenacci


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is reportedly making a push to be nominated as labor secretary in a potential Joe Biden administration, sources told Politico.

Sanders is interested in having a position in Democratic presidential nominee Biden’s potential cabinet, an unnamed person close to the Vermont senator told Politico Thursday evening. Sanders, who was former Vice President Biden’s main rival during the 2020 Democratic primaries, has specifically expressed interest in leading the Department of Labor, according to the source.

“I can confirm he’s trying to figure out how to land that role or something like it,” someone close to Sanders told Politico. “He, personally, does have an interest in it.”

Sanders wouldn’t confirm or deny his interest in being named labor secretary in a statement to Politico.

“Right now I am focused on seeing that Biden is elected president,” Sanders said, according to Politico. “That’s what my main focus is.”

Sanders’ office didn’t immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Thursday’s report is among many concerning a potential Biden administration. The Biden transition team is reportedly interested in nominating current and former union leaders to high ranking federal positions including secretary of labor and secretary of education.

Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker are among the Republicans whose names have reportedly been floated to serve in a potential Joe Biden cabinet.

During an Oct. 6 rally, Sanders said he would chair the Senate Subcommittee on Health if the Democrats win back control of the Senate, according to Fox News.

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Thomas Catenacci is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Bernie Sanders” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.









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4 Thoughts to “Bernie Sanders Wants to be Joe Biden’s Labor Secretary According to Report”

  1. Jim Southerland

    To be secretary of labor, a prospective candidate should have had a job or created one. The bitter ol commie has neither qualification.

  2. 83ragtop50

    What would communist Bernie know about labor after spending a lifetime in politics?

  3. Ronald Sanders

    I had full confidence that Joe Biden was crooked. President Trump has his own problems with attitude but he is the lesser of the two evils. Bobulinski was late to come forward with this information which implicated Biden and his family in unscrupulous activities. But the former Lieutenant with high security clearance contends that the Biden family was involved in deals with Communist China for millions of dollars in personal profit. I hope enough citizens who plan to vote on Election Day will use this statement to influence their vote. I’m fearful that if the people vote Biden as President, Kamala Harris and other contenders for the Democratic nomination will take strategic roles in ruining our nation.

  4. nicky wicks

    kind of like putting Karl Marx in charge of your Poli Sci department IMHO

    we are doomed if biden wins
