Beto Defends Late-Term Abortions, Slams Trump Over Lordstown Comments During Cleveland Campaign Stop

2020 Democratic hopeful Beto O’Rourke slammed President Donald Trump for his criticisms of Lordstown union leaders and defended late-term abortions during a campaign stop in Cleveland Monday.

During one stop, O’Rourke was asked how he was “going to protect the lives of third-trimester babies.”

“There’s really not a medical necessity for abortion. It’s not a medical emergency procedure because typically third-trimester abortions take up to three days to have. So, in that sense, if there was an emergency, the doctors would just do a c-section and you don’t have to kill the baby. So are you for or against third-trimester abortions?” an audience member asked.

O’Rourke, however, framed the question to the audience as being about “abortion and reproductive rights.”

“My answer to you is: that should be a decision that the woman makes. I trust her,” O’Rourke responded.

O’Rourke also responded to Trump’s latest criticism of the leaders behind the closure of the General Motors factory in Lordstown.

“Democrat UAW Local 1112 President David Green ought to get his act together and produce,” Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday. “G.M. let our country down, but other much better car companies are coming into the U.S. in droves. I want action on Lordstown fast. Stop complaining and get the job done.”

O’Rourke called the criticism “absolutely counterproductive and insulting” in an interview with

“The one thing I wouldn’t do is what we just saw the president of the United States do, which is to add insult to injury,” he said. “Demean those workers. Insult the union president. At the time that they’re losing more than 14,000 jobs, he’s laying the blame at their feet. Absolutely counterproductive and insulting if you ask me.”

In another Sunday tweet, Trump said he spoke with General Motors CEO Mary Barra about the plant’s closure and was “not happy that it is closed when everything else in our country is booming.”

“I asked her to sell it or do something quickly. She blamed the UAW union—I don’t care, I just want it open,” he said.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Beto O’Rourke” by Beto O’Rourke. Background Photo “Beto O’Rouke” by Beto O’Rouke. 













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