Biden Claims Mandate in First Address to America Since Declaring Victory

by Dan McCaleb


Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden Saturday night said he was given a mandate by voters to restore unity and civility after what he called four years of divisiveness under President Donald Trump.

Addressing America from his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, hours after claiming victory over Trump, Biden said he would lead by example and be the president of all Americans, not just those who voted for him.

“The people of this nation have spoken,” he said. “They’ve delivered us a clear victory, convincing victory.”

Trump has not conceded and is legally contesting results in a number of states. His legal team held a news conference Saturday in Philadelphia shortly after national media outlets called the race for Biden, claiming widespread voter fraud.

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said at the news conference that a number of federal lawsuits will be filed Monday in states across the country challenging counting methods, including claims that GOP poll watchers weren’t allowed to observe the processing of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. Giuliani said Trump would not concede when hundreds of thousands of ballots are in question in Pennsylvania alone.

Biden did not mention the upcoming legal battle during his Saturday night address, instead sticking with his message of unity.

“It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again, and to make progress,” he said. “We have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They are not our enemies. They are Americans. …

“This is a time to heal in America.”

Biden did say his administration would focus on controlling the coronavirus, dealing with racial injustice, combating climate change and making the economy more fair for the middle class.

“Our work starts with getting coronavirus under control,” he said, adding that the economy can’t rebound without doing so.

After the U.S. economy soared during Trump’s first three years in office, millions of Americans lost their jobs beginning in March when the COVID-19 pandemic led states across the country to shut businesses and other social activities down to slow its spread.

Biden said he will name a coronavirus task force Monday that will rely on science to drive his presumptive administration’s policies.

Biden declared victory Saturday after NBC News, CNN, Fox News, The Associated Press and others called him the winner in Pennsylvania, where the former vice president was born. Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral college votes would give Biden 290 in total by by AP’s count after the outlet also called Nevada for the former vice president; 270 are needed to win the presidency.

Trump is mounting a number of legal challenges in battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and Michigan.

Trump vows to take the legal challenges all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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​Dan McCaleb is the executive editor of The Center Square. He welcomes your comments. Contact Dan at [email protected].
Photo “Joe Biden” by Joe Biden.










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4 Thoughts to “Biden Claims Mandate in First Address to America Since Declaring Victory”

  1. JG2284

    I believe in States rights to keep him in check if the justice system fails. Looking at you Justice Roberts Gorsich and Kavanaugh. The states have more rights than one might think. We need to be taking a closer look at our constitution and get back to basics. There is a third political party called the constitution party. I strongly encourage everyone to look them up including the TN Star. These guys are more in line with our political beliefs than the republicant party.

  2. jj

    So Biden wants everyone to sing kumbaya and unite behind him! What a phony hypocritical piece of bovine excrement. Where was this “unite” idea for President Trump? Typical hypocrisy from a political parasite.

  3. 83ragtop50

    The only mandate given to Biden was from the leftist who are bent on turning America into a socialist mess. Biden does not have the ability nor the guts to stand up to the likes of Bernie and AOC. He sold his soul just to attempt to become a figurehead of a leader. Hopefully the many election lawsuits will reveal the real truth and Biden will become a footnote in history. To put it bluntly why should anyone believe what he says now considering all of the lies he told during the campaign. He is just another crooked Democrat like LBJ.

  4. Traditional Thinker

    Look at you go Joe, trying to unite the country. You’re all sportsmanlike now that you’re liberal media, hollywood harlots, and crooked election boards worked so hard to make this night possible. Where was the mister Rodgers feel good neighborhood at in 2016? What happened to your support not to mention the radical liberal idiots along with the media in their rally for coming together after that election? Oh that’s right, we had a republican president so the same doesnt apply. And let’s be honest Joe, you’ll always treat those who have different ideas or opinions as enemies. That’s who you guys are. Example, homosexuals. Conservatives are not allowed to believe that it’s an abomination yet live peacefully around them, you want to make our opinions a hate opinion, and then a law against that opinion. Same goes for all of your other twisted ideas that are destroying the fiber of this once great nation. Sorry Joe but your feel good speech is four years too late and a little transparent for me to believe.
