Biden Denies Ever Taking a Cognitive Test After Claiming That He’s ‘Tested Constantly’

by Debra Heine


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Wednesday denied ever taking a cognitive test—even though he recently bragged that he takes them “constantly.”

After scoffing at the idea, Biden, who was appearing at a virtual forum at the 2020 National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) Joint Virtual Convention, compared the question to asking if black CBS reporter Errol Barnett had taken cocaine before the interview.

“When asked in June if you’d been tested for cognitive decline, you responded that you’re constantly tested,” Barnett reminded Biden. “Please clarify specifically—have you taken a cognitive test?”

Biden had told the reporter in June “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” He also said he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

After laughing at Barnett’s question, Biden replied “no, I haven’t taken a test—why the hell would I take a test?!”

“Come on man!” he continued. “That’s like saying, yo, before you got on this program, you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not? What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?” he asked the bewildered reporter, before breaking out again in inappropriate laughter.

Barnett, to his credit, pressed Biden on the question.

“What do you say to President Trump who brags about his test and makes your mental state an issue for voters?” he asked.

In an interview with Sean Hannity last month, Trump said that he had taken a cognitive test recently and had “aced it.”

“Well, if he can’t figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about,” Biden blustered.

He went on to declare that he is “forward looking” to debate Trump.

“‘Cause you watch that, I mean, come on man! I know you’re trying to goad me but—I mean—I’m so forward looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president in debates,” Biden said. “There’s going to be plenty of time.”

While Biden appeared open to debating Trump, his allies in the media have been pushing the idea that he skip them.

Biden then appeared to want to poke fun at Trump, but thought better of it.

“And by the way, as I joke with him, you know, I—I shouldn’t say it. I’m gonna say something I probably shouldn’t say,” he wavered.

“Anyway!” he continued, “I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical and mental fil—my physical as well as my mental fil—fitness! And to a—you know—make a judgement about who I am.”

The entire interview will be aired at the NABJ and NAHJ virtual convention on Thursday.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness. 







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2 Thoughts to “Biden Denies Ever Taking a Cognitive Test After Claiming That He’s ‘Tested Constantly’”

  1. Dave

    Steve, LOL! All I want is for him to debate Trump just once & clearly show the whole world just how far gone he is mentally. He should be in a memory care unit of a nursing home, NOT the White House!

  2. Steve Allen

    Well, he apparently just failed the test.


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