Biden Department of Education Claims ‘Transgender’ Students Are Protected by Title IX

by Eric Lendrum


On Wednesday, Joe Biden’s Department of Education declared that it would be reversing a popular policy from the presidency of Donald Trump that protected student athletes from interference by so-called “transgender” students, and instead said that the transgenders themselves will receive special protection, according to USA Today.

Announcing the policy shift, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona declared that “Today, the Department makes clear that all students, including LGBTQ+ students, deserve the opportunity to learn and thrive in schools,” while also falsely referring to various efforts to protect students’ sports as “discrimination.”

Cardona also falsely declared that “the Supreme Court has upheld the right for… our LGBTQ+ students [to] have the same rights and deserve the same protections as everyone else.” This is based on a ruling last year in which the Supreme Court ruled that homosexual and “transgender” Americans are protected by the Civil Rights Act; however, the Court’s ruling only applied to workplace discrimination, and did not make a specific ruling on students in schools.

The move was celebrated by multiple special interest groups that support the rising trend of transgenderism, which is the false and anti-scientific belief that there are more than two genders, as well as the notion that an individual can “change” their gender on a whim. Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, deputy executive director of the far-left group National Center for Transgender Equality, released a statement stating that “This is a day that transgender kids and their families have been waiting for.”

Ever since the idea of “transgenderism” first started gaining traction with the American Left, there has been a rising phenomenon of male students suddenly declaring themselves to be female students, and then joining female sports teams and subsequently crushing past records and outcompeting the real female athletes. In response, multiple Republican legislatures and governors across the country have passed various bills banning such students from doing so, in an effort to protect women’s sports. In addition, several states have banned the practice of so-called “gender transition surgery” for minors, which transgender activists maintain is “a right” for such individuals who believe they are the opposite gender, even if they are still a minor.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.









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2 Thoughts to “Biden Department of Education Claims ‘Transgender’ Students Are Protected by Title IX”

  1. Cardona is another fine example of failing upwards. There has yet to be one, legitimate, skillful snd intelligent nominee placed into the Biden administration. And I hold repub senators responsible for rubber-stamping so many of these radical, anti-American, anti-science grifters.

  2. AWM

    The biden Administration just keeps getting dumber by the minute. Good grief!
