Biden Plans to Spend $2 Trillion on Climate Change if Elected

by Mary Rose Corkery


Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced Tuesday a $2 trillion budget to combat climate change reform and create jobs, according to The New York Times.

Biden said during his campaign speech in Delaware the $2 trillion budget will be spent in four years to create jobs while increasing clean energy use in the transportation, electricity and building industries, according to the Times. Biden plans to have an “emissions-free power sector” by 2035.

Previously, Biden planned to spend $1.7 trillion over ten years to achieve “net-zero admissions” by 2050, the Times reported. Biden’s new proposal would spend more money in a shorter time period.

During his speech, Biden called climate change an “existential threat” if unattended while also criticizing President Donald Trump for his response to the climate issue, according to a Tuesday tweet.

“When I hear the words ‘climate change,’ I hear the word ‘jobs.’ Good-paying, union jobs that will solve our jobs crisis while addressing our climate crisis,” Biden wrote.

Think tank and campaign estimates say the proposal adds to a $7 trillion spending plan Biden has proposed for the next ten years, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The Biden Campaign did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Mary Rose Corkery is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.








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4 Thoughts to “Biden Plans to Spend $2 Trillion on Climate Change if Elected”

  1. James Forsythe

    Only a real fool would buy into the Biden scam!

  2. Stop the President of the AOC FAN CLUB

    Joe Biden is just like any other Democrat, they think that we the people are a bunch of Mushrooms. They keep us in Dark and feed us Bull$hit and we are happy. We are freedom loving Americans that do not need another Democrat who want to save us from Freedom! NO TO BIDEN AND HIS SOCALISM, MARXISM, AND COMMUNISTS AGENDA. It’s no wonder the Chinese padded his family pockets and bank accounts.

  3. Kevin

    “When I hear the words climate change, I hear the word “jobs.” Good paying, union jobs that will solve our jobs crisis while addressing our climate crisis.” Classic campaign BS!

    And who exactly does Joe Biden think he’s fooling? In his condition, he “hears” all sorts of weird noises, like “hey, me and Hunter can really cash in on this scam”, or “I’ll show Al Gore how to do it” or maybe, “bartender, carbon credits for everybody, they’re on me”!

    But probably the most common thing he hears is, “playoffs, you talk about playoffs, I just hope we can win a… Presidential election”. :o)

    TRUMP 2020!

  4. JJ

    Joey, we still remember Solyndra which you and Obama endorsed. 500 million dollar Federal loan down the drain. The same wasteful programs will be in full swing with Biden in office.
    Voters, don’t let this “snake-oil” salesman fool you AGAIN.
