Biden Says Black Lives Matter Protesters Would ‘Have Been Treated Very Differently’ Than Capitol Rioters

by Jake Dima


President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday said Black Lives Matter activists would “have been treated very, very differently” if they had stormed the Capitol instead of President Donald Trump supporters.

“No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, there wouldn’t — they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol,” Biden said during a speech in Wilmington, Delaware.

“We all know that’s true and it is unacceptable, totally unacceptable. The American people saw it in plain view, and I hope it [unintelligible] what we have to do.”

Biden, whose election victory was officially certified by Congress early Thursday morning, condemned the mob of Trump supporters who swarmed law enforcement and eventually broke into the Capitol building Wednesday, delaying the proceedings. At least four people died during the siege, 70 were arrested and 14 cops were wounded, according to Fox News.

“What we witnessed yesterday was not dissent, it was not disorder, it was not protest, it was chaos,” Biden said of the Trump mob. They weren’t protesters. Don’t you dare call them protesters. They were a righteous mob, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists.”

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Jake Dima is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Joe Biden” by Joe Biden.









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6 Thoughts to “Biden Says Black Lives Matter Protesters Would ‘Have Been Treated Very Differently’ Than Capitol Rioters”

  1. jesse

    Hear ye, hear ye, the clown has spoken

  2. Roger

    Now things are clear, Joe has labeled the DC capital police as racist and I feel safer because Nancy has contacted the Joint Chef of staff and instructed them to not let Trump mobilize the military to take over the country, or change the launch codes and I’m sure launch any missiles. Just think, the president can on any given day can change all the launch codes and if bored, launch a couple of nuclear missiles. I wonder if he would use Goggle to do it.

  3. beau

    Biden, just another “braying donkey”.

  4. 83ragtop50

    Of course the BLM folks would be treated differently. The police would have been directed to fold their hands behind their backs and watch everything burn to the ground. Any deviation that resulted in an arrest would have had Kamala Harris raise bond money for them.

  5. Ron Welch

    So Biden is implicitly accusing the Capitol Police and other Federal Law Enforcement security of racism. Wow!
    He has a long history of race-baiting statements and continues them repeatedly. He recently said to black people, “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!” That’s a very racist statement. He follows the leftist guru, “accuse others of what you do and what you are doing.”

  6. Deplorable Bay Stater

    As usual Lyin’ Joe is talking out of both sides of his mouth…or maybe it’s through a more southerly located orifice…

    1) We have many months of actual evidence demonstrating being a shadow of a doubt that Antifa/BLM rioters have consistently been allowed to pretty much do whatever they wanted with no consequences.

    2) There are multiple eye-witness accounts to the effect that most — if not all — of the people engaged in violent or otherwise unlawful behavior were, in fact Antifa/BLM thugs masquerading as Trump supporters.

    And the corrupt MSM continues to let him get away with his lies and distortions without even a hint of a challenge.
