Biden’s HHS Picks Have Called Gun Laws a Matter of Public Health

by Jake Dima


Two of President-elect Joe Biden’s picks to lead the Department of Health and Human Services have likened gun control to a public health issue.

Vivek Murthy, the 19th Surgeon General, in 2012 criticized the National Rifle Association (NRA) and tweeted that firearms are a “health care issue.” Murthy, who’s the co-chair of the former vice president’s coronavirus task force, has been included on a Bloomberg list of possible Biden HHS appointees.

The former surgeon general was relieved of his duties by President Donald Trump’s administration in 2017, according to Vox.

Democratic Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, who introduced an “assault weapons” ban and magazine capacity limits in her state, is also a prominent possible pick for Biden’s HHS, according to Bloomberg. The governor called firearms in America a “disturbing and preventable public health crises,” Fox News reported.

“It is unacceptable that our children are growing up in a country where they have to worry about gun violence,” Raimondo said, according to Fox. “This is one of the most disturbing and preventable public health crises of this generation, and we owe it to our children to take action.”

Biden’s gun control plan includes a full-scale ban on so-called “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines” in addition to a red flag confiscation law and the repeal of gun manufacturer and seller liability protections, according to his campaign website.

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Jake Dima is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “HHS Building” by Sarah Stierch. CC BY-SA 4.0.









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7 Thoughts to “Biden’s HHS Picks Have Called Gun Laws a Matter of Public Health”

  1. Pistol Pete

    Laws and mandates from a cabal that stole the election, yes they want the guns as they have a lot more planned for us. This is no longer the country of my birth, living in occupied lands.

  2. E.P

    “Two of President-elect Joe Biden’s picks to lead the Department of Health and Human Services have likened gun control to a public health issue.”

    But of course. They know, deep down, that their desires, their policies, their efforts, will make their health a public issue once they begin infringing our Rights and the protections we have under the Constitution.

    At least for this soldier, their continuing health will be a matter of concern . . .

  3. Tim Price

    Biden and the Democrats are playing with fire as some people are just itching for a war on the issue of gun control. Sad how these idiots are so focused on pandering that they will risk a civil war.

    1. Ron Welch

      Right Tim, it’s “a self-evident truth” demonstrated all through history that: ONLY YOUR ENEMY WANTS YOU DISARMED.

  4. 83ragtop50

    Is anyone really surprised that “assault” banning Biden plans to take our guns away?

    The guy is a disaster who should have been stuffed into the closet 15 years ago.

    1. Ron Welch

      When semi-auto rifles are in the hands of citizens for their RIGHT of armed self defense, the ruling class pejoratively calls them “assault weapons”. But when during the Obama Administration, DHS purchased 7000 select-fire, full-auto capable rifles, they were called “personal self defense weapons”.This is absurd since government officials and agents work UNDER the delegated powers of the States and the People, free Citizens.

  5. Ron Welch

    Then why do politicians, as with a current Democrat House AWB, EXEMPT THEMSELVES from gun laws–and the wealthy elite class who can pay for armed security are ALSO EXEMPTED? That’s a violation of “the equal protection of the laws” in the 14th Amendment, one of two which overturned the 1857 SCOTUS Dred Scott decision to end slavery. All through history, slaves were disarmed and kept that way while the slave holders kept themselves armed. Tyranny and slavery sl ways takes from others what they have and keep for themselves.
