Biden’s Job Approval Rating Falls to 43 Percent, Lowest in Presidency, Gallup


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Photo “Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Woman Man Laptop” by MaximeUtopix.






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3 Thoughts to “Biden’s Job Approval Rating Falls to 43 Percent, Lowest in Presidency, Gallup”

  1. jeremiah

    Gallup must have Daffy Duck conducting the poll. I don’t know of anyone that is happy with slo-joe. How he can have an approval rating that is not a minus factor is amazing.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Jeremiah – I agree with your assessment. The only conclusion that I could come up with is that these inflated numbers come from the same place as all of those mystery votes that got O’Biden selected (not elected) to the presidency. That is, they materialized from thin air.

      1. Deborah Lawson

        Exactly, these pollsters lie just as much as our illegitimate president.
