Big Tech, Other Major Companies Lobby for Liberal Supreme Court Decisions

by Eric Lendrum


An alliance of major companies, including Big Tech and Fortune 500 brands, have filed amicus briefs in several of the Supreme Court’s upcoming cases, as reported by The Daily Caller.

The two cases in particular that these companies have rallied behind are the case deciding the fate of the Obama-era amnesty program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and a case deciding whether or not “federal civil rights law covers LGBT employees.”

In the case of the former, the corporations involved claimed, without evidence, that eliminating DACA would damage the GDP due to the decrease in cheap labor that would follow. For the latter, they claimed that if the court does rule federal law covers LGBT employees, then it would eliminate the burden of individual companies dictating those policies themselves, which they said would constitute “an artificial barrier that restricts the free flow of resources, ideas, and capital.”

Among the companies involved are the Big Tech companies Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Other companies include Best Buy, Cisco Systems, and Hilton.

These are two of the most significant cases set to be decided by the Supreme Court next year, and will be among the first major tests of President Trump’s two confirmed justices: Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22).







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3 Thoughts to “Big Tech, Other Major Companies Lobby for Liberal Supreme Court Decisions”

  1. Charles Schumacher

    The Supreme Court is supposed to render decisions based on the Constitution and applicable Federal laws — not which way the political wind happens to be blowing, or even how the decision might affect the economy, concerns that are more properly considered by Congress and the Executive Branch when promulgating laws and regulations. None of the arguments cited in the article seem to have anything at all to do with the Constitution or Federal law. The Supreme Court should simply say, “Thanks for sharing” and then throw these amicus briefs in the trash can where they belong.

  2. Robert Roark

    Does this “alliance of major companies” have a name? Does it speak through a law firm? Or do the members simply act in concert with a specific leader? Were the amicus briefs filed by a law firm? Which one? Or which ones? Can you name all the members of this alliance? Will you do so? This action as presented shows that almost everything in American life has become political and, therefore, subject to government control. This means that the liberty created for the American people by the Constitution no longer exists as a reality but only as a catch phrase for politicians to use to deceive us. The Supreme Court, the protector of the Constitution, has long since abandoned this role. This action makes this abandonment obvious to all.

  3. Chuck Sims

    The headline uses the word “Lobby.” It certainly seems an appropriate, if disturbing, choice of words.

    The arguments presented make clear the originators do not consider the “court” to be little more than a kangaroo court.
