Bill Hagerty Announces Veterans for Hagerty Coalition


Following the release of a detailed plan to support Tennessee’s veterans and ensure they receive quality care in a timely manner, Bill Hagerty Thursday announced the Veterans for Hagerty coalition.

The coalition includes more than 1,200 Tennessee veterans from all branches of the military who strongly support Hagerty for U.S. Senate. Hagerty is running to replace the retiring U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

“Our nation’s veterans have sacrificed so much to guarantee our freedoms, and it is critical that they are fully supported,” Hagerty said in a press release on his campaign’s website. 

“As your next Senator, I will continue to work alongside President Trump to ensure our veterans are equipped with the tools they need to transition successfully into civilian life. This coalition represents some of Tennessee’s best, who have fought bravely for our freedoms, and I am honored to have them on Team Hagerty.”

State Rep. Curtis Johnson, R-Clarksville, said in the press release that he was proud to join other Tennessee veterans in supporting Hagerty for the U.S. Senate.

“He will stand alongside President Trump to support our veterans and make sure they have access to quality health care and job opportunities,” Johnson said in the press release. 

“The transition into civilian life can be difficult, especially when they are denied proper assistance and care. Together, Bill and President Trump, who has endorsed him for the U.S. Senate, will work together to fix our broken VA system and support our veterans.”

As The Tennessee Star reported this week, Lara Trump told Tennesseans during a tele-town hall with Hagerty that voters must reelect her father-in-law President Donald Trump by a significant margin come November. During the call, Hagerty asked Lara to comment on what he described as “the dramatically unfair treatment that Trump, his family and Republicans get in the media and how that will factor into the 2020 election?”

Lara said Americans “are woke right now.”

“People see what’s going on. They see how the mainstream media consistently misconstrues things that Donald Trump says. They go out of their way to attack him. They make up stories. That has happened to all of us in our family. You think to yourself that it can’t be that bad. They don’t actually do these things. But, yes, they actually do these things,” Lara told Hagerty.

“If the mainstream media covered Donald Trump fairly then they would lose a lot of money. People would stop tuning in. They are constantly looking for new ways to hit this president because it puts money in their pockets, and that is absolutely disgusting,” she said.

“The press in this country is supposed to fairly and accurately give the facts to help the people make up their own minds, and, in fact, they do the opposite. They try to implement their opinion and twist things so that it fits their narrative and it’s absolutely disgusting.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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4 Thoughts to “Bill Hagerty Announces Veterans for Hagerty Coalition”

  1. Cannoneer2

    This looks similar to “Sportsmen for Bredesen” to me.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Mr. Hagerty does not appear to be the conservative senator that Tennesseans deserve. I do not plan to vote for him. He may be a nice guy but so was Jimmy Carter.

  3. J Taylor

    Think I will vote for Dr Manny, Bill Hagerty is a career politician and career politicians have a tendency over time to develop relationships with people that influence them in a way that is counter to goals of the people that elected them. Dr Manny is born and raised in Tennessee and not a career politician.

  4. Bill Hagerty is China’s Man. True Republicans and most certainly Veterans do not want another Bill Haslam and China First Globalist RINO representing Tennessee!!!
