Bill Hagerty Gets Tom Cotton Endorsement and Releases New TV Ad


U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty this week released a new television ad highlighting his business record, and that ad will run statewide.

“Now more than ever, we need business-minded leaders in the Senate to help get our economy going again and create more jobs for Americans. Just like President Trump, I have a proven track record of creating jobs, helping businesses expand and growing Tennessee’s economy to one of the strongest in the country,” Hagerty said in a press release.

“That’s why President Trump personally asked me to be on his advisory board to help rebuild our economy. In the Senate, I will continue to work with President Trump to bring our supply chains – especially manufacturing and medical supplies – back from China, eliminate burdensome regulations and cut taxes for our small businesses and workers. President Trump has given me his ‘complete and total endorsement’ because he needs more business-minded allies in the Senate.”

Also, in a separate press release, Hagerty announced that U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) had endorsed his candidacy.

“Senator Cotton is a true conservative leader, and there are a lot of issues we see eye-to-eye on: namely, China,” Hagerty said in the press release.

“Senator Cotton has been leading the way on calling out the Communist Chinese Party for what it is – an authoritarian regime that has lied repeatedly to the world about the Wuhan virus. I’m honored and humbled to have Senator Cotton’s support, and I look forward to working with him to protect our conservative values in the Senate.”

Cotton, meanwhile, tweeted this:

“I’m proud to join President Donald Trump in endorsing Bill Hagerty for U.S. Senate. Bill is a strong conservative who will take on China, support law enforcement and stand up for our military. He’s a leader we need in the Senate.”

As The Tennessee Star reported this week, Hagerty announced the Law Enforcement For Hagerty coalition, which includes over 30 members of Tennessee law enforcement who fully support Team Hagerty.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Tom Cotton” by Michael Vadon. CC BY 2.0.







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One Thought to “Bill Hagerty Gets Tom Cotton Endorsement and Releases New TV Ad”

  1. 83ragtop50

    My opinion of Tom Cotton has really taken a big hit this week. He needs to crawl back under his rock.
