Bill Hagerty Named to Advisory Board to Help Trump Reopen Economy


U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty of Tennessee announced Tuesday that he has been named to an advisory board that will help the president reopen the nation’s economy.

President Donald Trump is expected to make a formal announcement imminently on his plans to reopen the economy, but Hagerty revealed in a Tuesday statement that the president has asked him to help.

“I have always sought to answer the call to service, and in doing so, I’ve served my state as Commissioner of Economic and Community Development and served my country as the United States Ambassador to Japan. Now, President Trump has asked me to help on the economic advisory board. Team Hagerty will continue to volunteer in Tennessee as we fight the spread of the coronavirus and deal with its effects,” Hagerty said.

Hagerty will continue his Senate run while serving on the board and said he looks forward “to returning to the campaign trail soon.”

“I’m running for Senate because I want to fight for Tennessee families and preserve the American way of life we love so much. And right now, the best way for me to do that is to work alongside President Donald Trump to get our economy growing again,” he added.

The president said Monday that the White House is setting up “a number of different councils or committees” focused on reopening the economy and lifting the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.

“And we have a lot of smart people. I think that they will give us some also good advice. But, no, we want to be very, very safe. At the same time, we got to get our country open,” he said. “Our people want to get back to work, and I think there’s a pent-up demand like there hasn’t been in a long time.”

He said Tuesday evening that the “plans to reopen the country are close to being finalized” and the White House will “soon be sharing details and new guidelines with everybody.”


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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].







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9 Thoughts to “Bill Hagerty Named to Advisory Board to Help Trump Reopen Economy”

  1. Great choice! Why in the world would the president choose anti-capitalism democrats who, in many cases, would prefer not returning to work {if they even have a job} and just continue to collect unemployment? He obviously prefers smart, ambitious, accomplished people who actually want to help our country prosper after opening it back up in a safe and sensible way. #NoIgnorantTrolls

  2. Sim

    I agree, Hagerty is not the right person, he’s just another RINO like Alexander/Corker.

    Personally, I’m voting for Aaron Pettigrew, a working man who thinks like a working man.

  3. Angie Allmand

    You are seriously mistaken….show us your Democrat member card!!

  4. Silence Dogood

    Armchair Generals always know what the front line troops need, right? The President has asked for Tennessee Republicans to elect Bill and send him to the Senate. Alabama Republicans thought they knew better and Doug Collins became their Senator. Huge mistake. And we are so smart? Remember, we sent Alexander And Corker to Washington. And Bill Lee to the Governors mansion. Send Trump the person he asks for and move on to another election. Just saying….

  5. Concerned!

    Hagerty is a professional politician. He has worked his way up in the rakes of politics. He’s gone to the right parties, and played the game. And it appears someone has promoted him so that he has great favor with Trump. I believe the good people of Tenn. are waking up and realizing we want our leaders to be of the people and for the people. And even then its time “the People” watch and hold our leaders accountable. If my discernment is correct I would say Mr. Hagerty is not the right man for this seat in senate.

    1. 83ragtop50

      I am with you.

    2. Theresa

      You are a democrat, aren’t you. You sound like a professional victim.

      1. Nailed it! They don’t want the economy to re-open because they’ll have to go back to work.

    3. Wondering Woman

      Wondering if President is getting him close to get a good look at who Hagerty is before he’ll endorse him to replace Alexander who should have been replaced long ago, However that is true of most of the long term congressional members. We certainly don”t need to replace him with another one just like him. We have too many deep state establishment INSIDERS in Congress already. We need some more patriots like Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, John Ratcliffe, Mark Meadows to replace the deep state establishment INSIDERS who have been working against us and our nation, instead of for us.
