Bill Hagerty Warns About Democrats’ ‘Radical’ Immigration Agenda for Tennessee


Bill Hagerty, likely to run for Lamar Alexander’s U.S. Senate seat, warned Tennessee residents on his Twitter page that members of the Democratic Party have brought their immigration agenda to the Volunteer State.

“Democrats aren’t just pushing for their radical immigration policies on the national stage; it’s happening right here at home in TN. Nashville, like every city and town in America, should stand up for the rule of law,” Hagerty tweeted.

As The Tennessee Star reported this week, Nashville Mayor David Briley announced the city will not assist the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, if it can legally help it.

Briley took issue with HB 2315, a state law that prohibits state and local governmental entities and officials from adopting sanctuary city policies.

Briley called on the Metro Legal Director to explore all legal challenges to HB2315 that would result in the courts declaring it unconstitutional.

Briley said if courts do indeed overturn the law then Metro officials will, among other things, forbid Metro employees from helping U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers.

Metro employees, agents or agencies could also not request information from a person about their citizenship or immigration status unless state or federal law required it.

As reported, Hagerty was the 30th Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Japan and was sworn in on July 27, 2017, according to the embassy’s website.

Lamar Alexander announced last year he will not run again for the Senate.

President Donald Trump endorsed Hagerty’s potential Senate bid.

Vanderbilt surgeon Dr. Manny Sethi has previously announced his candidacy for Alexander’s seat. Former Gov. Bill Haslam recently said he would not run for the seat.

Hagerty’s previous jobs included serving as director of presidential appointments for Trump’s transition team as well as founder and managing director of Hagerty Peterson & Company, a private equity investment firm. He was a co-founder of the committee that is bidding to bring a Major-League Soccer franchise to Nashville.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “Tennessee Capitol” by Chris Connelly. CC BY 2.0.






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4 Thoughts to “Bill Hagerty Warns About Democrats’ ‘Radical’ Immigration Agenda for Tennessee”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported last week, Hagerty warned on Twitter that members of the Democratic Party have brought their immigration […]

  2. Kevin

    Hagerty is a RINO! Cut from the same cloth as Romney, Mitch McConnell and the entire Bush family! Talk about hypocrisy! Hagerty and his friends are as much to blame for the immigration issues in this county as Barry O, and Clinton cabal! And isn’t Hagerty the money behind the major league soccer team in Nashville? Sounds like a project right out of the “one world order” global initiative to replace American football with soccer.

    Check out this video of Hagerty,.

    And where does Hagerty get the right to claim that Trump endorsed him? If Trump was so high on Hagerty, why did Hagerty only get a job as the Ambassador to Japan? A man of Hagerty’s “brilliance” should have been in charge of

  3. Wolf Woman

    Came a little late to the party, didn’t you, Hagerty?

    Forgive me if I think this is a blatant appeal to Republican conservative base which you won’t hesitate to rescind if you ever win any government position.

  4. William

    Any conservative in Tennessee stupid enough to back Hagerty should have his or her head examined! He’s worried about the Dems radical immigration agenda but has never said a word about TIRRC’s radical agenda in Tennessee ! Guess it’s just an issue when he’s running for office! Is he going to also denounce his prominent buddies on the phony right in Tennessee that have pushed for the Gang of 8 legislation like his former boss Haslam and others? And let’s not forget he’s the guy that hired Samar Ali to work in the Haslam administration at the request of her father who chairs the Jerusalem Fund! If you don’t understand the significance of that let’s just say Rep.Omar of Minnesota would likely approve of the Fund and the hire!
    Remember as well Hagerty’s support for Mittens Romney and Jeb Bush! If you want another Corker or Alexander then you’ll be fine with Hagerty. However, if your a real American that loves the country you will be sorely disappointed!
    As for Trump’s endorsement recall that he endorsed Luther Strange in Alabama initially of Brooks or Moore! Endorsements are not his strong suit!
