Blackburn Campaign Releases Final Two Ads Prior to Election Day Highlighting Trump and Border Security

The Marsha Blackburn campaign for the U.S. Senate on Saturday released its final two television ads which will air in media markets across the state.

In an ad titled, “Closing,” U.S. Rep. Blackburn (R-TN-07) says, “As a World War II veteran’s daughter, I know America is always one generation from slipping away. I’m Marsha Blackburn. I’ll fight to build the wall, reclaim the Supreme Court, protect Trump’s tax cuts, and repeal Obamacare. Phil Bredesen, he won’t do any of that. I’m Marsha Blackburn and I approve this message because we won’t right America if we don’t fix what’s wrong.”

“I’m Marsha Blackburn, and I approve this message because we won’t right America if we don’t fix what’s wrong.”

“Closing” is available to watch here.

A second new ad is “We Need Marsha.” In the video, President Donald Trump says, “We need Marsha Blackburn to win. We need Marsha in the Senate to continue the amazing progress and work that we’ve done over the last year and a half. This November this is the state where America’s comeback will continue full speed ahead. We need Marsha. We will make America great again.”

“We Need Marsha” is available to watch here.

Speaking about the ads, Blackburn campaign manager Kevin Golden said, “Tennesseans expect their next senator to work with the Republican majority and the President to pass his agenda. Marsha Blackburn is the only candidate they can trust to do exactly that. She will work to stop illegal immigration, confirm constitutionalist justices who won’t legislate from the bench, cut taxes and repeal Obamacare. Marsha has stood with President Trump from the beginning, and in the Senate, she’ll continue to work with him on behalf of Tennessee families.”

“I’m Marsha Blackburn, and I approve this message.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes. 







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