Blackburn Gives Support to Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh in Response to Democrats’ Latest Smear Campaign


U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), one of two Republican women to ever serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee, is standing up for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

She made the following statement in response to unfounded claims of sexual assault and calls for impeachment against Kavanaugh:

“Americans watched in real time as Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation was twisted into a political circus that aimed to destroy a good man’s character. It is horrifying to see the media and Democrats try the same smear tactics a year after they failed the first time.

“The Democrats are merciless in their efforts to destroy our federal courts. Their threats to pack the Supreme Court are an explicit effort to further their radical agenda. Senate Republicans will not stand idly by and watch as Democrats destroy our nation’s highest court.

“Let me be clear: I will not stand by quietly while partisan attacks are used to corrupt due process.”

Last month, Blackburn joined her Republican colleagues to stand up for judicial independence and push back against Democrats’ radical court packing plan.

A growing number of Democratic presidential candidates are entertaining a push to add seats to the Supreme Court, as Republican success at filling the courts with judicial conservatives has infuriated progressive voters, The Tennessee Star reported.

The Senate Judiciary Committee last November released its final report of an investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, finding ‘no evidence’ to corroborate the claims.

Blackburn has been a supporter of Kavanaugh throughout the time the Democrats have attacked his character, from his confirmation hearings up to now.

Blackburn was ceremonially sworn in to the United States Senate by Justice Kavanaugh on January 3, 2019.

Last October when Kavanaugh was confirmed, Blackburn said, “Judge Brett Kavanaugh will make a fine Supreme Court Justice, and I applaud the Senate for confirming his nomination. After weeks of delay tactics and eleventh hour smear campaigns by the Democrats, I am thrilled to see he will serve the American people on the Supreme Court. I am disgusted by Democrats who are already discussing impeaching Judge Kavanaugh before he has even been sworn in.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.






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One Thought to “Blackburn Gives Support to Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh in Response to Democrats’ Latest Smear Campaign”

  1. […] in the week, Blackburn also voiced her support for Kavanaugh, The Tennessee Star reported. She reflected back on the Democrats’ smear campaign during the confirmation hearings, comparing […]
