Blackburn Rebukes Biden’s ATF Nominee Chipman’s Anti-Gun Agenda


During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) expressed concerns over President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), David Chipman.

“Mr. Chipman is willing to lie to push his anti-gun agenda. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives deserves a better leader. Americans deserve a better leader,” Blackburn said of the concerning statements made by Chipman.

Chipman has deep ties to various anti-gun organizations and leaders. He extensively served as a lobbyist for Everytown for Gun Safety — an organization that supports background checks for all gun sales by licensed dealers. Additionally, Chipman co-authored a blog for Giffords calling for 50 caliber rifles to be regulated under the National Firearms Act.

During his testimony before the committee, Chipman demonstrated that he wished to ban all manufacturing and sales of assault weapons. But, he provided an extremely vague definition of an “assault rifle” that could include common hunting rifles.

“Mr. Chipman has an agenda. It would be abridging our Second Amendment rights. It would be banning semi-automatic rifles and sporting rifles for those 15.5 million Americans who have a hunting license,” Blackburn argued.

Throughout the country, 16 states have constitutional carry laws for the residents. In a past online interview, Chipman described these laws as “frightening” and said it is a “fear we should avoid.”

“Roughly 4 in 10 Americans report having a registered firearm in their residence, and nearly every major study has found that firearms are used in self-defense between a half million and 3 million times each year. That is the right of American citizens. Mr. Chipman has demonstrated through his testimony that he will neither respect nor protect the right to bear arms,” Blackburn explained.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].


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8 Thoughts to “Blackburn Rebukes Biden’s ATF Nominee Chipman’s Anti-Gun Agenda”

  1. david yates

    Thanks for opposing this anti-gun nominee.

  2. Mark Knofler

    Wow, I actually agree with Marsha. We DO need a better leader, so I hope this means your not running for re-election…lol. As usual, strong words, no action from Sen. Blackburn. #VotetheBumsOut!

    1. Horatio Bunce

      Yes, all Team R delivers are these commission hearing dog and pony shows to get the “at this point what difference does it make” admissions of guilt, but no change. They play their role in the R vs D professional rasslin’ match. Hope you enjoyed the show…we have a big battle royale cage match coming up every four years…. it’s pay per view of course….blah, blah, blah.

  3. Steve Allen

    Somebody correct me if I’m wrong but background checks for sales made by licensed dealers is already mandatory.

  4. Tim Price

    Chipman is a typical liberal who will do anything to push his agenda.

    He has no integrity and no morals.

    He is a pawn in the game being played by liberal idiots.

  5. Karen

    Tennesseans deserve a better leader than RINO Marsha Blackburn! Tennesseans need a senator who does not break their promises like supporting the voter integrity act with senator Cruz! Tennesseans deserve a senator who rebukes GOP leader McConnell who attacks Trump supporters and Tennesseans that voted for Trump!

  6. Nancy

    Rino Marsha! Why didn’t you Rebuke never Trumper/Rino/Warmonger, Mitch McConnell after he attacked president Trump and his supporters? Why do you continually support McConnell over Tennesseans who overwhelmingly supported Trump and his conservative Policies? Marsha you have been in Washington since 2003, Please tell Tennesseans any legislation you originated and passed into law that helps everyday Tennesseans have a better life? Please retire, you have become a full time Senator for Mitch McConnell and Washington and a part time Senator for Tennesseans! Disappointed former supported of yours!

  7. Fkcommies

    If she would have done her part Jan 6th we would not be in this situation but let’s be honest politics can’t fix commies !
