Bob Corker ‘Proud’ of Alabama for Electing Radical Democrat Doug Jones to Senate Over Republican Roy Moore

Retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) was at it again on Wednesday, as Mediaite reported:

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), who thought Moore was unfit for the Senate even before the sexual assault allegations surfaced, told reporters that he was “proud” of Alabama:

“I know we’re supposed to cheer for our side of the aisle, if you will,” Corker said, “but I’m really, really happy with what happened for all of us in our nation, for people serving in the Senate, to not have to deal with what we were likely going to have to deal with should the outcome have been the other way.”

You can watch the video of Corker’s comments here.

Corker’s latest comments are not likely to improve his standing with Tennessee Republicans.

A recent poll published by the Chattanooga Times Free Press showed that the retiring senator is not very popular with Tennesseans overall, and that Democrats like Corker more than Republicans do:

Approval ratings for the president are starkly divided by party lines with 81 percent of Republicans approving and 86 percent of Democrats disapproving. Support for Haslam is more mixed, with approval from 43 percent of Democrats and 67 percent of Republicans.

Corker, R-Tenn., who in September announced he would not run for re-election, is less popular among voters. Only 40 percent of voters approve of Corker, with his popularity now significantly higher among Democrats (49 percent) versus 36 percent of Republicans.

The firm’s poll notes there was speculation about Corker’s ability to win re-election in 2018, and the results show that only 32 percent of respondents said they would vote for him.

As The Tennessee Star has reported, Corker has been a consistent critic of President Trump for the past year.

“An unhinged Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) attacked President Trump again on NBC’s Today Show Tuesday morning,” The Star reported back in October:

In a series of reckless comments, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee undermined both President Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson once more. This time, Corker used the term “kneecap” instead of “public castration.”

“When you have the kind of issue we’re dealing with in North Korea where we have a very unstable leader there, when you send out tweets into the region to raise tensions, when you kneecap your Secretary of State whose diplomacy you have to depend upon, when you kneecap that effort, you really move our country into a binary choice which could lead to a world war,” Corker told Today Show host Matt Lauer.

Earlier in the month, The Star reported, “A reckless Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) undermined President Trump and American foreign policy once again on Friday with a stunningly irresponsible statement made during an interview with the Washington Post,” adding:

“You cannot publicly castrate your own secretary of state without giving yourself that binary choice,” Corker told the Post.

Corker described his use of “binary choice” language by stating the president was “creating scenarios in which the United States might be forced to choose between waging war on North Korea or Iran or allowing those countries to threaten the U.S. with nuclear weapons,” Politico reported.

Last month, Corker “called on Republican Roy Moore to withdraw from the U.S. Senate race in Alabama after unsubstantiated allegations of sexual harassment more than 30 years ago were made against him,” The Star reported:

But on Thursday, Corker refused to call for any punitive actions against Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) after photographic evidence substantiated a more recent claim of sexual harassment brought against him by a woman who was on a 2006 USO tour of Afghanistan with the former Saturday Night Live comic.

“I receive these kinds of questions every day about all kinds of things and I just — I don’t really have a lot — I don’t know enough . . . I just, again, I just don’t want to be weighing in on these things every day when I know nothing about them,” Corker told The Intercept when asked about the conduct of his friend and Senate colleague from Minnesota.


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11 Thoughts to “Bob Corker ‘Proud’ of Alabama for Electing Radical Democrat Doug Jones to Senate Over Republican Roy Moore”

  1. Brian

    MSNBC’s favorite “Republican” strikes again.

    Can’t wait for this liberal scum to be gone. Then he can return to his old job of being the measuring stick for how tall you have to be to ride the Tilt A Whirl at the carnival.

  2. Sim

    Trump has give Kim Jong a “binary choice”, don’t threaten the US and go on living,
    or become a threat and get wiped off the face of the earth.

    People like Kim only understand “Superior Force”, coming from someone who is not afraid to use that force.

  3. Bob

    I trust the good people of Alabama know what to do in these situations. Their governor can appoint a republican should anything happen to Jones.

  4. Stuart I. Anderson

    Corker being Corker as we approach another election can serve as an inspiration for conservatives to pledge “NEVER AGAIN.” We simply must do everything we can to elect PROVEN conservatives to every office they seek. CARR-BLACKBURN-GREEN-MATHENY, we are rich in candidates, now all we have to do is turn that wealth into victories.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Blackburn – really?

      She sure comes across as wishy-washy (e.g. moderate) when questioned about difficult topics.

      1. Stuart I. Anderson

        She’s a veritable Gen. Patton after you’ve heard or checked the voting record of Stephen Fincher. Those are our two choices unless you want to speculate on some no record candidate who regards U. S. Senator as an entry level position. As for me, I’ll vote for Marsha.

  5. Darryl C

    YES… corker IS bought & Paid for by the “globalists”

  6. Jim Forsythe

    Corker is a total jerk! He should go ahead and join his political party of choice: the democrats.

  7. Kevin B

    Truly unbelievable! Wonder how Corker would feel if people had failed to re elect him over allegations of financial misconduct?

    “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”

  8. Randall

    I guess Corker got his 30 silver coins

    1. 83ragtop50

      He and McConnell are quite the pair.
