Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game


Alecia Kitts drove an hour and a half from Marietta to Logan, Ohio to watch her son’s football game.

In the first quarter she was approached by an officer from the Logan Police Department because she was not wearing a mask.

The video below shows the three-minute encounter between Kitts and the officer.

According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the above video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her.  Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask.

“There is no reason to tase someone and arrest them for not wearing a mask,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy also pointed out the female officer who is shown running toward the Logan officer and Kitts at the end of the video was not wearing a mask – pulling one out of her pocket as she was in pursuit.

“Alecia’s mom said that when the officer tased her, the current went through the bleachers and zapped the kid sitting there too.”

Kitts appears to be socially distanced from others in the crowd and sitting with her family. “There were only 25 or 30 fans from our town on our side,” said Kennedy.

The Logan Police Department declined comment and sent an inquiry to Captain Ryan Gabriel. The Ohio Star left a message with Captain Gabriel and will report back after making contact.

Alecia Kitts was contacted but had not returned comment before press time.

Sources indicate that Kitts was charged with criminal trespass and released on her own recognizance.

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Jack Windsor is Managing Editor and an Investigative Reporter at The Ohio Star. Windsor is also an Investigative Reporter at WMFD-TV. Follow Jack on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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277 Thoughts to “Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game”

  1. Michelle Steeves

    This is Tyranny!!

  2. Carol Putman

    A person with asthma would not have enough breath to wrestle around or continually scream. I hate masks n I have breathing problems because of CHF but if it’s required I wear it. I won’t fight or argue.

  3. Wolf

    Yes she could have been arrested for trespass only after being informed she was tresspassing, and officer cannot solicitate a tresspass, so who informed her.
    You s are not required to give medicine proof of your condition, she may be able to tell scream, what ever and still have asthma. You are anybody else has no idea of her condition I would suspect she was not having an asthma attack at that particular moment, and if she was the mask would make it more difficult to breath, point is she has a reason that excluded her from wearing one, and was only charged with trespass later, she will now have a civil suit against the school and police.

  4. Renee

    Comply like a heard of cattle?..lol
    This is absolutely rediculous she is outside she was 6 feet away from people and watching her child play ball.
    How far are they going to go? Wear a mask..no church…no worship…no festivals ..soon they will be coming in our homes and taking our bibles..our children because we dont “comply”
    Wake up people

    1. Bill Rice, Jr.

      In Australia, the police came into a mother’s home and arrested her (in front of her children to everyone’s shock and dismay) for the “crime” of making a post on social media (she was trying to organize a peaceful protest against these crazy COVID restrictions).

      This arrest was also videotaped (as were arrested of a pregnant mother sitting on a park bench – with her mask and two elderly citizens taking a breather on a park bench – with one of them not wearing a mask).

      These are not isolated incidents anymore.

      BTW, a simple Google search should allow you to find these videos. Zero Hedge ran stories with the videos. I don’t know why more sites haven’t picked up this story (or maybe I do. Perhaps it’s “unacceptable” for most mainstream media sites to publish such shocking truths?

    2. AUNT Sam

      Cindy! Actually, no one has to wear a mask anytime/anywhere they don’t want to, medical/mental health condition or not. Forcing someone to wear a mask/face covering is 100% a violation of the First and Fourth Amendments. I am not going to use my precious time explaining what those are for you. I’ve done my homework…u need to do yours. It is our DUTY as citizens of this nation to not only not comply with illegal, unconstitutional mandates, but to remove those who seek to violate those GOD-NOT-GOVERNMENT given rights. If the German people used critical thinking skills, six million Jewish people would not have been murdered. I, for one, REFUSE to ‘get in the cattle car’ to go to the vaccination camp!

  5. Mark

    Criminal trespass? That is what that rent-a-cop will be charged with along with kidnapping, unlawful arrest/detention, etc. If that was school property, it falls under federal jurisdiction under Title IX rules. Unlawful executive orders are not lawful orders and are null and void. Constitutional freedoms were abridged! Use a Constitutional lawyer to fight this in a Title III federal court.

  6. Joe blow

    Hey, don’t break the law and you will be fine……..

    1. Ashley

      It’s not a freaking law, genius, it’s a mandate. They are two completely different things!

    2. Alfar Kynwulf

      Laws come from legislature. When did the legislature pass such a law?

    3. PAUL G

      Hey don’t make laws that infringe upon a person’s God given rights and we will be fine… Your name fits you Joe

    4. ValMH

      It isn’t a law…it’s a recommendation/mandate which,nin many states, recognizes the fact that some people can not tolerate masks due to medical conditions.

    5. Bill Rice, Jr.

      You say “the law” – that’s highly questionable. I’m sure this cop was enforcing some executive order or emergency order of some mayor or the governor. I doubt seriously this “law” was passed by a majority of the House and Senate in Ohio and then “signed into law” by the governor. When governors or mayors can single-handedly impose “laws” on the population, they are really dictators. Sure, they’ll say it’s for “safety” but just about anything and everything can be labeled as “promoting safety.” Or: “national security” or: “The environment.” Take your pick. Anyway, always “follow these laws” and obey the Man.

    6. SWalker

      Hail Hitler. All rounding up the Jews were doing it legally. Being outside without a mask is not harming anyone. America was built on people that refused to comply with immoral laws. Turn off your tv. Babylon only lies to you.

    7. Chris Madder

      You need to thank God you do not suffer from asthma, after about 30 minutes of wearing a mask, most asthmatics will be having a full blown attack. So are you saying that the lady should wear the mask regardless of what it does to her physically just to keep you happy? Shame on you.

    8. Anonymous

      It’s not a law

    9. Brutus Antifederlest

      If the law was to walk around with your thumb stuck up your back side would you follow it?

      It is documented, in clinical medical studies, several years ago, that the virus will pass right through the mask. CDC Admits they do not work for viruses.

      Clinical studies prove that more bacteria are spread by those wearing a mask than by those not.

      Clinical studied prove they do indeed have an adverse affect on the person wearing them.

      Crack a book!


    10. me

      Its not the law. Never has been never will beIt’s an infringement on our constitutional rights. That entire department should be sued.

      1. me

        Oops never will be. It’s an infringement

    11. Dawn

      Hey – she has asthma and wants to see her son play ball. Guess she has to stay home for the season, that stinks! Maybe someone should volunteer to tape it for her so she can watch it at home….would you?

    12. Matthew Boswell

      Name the LAW moron. Nobody voted these requirements into effect, they are not law.

    13. Debra Anderson

      there is no mask law….

    14. Redslayer

      It’s not a law! So there’s that..

    15. Katya

      But don’t touch the damn kid. Hope this police get punished. Or whatever

    16. Jerry

      Not wearing a mask is NOT a criminal offense. There is no law that says you have to wear a mask and if there was one it would eventually be declared unconstitutional.

    17. Allen

      There is no law requiring You to wear a mask. That’s why they charged her with criminal trespass.

    18. Kevin Foster

      There is No law requireing anyone to wear a mask!!!

    19. dennodogg68

      …..are they “laws” yet? After this length of time, these types of ” laws ” should be codified and enacted by state legislature. Make these politicians take a stand and publicly vote either yes or no. Cities and towns may pass ordinances…make them accountable also. These ordinances are not crimes, they are civil violations. We’re almost into 8 months of this garbage and tese types of incidents will start getting worse if we don’t hold the politicians that made this b.s. up accountable.

    20. Chris

      There is no LAW in effect that says you have to wear a mask!!

    21. L.McDaniel

      A. I don’t think there is a law concerning the wearing of masks. Correct me if I’m wrong.
      B. The woman is asthmatic and wearing a mask makes breathing difficult for her. She was distanced from other people in the stands.

    22. ck

      you’re a coward

      we have a constitutional right to fresh air

    23. Brenda Ladd

      It’s actually not a law and she a medical reason for not wearing one. Also, they were outside and distanced.

    24. Lori

      It’s not a law!!! Try again!!!!

    25. Tim

      READ a history book for God sake. Tyrannical laws must be challenged or

      it leads to more tyrannany.
      Mask dont even work inside and wearing them outside is plain stupid. If she was wearing a BLM shirt they would not have touched her.

      1. AUNT Sam

        If u can smell a fart thru your mask, a virus can get through your mask! It’s time to wake up and smell the farts, sheeple!

        And, can u honestly say that the mask/face covering u use has ZERO gaps where air can easily get in? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤬

    26. Bridgit Frostad

      It’s just a mask right
      It’s just a vaccine
      It’s just a app
      It’s just a chip
      It’s just line ups
      It’s just for our safety
      It’s just till we flatten the curve
      It’s just a badge
      It’s just for a little while
      It’s just a train

    27. Doc Moebius

      Hey, Einstein, it Ain’t no law. Plus, it’s stupid to wear one because THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.

      Go back to you moms basement….

    28. john

      Hey Joe!
      Mask law??? nope!

    29. Kim

      It’s NOT A LAW!!! It’s only a mandate and not mandatory if you have a medical condition!!

    30. Paula

      There is no facemask law lol.

    31. KStarr

      Obviously you don’t understand that it’s not a law!!! Only Congress can pass a law!!! Not a city government!!! And why wasn’t the female rent a cop not wearing a mask? You can see her in the video pull one out of her pocket!!!

    32. Mary Jane

      It’s not the law. Executive orders are not Law. Also, she has a medical condition which allows her to not wear a mask, and not have to say why, due to HIPPA. And, she is outside, in the open air, and way further than 6 feet away from others. This is a huge overstep by these law personal. This should never have happened. They handled it poorly.

    33. Sarah

      Wearing masks are NOT laws. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    34. Usunder53

      Mask is not a law It is violating your right

  7. Cindy

    This is BS. On both sides of the fence. Rent-a-cop abusing his authority. And people with asthma wouldn’t be hollering and fighting like that without having at least a mild attack. If you think you can’t breathe with asthma, imagine how you’re going to feel if you get COVID. You may never breathe again. I know lots of people who have asthma, and many of them wore masks outside long before this mess hit, because the pollen and pollution triggered their asthma.

    1. Lynny Nutt

      This comment is beyond the pale and ignorant.

    2. Snow

      Actually he’s an officer with Logan Police Department so get it right. NOT A RENT A COP.

      1. Brutus Antifederlest

        Rent a cop or no, when an illegal law is enforced the enforcer is liable.

        Why are so may lawyers defending mask cases for free?

        The mask is for conditioning.


      2. Jerr

        Was he on duty at the time or moonlighting? Regardless, what he did was totally unprofessional and smacks of racism. If he had been white and she had been black they’d have to start another riot about it.

    3. michelle magee

      Not true, some asthma is allergy related, some phyically induced, so there is that.

    4. Nick Gardner

      You don’t know anything about asthma. There’s a BIG difference between “hollaring” and bathing your own CO2.

    5. Catherine

      Very well said!!!!

    6. jeff

      You don’t know how asthma works , so keep your ill informed comment about it to yourself.

    7. Carol Leigh Gordon

      You apparently know very little about asthma. There are different triggers for asthma and not a one size fits all! I have an adult son that struggles wearing a mask especially in heat. For all you know this woman could have had an asthma attack afterwards when her adrenaline subsided. Sideline doctors should really not comment on someone’s medical conditions.

    8. MSG Liberty

      Not true on the asthma. I can work out, run, skydive, hike, and compete in mixed martial arts without having an attack. Let me eat the wrong food, get around hair spray or perfume, or wear a mask and it sets it off almost every time. I know because I am a gunsmith and masks are necessary in my work. I can only wear very specific masks and then only for a short time. Plus I’m 6’2″ 270 so there’s more of me to move around.

      Masks for Covid, outdoors, separated, are bullspit.

    9. GI Joe

      You’re so full of sh1t Doc!

    10. Bill Daniels

      He was doing his job and if lady don’t like the rules keep her ass at home !!! Guess they don’t care how they do it up north

    11. Audrey Wright

      Using a taser on a woman sitting innocently and watching her son’s football game JUST BECAUSE she wasn’t wearing a mask OUTDOORS is a criminal act in my books!

      I have asthma and wear a mask if requested to do so – but it does affect me, so ditch it asap especially outdoors away from people.

      A taser can kill. This officer was way out of line – just saying!

    12. Anita

      It’s not a law it’s called a mandate there is a difference…. A law is you must wear a seat belt don’t run the red light you’ll get a ticket. I am so sick and tired of mask police.. if you are wearing your, she’s not wearing one shouldn’t be a problem. also I have asthma and I don’t wear one, I can’t breathe and then I go into a panic attack. There are many reason medically a person doesn’t wear one. Until you are in their shoe’s stop being judgemental. Stay in your own lane …..

    13. Tammy

      I think you’re confusing asthma with allergies dear

    14. Patty Bowden

      People with asthma don’t go around in a full asthmatic attack all the time. Masks trigger attacks, which can close up your airway.

    15. becky

      Asthma doesnt keep you from yelling- idiot!

    16. Patriotic American

      How dare you call him a Rent A Cop! Show respect for authority. Just comply and you won’t get arrested for committing a crime.

    17. Puddin Tane

      Covid has a 99% recovery rate dummy.

  8. greg smith

    There are a few things left out of the video, LIke the women being asked to either put her mask on or leave school property. She refused to leave, and was charged with Trespassing, The statement that she was charged for not wearing a mask is false, Refuse to leave, resist arrest, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    1. Jas Par

      “According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the above video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her. Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask.”

      Learn to read, Greggy.

      1. Snow

        She was asked – there’s about 5 minutes before Tiffany started recording where she was asked multiple times and was very rude and disgusting.

      2. Oliver lee

        She was warned before the game started. The warning is everyone must where a mask to be on here. The problem is not everyone taking it serious.

        1. Doc Moebius

          It isn’t serious. Look at the data – there is no pandemic, and never was one. Besides, masks don’t stop viruses. Oh, and viruses aren’t contagions.

          Liberals have gone full retard. Look at the death rate of Covid – it’s 99.9% survivable. TB kills a million a year, and that’s no pandemic. People, wake up, and stop being so stupid,

      3. Lee James

        That’s “according” to a very biased source. Jassy…

      4. A J Whyte

        Who gives a damn! Comply with the officers request or get tased! Hell at least she wasn’t shot! Y’all only upset cause karen ass was accosted by a BLACK POLICE OFFICER!🤣🤣😂🤷🏽‍♀️

        1. Tammy

          There you go….making it a race issue. Why you do dat???

      5. Nneka layne

        Learn to listen he said there are parts missing that she was asked and that’s what she was charged with. Statement stands play stupid games get stupid prizes. She also looked to the person video taping and said we’re in this together right how many times have we done this. Hmmmm wonder how you’d feel if they where black

      6. Katie

        He came to warn her and she refused. He asked her to leave the property as the rules set forth by the governor. She refused. She refused the order set forth by the governor of the state. She wouldn’t comply. He needed to detain her. He keeps saying he wasn’t arresting but detaining. Then she fought him and refused. She was arrested for trespassing. It’s all nonsense but if we allow the governor to set forth these rules, we have to abide by them or we are asked to leave. If we refuse than we are held accountable for that action. Even if the law is dumb fighting and officer and resisting arrest is not going to be the answer.

      7. Angie

        Doesn’t matter if she had asthma or not this was completely uncalled for. When is this madness going to stop??

      8. JC

        I’m not an expert on Asthma so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know people with Asthma breathe fine unless they are having an Asthma attack.

      9. Mya haymon

        You sound goofy anyone I know that has asthma is going to wear a mask because they don’t want to catch Covid and the way she was wrestling and screaming like that she would have been breathing really heavy and would have just gave up me and my brother both have asthma so I know

      10. Sue smith

        Hey “Jassy”…if she truly “had asthma” her hollering and carrying on, would’ve more than likely triggered an attack….use common sense “Jassy”

    2. Roxanne Skapple

      1. Was that not a public school? How can she be trespassing on public property?
      2. Was she not social distancing, sitting outside with only her family?
      3. Mask wearing OUTSIDE is simply ridiculous, if social distancing.
      4. Were you actually there, Greg? And witnessed the entire event yourself?
      5. I’d be upset too if I was being forced to miss my son’s football game after traveling 1 and 1/2 hours to watch him play.
      6. She should not have resisted. That never is an answer…but then again civil disobedience is the only way to bring to light such draconian measures taken by the police.

      1. Niclaudia

        Should’ve done what the officer told her to do 🤷🏽‍♀️.

        1. Mark

          Had it been a reasonable request and not treated like a command, I would agree. Since that’s not the case, she was absolutely right to defend her rights.

          This is a case of someone who should’ve kept looking while going through the job classifieds.

      2. Robert frenzel

        Of course all this police miss action has an ulterior motive. The creation of a complete police state in the whole country.theyre not just causing all this national uprising bt accident..their pushing the envelope to have martial law.

      3. Not A Sheep

        If you were at the game and witnessed this woman being kidnapped by this POS who thought this was an acceptable response to this woman not wearing a mask and you allowed it either because you agreed with or through inaction if you didn’t agree you are the problem and the reason shit like this continues to happen. Our rights are not being taken away from us we are giving them away when we fail to act when we witness to these things and fail to stand up as a United whole and refuse to allow a punk with a badge to kidnap a woman right in front of us. And yes he kidnapped that woman as he has no valid reason to restrain and forcibly remove her. If you see any justification on the officers part in this video, then you and those like you will be the reason the great republic ceases to exist and the US will soon resemble NAZI Germany. Every dictatorship that has come to power and went on to kill millions of people were able to do so through hundreds if not thousands of incidents like this were good men failed to act and by the time they worked up to courage it was to late. We should never fear our government to include their paid bullies, it is the government that should fear us. Public safety or whatever they are claiming as justification does not supersede my or anyone’s god given rights and recognized by our constitution (it’s the section known as “The Bill of Rights”). I’m pretty sure it’s written in there somewhere that we are protected against false imprisonment, and there’s a little something about being able to live and travel without the threat of being harassed or otherwise as we are a free nation. I think it’s time we started teaching the constitution and exactly what it says and how it protects us from this garbage. I took an Oath to defend the constitution 25 years ago with no expiration date against all enemies foreign and Domestic! You people should be ashamed of yourselves for not standing up and protecting this woman!

      4. Absolutely agree! Total insanity! Who exactly was she putting in danger?

      5. Mark

        Disobeying a command from authority is the correct action if the law you’re accused of breaking is unjust. Refusing to leave a segregated restaurant for being the wrong color – right. Refusing to disperse when a riot is declared – wrong. Refusing to submit to arrest when you’re accused of selling drugs or drunk driving – wrong. Refusing to submit to arrest because someone didn’t like how you’re dressed – right.

      6. Diane

        Is it public property or school property? If the authorities at the school required the public to wear masks at their sporting events, then the police had the authority to remove her from the property.

      7. Natural

        We need to arrange a big protest !!!
        No masks of course!

      8. AJ

        You have a right to resist an unlawful arrest…this criminal case is going nowhere, but a civil case against the police probably would.

    3. john

      Speaking of stupid, you didn’t read the comment about her having asthma, did you., That is why she was not wearing a mask. So I guess you want her to die wearing a mask, right…moron

      1. Joe

        Thats fucking bullshit. I have asthma and wear a fucking mask.

        1. CATRYNA WHITE

          Sorry, but you represent your own self and not anyone else. Stop judging.

      2. Dave

        When someone is trespassed, they have to be physically informed that they are trespassing and if it continues, they CAN be arrested. I’ve been a Law Enforcement Officer for nearly 20 years. I hate to say this but many officers who become SRO’s (School Resource Officers) usually we’re poor patrol officers and are looking for an easy job… these are officers with poor officer safety tactics and usually overreact to situations because they lack experience and common sense. There was a better way to handle this situation.

      3. Janice Fox

        That woman could not fight and yell and resist arrest if she had asthma as bad as they think she did. She should be ashamed of herself for acting like that at her son’s football game. She shouldn’t have resisted arrest. And the woman with the cell phone just happened to sit in the perfect place making very soft comments ad if this whole thing was a set up for attention and to push the idea we should not have to wear masks. What a joke!

        1. Mark

          Don’t act like you know anything about breathing problems when you’re obviously oblivious and uninformed. 🤦‍♂️

      4. dion

        Should of just comply. Wouldn’t of happened

      5. Brenda Joyce

        People with asthma can wear masks. That is a BS excuse. There are medical professionals who have asthma that wear masks all day, and half my family members have asthma and they wear masks out in public. This woman’s biggest risk of triggering an asthma attack came from resisting arrest for trespassing.

      6. Porsche'Lugar

        Without a mask she can catch covid and die. She should wear the damn mask or stay home

    4. Irunsofast

      He’s usually not like that, though I’ve been pushed around by the same fellow many years ago. Some are saying rent a cop, I see. No, he’s been the high school security officer many years.

      1. Mark

        “Security officer” = rent-a-cop
        That he’s allowed to carry handcuffs and a taser without proper training is 🤯.

    5. JD

      Greg’s one of them special kind of stupid

    6. PAUL

      And Greg you will be the type that lines up for the gas chamber when told to do so. Just keep being complaint with authoritarian mini-dictators.

    7. Mama Bear

      She was watching a game outside for goodness sake. She has asthma and was social distancing with her family. There is no reason she should have ever been asked to leave. If people are so concerned and put so much faith in a piece of cloth, then maybe they should be the ones who don’t attend.

    8. John Decrick

      I think Greg smith does drugs!!

    9. Sharon Gustaitis

      Why was she asked to leave. I mean, how can you trespass while watching a live football game at school (PUBLIC) property. I hope she sues the shorts off of all of them.

    10. Wdtony

      You summed up everything I was going to write.

    11. Mike G

      go f yourself, suck stupid totalitarian dick get same

    12. Mike G

      Where are your papers, your papers are not in order. No, you are required to wear the mark of the fuhrer by your masters. We are all in this together, you commie sob

    13. Mark

      You can’t be “trespassing” at a public event on public property, particularly when you’re the parent of a youth participant in the event. The request for her to leave was unreasonable and she was right to refuse. He then instigated an assault on patrons and will undoubtedly face proper disciplinary action.

      That said, further context would be appreciated. Was she denied entry for not wearing a mask but pushed her way through anyway? Assuming the student body was charging admission, did she not pay? Did the officer make any attempt to remedy the situation by offering her a mask if she didn’t have one? Did she have one but refuse to wear it because she’s already social distancing while in the bleachers? (In that scenario, forcibly removing her actually did more to spread infection! 🤦‍♂️)
      All-in-all, there are VERY few unlikely possibilities which put the officer in the right of it at all.

    14. Bee

      Your an idiot and you are getting inline with all the other sheep! We are tax paying citizens and build these schools. School is public property and this was outdoors!!!! People need to wake up before all of our rights are taken from us! This covid stuff is just a political bunch of crap and people are falling for it! Grow up and wake up or heck just keep on sleeping

    15. Laurie Hallum

      Who cares that’s unnecessarily, why wasn’t the lady officer asked to leave ? She should and probably will sue thier pants off . You can’t make someterán a mask with a medical condition. It’s Just not right !

    16. Vanessa

      No body cares about the facts. People only care about what they see.

  9. Brian Lochte

    I smell a giant lawsuit where is the press on this one black officer 1 white female wow

    1. Justin

      Consodering the mask thing isnt a law but only a mandate its illegal.for them to arrest her.

    2. Bee

      I pray she wins and this cop is fired! Amen

  10. Chance Ash

    I don’t understand why people don’t just comply? Don’t we respect police? #BlueLivesMatter


    1. Scott Asbjornsen

      Comply to an illegal order?

      1. Lee James

        Look up “Criminal Trespass” before calling people out. Once warned to leave, if you stay, YOU ARE TRESSPASSING. So, to you all, who is the moron now? Look in the mirror if you can’t figure it out!

      2. Bob Loblaw

        You mean, an illegal order like when they tell people they can’t peacefully protest, a constitutionally protected right? An illegal order, like when they stop a car and shoot someone for having a legally registered gun with a concealed carry permit? An illegal order, like when they interfere with and destroy the supplies of street medics? Illegal orders like that, you mean?

      3. Dennis Fitzgerald

        Yes and deal with the illegal order in court… 🙂

    2. GI Joe

      Respect is earned, not given.

    3. Saoirse

      Just comply. Oh, aren’t you special? Just obey, cattle.

      Chance Ash–try to keep up: There is NO law. There is NO law requiring masks. ALL of these “mandates” by POS governors across this country are unconstitutional. Anyone who supports this tyranny is a collaborator with evil–and as such, utterly repulsive.

    4. Michael McNeely

      Better police for a better police state. Or how about we go completely Judge Dredd and kill everyone who breaks even a minor law. You authoritarian apologists make me sick! I hope she sues and wins big!

    5. LMcD

      I don’t know why people don’t just mind their own business. She was away from everyone other than her own family. Have people become afraid of their own shadow??

    6. Amanda Hansen

      Ghaaaaaaa😂😂😂would if they did what was asked of them..to protect,make us feel safe,defend the USA,…etc…then in response to ignorant,if they did so,humans wouldn’t be disrespecting….eye for an eye I suppose…maybe not my first go to….yet at this point,may be the only solution to all the ignorance and need for power through any means necessary..#our country#respect isnomore#valuesnmorals=WHAT??#earnitdontdemandshit#I❤usa

    7. Danielle

      I respect the police, but he had no reason to arrest her in the first place. This country is a joke right now with the riots, the fires and so much more. Also she has asthma. This is what the CDC said, “Can you be medically exempt from wearing a face mask? According to the CDC, “cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.”

      She was socially distanced from everyone, but her family. I really do hope the cop gets put on leave because he not only embarrassed her in front of the whole crowd, but her son and the team.

    8. Wendy

      I agree. People are asked to comply and when you don’t, there are consequences

    9. Dan

      I respect police, not bullies!

  11. Kerry West

    Sue, Sue, Sue

  12. Mark Conboy

    What angers Me more is Not One Of Those Fellow Americans Stood Up and Actually Stepped Forward to Defend The Rights of Another American!
    There may only be Once in a Fleeting Moment in anyone’s Life that They have the Opportunity to Stand for Liberty and What is Right! They ALL knew what was Right but CHOSE Not to act! They are Cowards of The Worst Kind!

    1. SK

      100 Percent agree!!!! Not a damn one stood up for this woman! Every one there should have removed their masks and said come and get us!!! This is such BS!!! This is still a free country and these damn mask mandates are nothing more than a grab for power and control!! Look how easily these sheep just lie down and go BAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

    2. Tim

      Exactly! The other people should have come to her defense.

    3. Lee James

      Right. And YOU would have gotten someone killed.

    4. Bill Rice, Jr.

      That bothered me too. The “home of the brave” has become the home of compliant, meek sheep.

    5. Vanessa

      The same cowards stand by and watch a multitude of black men get shot for something simple like a parking ticket. At least she got a tase and not a bullet.

    6. Danny Flippin

      Maybe they didn’t wanna get tased too

    7. KLM

      That is what I was thinking when I watched this video. Only the man in the white shirt sorta did something when she got tased. If everyone thought it was ridiculous, then why not say something?!

    8. John Johnsn

      Obey the police and these don’t happen. At least they didn’t kneel on her neck.


      That is exactly the first thing that came to my mind; the cowardliness of those watching, but complaining about the situation. Talk is cheap. If those people had banded together and confronted the officer, you can bet he would have backed down just by the sheer numbers of people getting in his face.

    10. Well said – we have been socially conformed to think we need masks that do no good against the virus, and now people sit and watch as our freedom is being taken away. Wake up!! We need to fight back America!

    11. Brooke

      That’s what upset me, too. Thanks for saying it.

    12. Cindy

      Amen I would have done anything and everything to stop that craziness and may have even gone to jail with her……This is truly crazy and we need to stop it, all over our country-the world. If it isn’t obvious what is trying to be done to us as people I don’t know how we will get through to those who believe in and support this mess. Our freedoms, our privacy, our independence, our right to go to church and so much more is being taken from us and we have to unite! GOD blesses everyone with sight and faith but one has to choose to accept it.

  13. Tom Cox

    I hope this mask thuggery costs all the thugs and their employers a great deal of money and educates them as to the limits of their power.

    1. Vanessa

      But she didn’t comply with the officer. Why is she not dead like the others?

      1. GEAH

        Why aren’t people rioting in response to the abuse?

  14. Steve Menice Sr

    I smell a mega lawsuit!!

  15. CharlaStar

    Police want our support, then they go and do unconstitutional things like this. You can’t have it both ways. Either you support your oath to defend and protect out Constitution, or you are the enemy.

    1. Dooley

      Why can’t people just follow the rules? Why do people challenge Law Enforcement? They are only doing their jobs. Over time it will come out for lessons learned, just like in war. Act like our Greatest Generation and learn from life and possible mistakes. An example is using a personal server to do Classified Business on a regular Server, Laptop for Federal Government Use. Bottom line, lessons learned from all the investigations.

      1. Doctor Moebius

        Because illogical, immoral and illegal rules should NEVER be followed. That’s how tyrants steal our freedom.

        Don’t be such a SIMP! Grow some balls, learn to Question Authority, and when your freedom is being attacked, FIGHT BACK.

        You should be ashamed of whomever allowed you to have such thoughts. Blame your parents.

    2. Saoirse

      Agree completely, CharlaStar.

    3. Charles G

      Poor Americans so blinded by their individual rights can’t see the sacrifice that is required for the common good.

      For someone who has asthma she did pretty well resisting arrest and shouting at the top of her voice.

    4. Doctor Moebius


      Cops enabling corrupt Democrat governors, who have betrayed their oath, should be arresting the governors. Enforcing illogical, immoral, and illegal mask mandates is the LAST thing cops should be doing, unless they want the public to hate them forever. These Covid Fraud perpetrating Demons are a scourge on America.


    5. Matt

      Of course you can have it both ways. Support the vast majority of the police who enforce the law appropriately and oppose the actions of the few officers who act inappropriately.
