Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game


Alecia Kitts drove an hour and a half from Marietta to Logan, Ohio to watch her son’s football game.

In the first quarter she was approached by an officer from the Logan Police Department because she was not wearing a mask.

The video below shows the three-minute encounter between Kitts and the officer.

According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the above video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her.  Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask.

“There is no reason to tase someone and arrest them for not wearing a mask,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy also pointed out the female officer who is shown running toward the Logan officer and Kitts at the end of the video was not wearing a mask – pulling one out of her pocket as she was in pursuit.

“Alecia’s mom said that when the officer tased her, the current went through the bleachers and zapped the kid sitting there too.”

Kitts appears to be socially distanced from others in the crowd and sitting with her family. “There were only 25 or 30 fans from our town on our side,” said Kennedy.

The Logan Police Department declined comment and sent an inquiry to Captain Ryan Gabriel. The Ohio Star left a message with Captain Gabriel and will report back after making contact.

Alecia Kitts was contacted but had not returned comment before press time.

Sources indicate that Kitts was charged with criminal trespass and released on her own recognizance.

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Jack Windsor is Managing Editor and an Investigative Reporter at The Ohio Star. Windsor is also an Investigative Reporter at WMFD-TV. Follow Jack on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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277 Thoughts to “Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game”

  1. Joe Road

    The rent a cop won’t get in trouble because of the legal caste system created by the civil rights act. Two things she wasn’t burning the flag or rioting. He’s black she’s a white woman no problem here!

  2. Scott

    Of course you can be trespassed for being on public property. People are trespassed all the time from public stores, dining establishments and yes, schools. She was arrested because she had conditons not to be there. Not for the absence of a mask. Stop drinking the media kool aid BS.

  3. GI Joe

    Respect is earned, not given.

  4. Mike Pittaro

    I’ll make this simple for everyone:

    Mandatory masks violate the First Amendment right to speech, assembly, and especially association and mandatory masks violate a person’s constitutional right to liberty and to make decisions about their own health and bodily integrity. … After all, we do not have a constitutional right to infect others.”Jul 22, 2020

    1. Bill Rice, Jr.

      We DO have a Constitutional right to infect others with viruses. Americans have been doing this millions of times/year since the country was founded.

      But how do you really know who infected whom with what virus when? What’s the solution? Ban everyone from leaving their homes forever? That will work out well.

  5. CountessY

    I’m missing something here. Cheerleader with no mask, other spectator and kids with no mask, cop with no mask…what happened to single that particular woman out? The whole scenario is ridiculous. When will we be forced to wear patches or arm bands…or else?!?

  6. Bill Rice, Jr.

    I’ve made 3 or 4 Comments in the Comments Section. They showed up briefly and are now deleted? What’s up? Hopefully, the Comments Editor isn’t censoring comments.

    1. Brutus Antifederlest

      Because they :
      Do not fit the narrative
      Show intelligent thought
      Deal with Facts

      Mine are gone too


  7. Kris

    That’s not breaking the law. There are people with certain health conditions that are exempt from the mask requirement.

  8. Wendell

    What amazes me is how WEAK this officer is, he is TRYING and yes TRYING to arrest a woman half his size. He struggled it seems during the whole arrest to wrestle with her and with her having a breathing problem according to the article and he had his mask down during this time, had to resort to taking her to get her to comply. Seems to me she should be wearing the badge she is obviously tougher than he is.

  9. Bill Rice, Jr.

    There’s not another fan besides her family members who is within 5 yards of her. She’s OUTSIDE. And nobody seems to be sitting in front of her. She is sitting only with her family – who she must spend 10 hours a day with wearing NO mask. So the only people she could have theoretically “infected” is people she would have already infected months or weeks or days ago.

    Once she got bailed out of jail, presumably she could go to a restaurant, sit just as close to the same family – take off her mask – and be “legal.”

    If this is now my country, I say you can have my country.

    1. k.sommer

      That is what the oligarchs want. For you to just hand over your country. So you better be willing to fight for it on the home front, because if this video is even real (and not fake) it is a test to see how much resistance will be encountered, should our rights and liberty be trampled. The onlookers need to educate themselves by shutting off their tv’s and digging for the truth that is being silenced.

  10. Bill Rice, Jr.

    I’d say there are now two distinct groups of Americans – Those who think this is appropriate and support this action …. and those who are aghast and filled with distaste for what is happening here in “the land of the free.”

    So far in the comment section, it seems that the number of people who applaud this action is larger than I would have thought. Well, one day they might be coming for you – or your child or neighbor.

    … I’m actually surprised this hasn’t been picked up by more national sites yet (or maybe not so surprised). Kudos to the lady who filmed this and gave it to this newspaper … and kudos to the for publishing this.

  11. Wendell Hogan

    I’m 6’2 and 275 lbs. I bet he would not have handled the situation the same with somebody like myself as he did with her. I assure you diplomacy would have and should have been the first avenue taken. And the guy running up in the lavender shirt was obviously the tattle tale. He looked tempted to help the officer a few times. Unbelievable

  12. Lynn Elliott

    I have asthma and I wear a mask, so does everyone I know who has asthma. That’s just a Karen drama queen excuse. She deserved what she got.

    1. AUNT Sam

      When is the last time you had an original thought? 🧐! Or have u never had one? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤪
      You get your little word/phrase du jour (that means, ‘of the day’) from the Communist News Network and/or some other propaganda spewing nazi copying Pravda media arm of the DNC such as MSDNC, and, like a parrot, u say, “Got it! Trump’s a racist!” and then u run around and squawk it to your bidiot parrot friends who do the same! U believe EVERYTHING you’re told with NO critical thought whatsoever! And the powers that be, who are pulling the strings from behind the scenes, are LAUGHING their as*es off at u, at how EASILY u are manipulated, controlled and used! Good little commie! Time to wake up!

  13. Laura Jane

    I have asthma, and I wear a mask anytime I go where there is a mandate to do so. I also wear one anytime I’m not able to social distance. It makes it not quite as easy to breathe, but I wear one to protect myself and others. If I feel short of breath, I loosen the mask from my nose, take a couple of breaths, place it back over my nose, and I’m fine. I don’t think asthma is a reason not to wear a mask. However, when outside and social distancing, I think it’s ridiculous to have to wear a mask. On the other hand, the police clearly acted inappropriately from what I read. I didn’t see the video. It didn’t show up on my feed.

  14. Melissa Dykes

    Weather it’s wrong to arrest her or not. She needs to comply!! Isn’t that what we’re supposed to teach our children.

    1. Bill Rice, Jr.

      Comply. Obey. Do as we authorities tell you to do. Do NOT do what we tell you you cannot do. If you do not comply, we will arrest you and fine you and maybe send you to prison.

      Yes, I get the message our rulers are sending. It’s not exactly subtle. Just watch this video. You too will get the appropriate message.

  15. Jeff Poole

    This girl was outside enjoying the game. She shouldn’t need to wear a mask. I hope that rent-a-cop gets his ass fired. He doesn’t even know how to handle a taser. I hope they sue the pants off him.
