Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game


Alecia Kitts drove an hour and a half from Marietta to Logan, Ohio to watch her son’s football game.

In the first quarter she was approached by an officer from the Logan Police Department because she was not wearing a mask.

The video below shows the three-minute encounter between Kitts and the officer.

According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the above video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her.  Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask.

“There is no reason to tase someone and arrest them for not wearing a mask,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy also pointed out the female officer who is shown running toward the Logan officer and Kitts at the end of the video was not wearing a mask – pulling one out of her pocket as she was in pursuit.

“Alecia’s mom said that when the officer tased her, the current went through the bleachers and zapped the kid sitting there too.”

Kitts appears to be socially distanced from others in the crowd and sitting with her family. “There were only 25 or 30 fans from our town on our side,” said Kennedy.

The Logan Police Department declined comment and sent an inquiry to Captain Ryan Gabriel. The Ohio Star left a message with Captain Gabriel and will report back after making contact.

Alecia Kitts was contacted but had not returned comment before press time.

Sources indicate that Kitts was charged with criminal trespass and released on her own recognizance.

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Jack Windsor is Managing Editor and an Investigative Reporter at The Ohio Star. Windsor is also an Investigative Reporter at WMFD-TV. Follow Jack on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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277 Thoughts to “Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game”

  1. Kathie Patrick

    Thanks for pointing that out Greg. Shame on you TN Star for posting this as a mask issue when it was her refusing to leave when asked. And then acting like this in front of her child and his team. Kids learn by example and this is not a good one. It was only when she was asked to leave and would not that the officer on duty for game was called in to get involved. Yes she shoute she has asthma, and with the fight she put up, I am surprised she did not have an attack.

  2. Bill Rice, Jr.

    I now see my original posts so I retract my post criticizing the site for not posting comments. Big time lag I guess. And 15 posts originally showed, now 141.

    Kudos again to the paper publishing this. Now why hasn’t this gone viral?

  3. Adam.

    Good job officer.

  4. Michelle May

    Are you kidding me ??? What lawsuit , she didn’t follow the rules , she was ask to follow the rules , she resisted arrest got tased after she was told she was going to get tased . She made a fool out of herself embarrassed her child, her butt should had went to jail ??? What are we teaching our kids if it was no big deal ?? You can do whatever you want with no repercussions . And for the paper that wrote this BS article why don’t you report the WHOLE story ( you afraid it won’t sell as many copies) . You people are a huge reason our world is the way it is right now SHAME on you . And shame on everybody else’s that thinks it’s okay not to follow the rules.

    1. Jim Reeves

      You can explain it to them but you can’t understand it for them.

  5. Don’t nobody care

    Guess she should have complied.

  6. Greg Laffen

    By HIPPA regulations they can’t ask you why or what your medical condition is as to why your not wearing a mask !

  7. jp

    If your asthma is so bad that wearing a mask will endanger your health, you are too sick to leave the house in the first place.

    1. James Johnson

      Right, just like blind people have no business on the sidewalks. Too dangerous….

  8. sh Crater

    Your title is wrong. Tased and arrested for failure to leave when directed to and then resisting arrest for 2 minutes straight while swearing at a cop.
    P.S. – Asthma does not mean you can’t wear a mask.

  9. RL Turner

    she should have complied with the officers and this never would have happened. You break the rules and you get punished. She should be grateful that she didn’t get a knee to the neck.

  10. C.T.

    We were very willing to submit to the governing authorities and protect our community — that is, until the political motivation of the lockdown became obvious. A clear agenda is at work, one with scores of inconsistencies.

  11. Anjie

    I hope she sues to protect against this health rights violation and communism! I was denied service at Panera Bread for a mask medical exemption. My child was angered by their treatment of us. She’s only 7. Way to go America! You’ve succeeded in almost undoing my child’s confidence in society.

  12. Loren

    The boys on the field all had their masks on right? After all they are piling on top of each other right.
    The best thing for everyone to do is pull your kids out of all of the government brainwashing centers nation wild.

  13. BKP

    Who knows what actually happened or what was said prior to the video. Let the courts figure it out. As for comments about the 1st Amendment , Mandating the wearing of masks during this pandemic has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment-It’s a matter of safety-period

    1. Ron Welch

      True, BKP, it would be a 4th Amendment right to be “secure in our persons”.

    2. Joe

      This is where you are wrong. This is public property (not private) and she was protesting the mandate of wearing a mask. Therefore the arrest and removal violated her 1st amendment rights. If it was private property, it’s a different situation.

  14. Ed

    The officer talked with her for about 10 minutes Before this video started. She was not arrested for not wearing a mask. She was arrested for Trespassing. She refused to put her mask back on after entering the stadium wearing the mask. In the video you can see the mask in her back pocket. The Stadium has signs all over stating to follow their mask rule or leave the stadium.

  15. Wayne

    You guys need to get over it and wear your Mask or you will get TAZED! 🙂
