Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game


Alecia Kitts drove an hour and a half from Marietta to Logan, Ohio to watch her son’s football game.

In the first quarter she was approached by an officer from the Logan Police Department because she was not wearing a mask.

The video below shows the three-minute encounter between Kitts and the officer.

According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the above video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her.  Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask.

“There is no reason to tase someone and arrest them for not wearing a mask,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy also pointed out the female officer who is shown running toward the Logan officer and Kitts at the end of the video was not wearing a mask – pulling one out of her pocket as she was in pursuit.

“Alecia’s mom said that when the officer tased her, the current went through the bleachers and zapped the kid sitting there too.”

Kitts appears to be socially distanced from others in the crowd and sitting with her family. “There were only 25 or 30 fans from our town on our side,” said Kennedy.

The Logan Police Department declined comment and sent an inquiry to Captain Ryan Gabriel. The Ohio Star left a message with Captain Gabriel and will report back after making contact.

Alecia Kitts was contacted but had not returned comment before press time.

Sources indicate that Kitts was charged with criminal trespass and released on her own recognizance.

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Jack Windsor is Managing Editor and an Investigative Reporter at The Ohio Star. Windsor is also an Investigative Reporter at WMFD-TV. Follow Jack on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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277 Thoughts to “Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game”

  1. Jim Reeves

    Let’s take a stab at correcting the headline. I’m betting that she wasn’t arrested for not wearing a mask. I’m betting that the school had instructed the officers that those who refused to wear a mask should be asked to leave or charged with trespassing. I’m betting that the lady was told this and refused to leave. I’m betting that the officer then attempted to escort the lady off the property, and she resisted. She was then instructed to stop resisting or she would be tased. She continued to resist and was tased. She was then arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest. Like nearly all encounters with police, this could have gone very differently had she kept her cool. Once again, the media tells a very different story than what used to called the truth.

  2. Pam Savoy

    She should’ve complied, its as simple as that!
    This just made my whole day lls! Of to jail Karen and the other one should be locked up too for interfering with an officer!

  3. Patrick K Ryan

    Everything you just said is a lie! She had no warning and for a person, with asthma, these masks can cause breathing problems. These masks only help a little only in cases where a person is already sick healthy people shouldn’t have to wear a mask this is not my opinion but the views of top medical researchers. But you can’t argue with or fix stupid.

  4. Diane Smith

    What will it take for people to WAKE UP! Too many of you do not see that this is WRONG for FORCING people to wear MASKS. If this was a real virus threat, protesters who have not social distanced would have all dropped like flies, dead bodies would have been in the thousands on the streets, after eating out at restaurants while not wearing masks, Children at school would be all sick with the virus from not wearing it while eating lunch at school lunchtime – how many more examples do you need before you go…’Huh….I guess this must not be very dangerous since none of this is happening.’
    Logic is out the window, folks. Tyranny is the order of the day – EVERYWHERE. And no one questions it except those who use logic. WAKE UP!!!!!!!

    1. Patriotic American

      Just shut up and wear the darn mask. Stop spreading your germs and hate!

      1. Sur

        Stop spreading your contentious ignorance!

  5. Charles Taylor

    Unconstitutional. what are you talking about . We’re in the Constitution does it state that it’s unlawful to wear a mask we’re not wearr a mask.There are rules to protect us and if there was a rule to wear a mask then wear it. if she has asthma I’m sorry but the rules are rule. I think instead of police looking for your support they’re looking for you to obey the rules. That’s what’s getting so many people in trouble cuz they don’t want to listen and they like the blame stuff on the cops. Looks like the cops or whoever they are should have went at it as a different way and maybe warned her first. Not saying the cops didn’t go overboard here but just learned to follow some rules and usually things go fine

  6. Dusty Parsons

    Is the officer wearing one of those new invisible masks?

  7. Concerned Citizen

    The law says you must wear a mask inside or when you can not properly social distance. She’s outside and very far away from non-family members. This is ridiculous.

  8. John Johnson

    The rule said where a mask to enter. She should respect the cops. At least they didn’t kneel on her neck.

    1. Patriotic American

      She should just comply and respect authority.

  9. Darren Lipscomb

    I hope everyone posting on here had this same energy after hearing about the details of George Floyd.

    1. AUNT Sam

      What a loss George Floyd was to humanity! Alcohol/drug using criminal thug with a very long criminal record who’s claim to fame was holding a pregnant woman in a chokehold while pointing a gun at her unborn baby while his pos thug pals were robbing her home! Humanity has been devastated by this loss!

  10. Jason

    The least all the other people could have did is simply remove thier mask also and say arrest us all . we are in this together

  11. Bob

    Stories like ths are meant solely for the purpose if inflaming voters so they vote anti republican. Wether you like it or not the wearing of masks IS law.period. If you dont comply you are breaking the law and are subject to fine/areest or both.
    As for “a rent a cop”…if that security guard is binded and licensed by the scoool or svhool boardhe or she has all the piwrrs of the local police while on the property he’ bonded to serve on. Resisting a lawful order gets yoyr dumb ass tased… The parent was in the wrong. Period.

    1. Bob

      Typo errors were NOT corrected for some reason.. I mention this for the gramnar police out there.

    2. Patriotic American

      Exactly. Thank you Bob

  12. Dee

    She Should have just complied and stopped resisting what an animal!!

  13. You mad

    The only reason why you people are mad is because she white. If she was black y’all would of said oh you should of had a mask on or that she was resisting arrest, but because this lady is a white person who was disobeying an order from an officer and resisting arrest you guys upset. 😩✌🏽

  14. Purple Elizabeth

    Looked like there was nothing going to stop that policeman from doing what he was going to do, come h or hi water — just like the Mpls cop with George Floyd. To interfere in THIS situation would be understandable, but could also be extremely dangerous, given the officer’s state of mind. This is unbelievable tho! They are outSIDE, there’s hardly anyone THERE! It’ll be interesting to hear both sides. I have a feeling that someone in charge already had a grudge against ppl who dont wear masks — noticed HER and called the officer over. Maskless gal might’ve had the same passion AGAINST mask wearing, so now you have the perfect storm. Hard to believe she was asthmatic, cuz this stress would surely have triggered a reaction. Bad scene, tho. VERY bad.
