Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game


Alecia Kitts drove an hour and a half from Marietta to Logan, Ohio to watch her son’s football game.

In the first quarter she was approached by an officer from the Logan Police Department because she was not wearing a mask.

The video below shows the three-minute encounter between Kitts and the officer.

According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the above video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her.  Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask.

“There is no reason to tase someone and arrest them for not wearing a mask,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy also pointed out the female officer who is shown running toward the Logan officer and Kitts at the end of the video was not wearing a mask – pulling one out of her pocket as she was in pursuit.

“Alecia’s mom said that when the officer tased her, the current went through the bleachers and zapped the kid sitting there too.”

Kitts appears to be socially distanced from others in the crowd and sitting with her family. “There were only 25 or 30 fans from our town on our side,” said Kennedy.

The Logan Police Department declined comment and sent an inquiry to Captain Ryan Gabriel. The Ohio Star left a message with Captain Gabriel and will report back after making contact.

Alecia Kitts was contacted but had not returned comment before press time.

Sources indicate that Kitts was charged with criminal trespass and released on her own recognizance.

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Jack Windsor is Managing Editor and an Investigative Reporter at The Ohio Star. Windsor is also an Investigative Reporter at WMFD-TV. Follow Jack on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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277 Thoughts to “Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game”

  1. Marcia

    It’s like I don’t even recognize this country anymore. Where am I?

    1. Phil

      Tell it to the virus.

  2. Usunder53

    This is when you need to sue, for violating your constitutional rights. Forced to go against your own health and will being is dead wrong.
    We need to fight back if you’re scared stay at home but the people that want to continue with their life as normal leave us alone. I will not be put in a self-made prison just because our government is running a trial run on who can be controlled through scare tactics.

  3. Bill Rice, Jr.

    Did you pull the actual video from your story? It doesn’t show up on my page. Why would you do this?

  4. Shirley

    If this had been a white cop and black female there would be riots and all over the news double standards

  5. Ron

    So you have a 275 pound pos beating on a mom who looks ti weigh about 130. Then said pos takes the mom and the electrical charge goes thru the meter bleachers and the child sitting to her left gets tazed as well????? PLUS THE MOM HAS ASTHMA AND KEEPS HOLLARING THIS….

  6. kit kat

    Everyone should stop wearing mask, everyone in the United States, just stop. Stand up to governemnt now or be enslaved forever and generations thereafter. Starts with the mask this is not goin g to end anytme soon, more force will be implemented.

  7. Rachel

    Oh but why is this different everyone. Remember back the blue, just comply, if they are arresting you you must have done something wrong, we must expect our officers to use force. Stop sugar coating things. If the races were flipped it would easily be everyone saying “thug” or just comply. Clearly what we don’t see in the video is the women probly refusing to put on a mask or leave. And then to ask if it’s a real cop?what you meant to ask was can we please get a white cop. Lawsuit my ass. The title shouldn’t read arrested for not wearing a mask, but arrested for refusing to leave property at request of school

    1. PeytonH

      Nah, if the races were flipped, the response would be nation wide protests and rioting. Logically that is what we have seen repeatedly.

  8. Rich

    The country is being burnt to the ground as people are arrested by ILLEGAL mandates.. This woman has been assaulted and the Governor should be impeached!

  9. Shawna

    Hey lets gwt the story straight. From people who were there and from this area. This woman went in with a mask on took it off. Asked to leave due ro the rules of the School. She did not comply despite being asked numerous times. After that then security was called. She made a scene. Look up her rap sheet. Goodness

    1. PeytonH

      Yeah we saw all that on tape. It’s not okay what happened. Leave the woman be, she wasn’t hurting anyone. The problem here is civil rights and personal liberty. Or have we just thrown that away? We as a people need to say enough is enough. We will not be ruled by power hungry individuals.

      1. phil merlot

        The problem here is your failure to understand that the virus couldn’t give a damn about anyone’s “civil rights” and “personal liberty”. If you want to test your arguments why don’t you test them on someone whose beloved relative is dead because your airy-fairy ideals allowed it to spread in the general community and then into care homes etc.

  10. Sharon Long

    This whole incident was unnecessary! She was outside with no one near her. Why does she need a mask? Whether she has asthma or not, this whole thing is idealistic to think wearing a mask outside while social distancing is something they can legally enforce a BS face mask rule. It’s not a law! If I was there I would have stood up for her. Even the CDC can’t make up their mind about what should or shouldn’t be done. I’m so fed up with democrats waving there strength around. I hope I have a chance to fight them someday in court!

  11. Steve Sparks

    I live in Ohio and rarely wear a mask and if I do, it’s just to get in the door. It amazes me how sheeplike fellow Ohioans are.

    1. Joseph Lynch

      Cough, cough… thanks for your interpretation of the la…. aarghhh

    2. Phil

      You’re the reason the IQ bell curve has a bottom quartile.

  12. Janet

    Yes mask indoors, but outdoors no, social distancing yes. She should of been holding up a sign protesting for her favorite team and called it a day!

  13. Sher

    Additional exclusions include: 
    * All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:
    * At an indoor location that is not a residence
    * Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members
    * Those with a medical condition SHE HAS ASTHMA
    * She broke no law

  14. Dianne123

    Ohio has mask laws. These are in place to prevent the spread of a deadly disease, so not wearing a mask where distancing isnt possible, jeopardizes the safety of other people. She refused to wear a mask, so she is guilty of endangering others.. He informed her that she was under arrest. She resisted arrest. The officer used the tazer consistent with his authority to arrest her. He warned her to comply. She did not. You dont have a right to resist arrest. People really need to stop the selfish baloney and understand that if you dont follow the rules, you are putting peoples’ lives in danger. I really have to also point out that if the woman was black and the cop, white? How would you feel? People were also arrested back during the Spanish Flu epidemic for this. The commenter saying ” its just a mask” is missing the point.

    1. BC

      Who was she endangering?
      What she threatening?
      Do you have her medical records & can you prove she has covid?
      Was she observing social distancing?
      Do you have scientific evidence that masks are efficacious here?

      All you’ve really got is an overzealous, ignorant backwater town cop throwin’ his fat ass around.

    2. KMarie

      She was sitting with her family, segregated from all others in the open air. If you can’t see the wrong in this, You’re aa much an idiot at the policeman that tazed and arrested her.

    3. Gary Okupante

      There is no CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, that allows someone, anyone to order mask wearing.
      NONE, if you think so; Please inform the Liberty loving Ohioan’s. The CDC says wearing a mask is for” OPTICs, so says FOUCCI. You of course haven’t see the video, therefore it’s not real to you. Read the label on your mask, IT DOES NOT STOP virus’s period. People got COVID wearing masks. BESIDES; it’s as easy as 123, extremely low incidence of death. ALL OF WHICH you don’t care. It is clear as 123, you like following “Das Papers: “”Show us the mask”. Virologists will tell you wearing a mask is more dangerous, especially for catching virus’s, from yourself. Do your research and stop standing in line to get your arm tattooed w/ “you’ve be tested for COVID-“

  15. Samantha

    She’s wrong, my sister has asthma and cheers and tumbles with a mask on save me the BS. This is white privilege at its finest. Always thinking they’re above the law. Since it’s an AA resource officer now it’s a problem.
