California Offering Awards Totaling $116.5M to Get Vaxxed

COVID Vaccine sticker
by Catherine Smith


Governor Newsom announced Thursday a $116.5 million vaccine incentive program including $1.5 million in cash prizes to encourage Californians to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

California follows other states in offering big vaccine incentive payouts, New York is giving out scratch-off tickets for the chance to win up to $5 million, according to Politico.

“California has already made incredible progress in the fight against COVID-19, with the lowest case rates in the country while administering millions more vaccines than any other state,” Newsom said in a release. “But we aren’t stopping there, we’re doing everything it takes to get Californians vaccinated as we approach June 15 to help us fully reopen safely.”

On June 15, the day the state drops its capacity restrictions, social distancing rules and almost all masking requirements, there will be a “Vax for the Win” award of $15 million split among 10 vaccinated Californians in the largest cash prize so far.

In drawings held June 4 and June 11, thirty winners will be selected to win a $50,000 cash prize each. The next 2 million people who get vaccinated beginning May 27 will be automatically eligible for $50 gift cards for online shopping or groceries, Politico reports.

“You don’t have to register to do this as is the case in other states,” Newsom said. “You’re automatically registered.”

Any resident aged 12 and over who has completed the vaccination process or gets at least one dose before the drawings is eligible to win, according to the state.  Winners must be fully vaccinated to claim their prizes.

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Catherine Smith reports for American Greatness.







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2 Thoughts to “California Offering Awards Totaling $116.5M to Get Vaxxed”

  1. Bill

    Its population control. Wait for it. People will start dropping like flys before long. Remember, the liberals have been big on euthanizing people to preserve the planet. Why else would they be so quick to kill babies without conscience, yet want to “save lives” so adamantly? Wake up sheeple!

  2. Ms Independent

    Bribing people to take a vaccine speaks volumes why you shouldn’t trust the vaccine
