California PTA Pushing Transgender Ideology Against Wishes of Most Parents

Transgender boy

The California State Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is co-sponsoring a bill that seeks to establish a framework for parenting that enshrines in law the idea that failing to affirm a child’s self-identified gender will be considered detrimental to his or her well-being, a press release from Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) announced Monday.

In a document dated June 14, 2023, obtained by The Star News Network from CRI, California state PTA president Carol Green wrote to Assembly Member Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) regarding AB 957:

On behalf of California State PTA, I am writing in support and co-sponsorship of AB 957. As one of the largest child advocacy groups in the state of California, we believe in the rights of our children to be safe and secure in their homes and in their schools. We believe that our children have the right to grow up in a welcoming and affirming community. We understand that our trans children’s rights are under attack. With the highest number of bills targeting our trans youth across the country in a single year, we know that they are the most vulnerable population. Bills like AB 957 can be the difference between life and death.

“The Board of Managers for the California State PTA has voted and we are proud to partner with the office of Assemblymember Wilson’s office [sic] to co-sponsor AB 957,” Green said.

The legislation, co-authored by Wilson and State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), concerns requirements for determining child custody and visitation in family law proceedings and defining “best interests of the child.”

“Existing law governs the determination of child custody and visitation in contested proceedings and requires the court, for purposes of deciding custody, to determine the best interests of the child based on certain factors, including, among other things, the health, safety, and welfare of the child,” the text of the measure reads. “This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

CRI warns that “under this proposed legislation, parents who do not affirm their child’s chosen gender identity may be deemed to be engaging in actions that can be equated with child abuse.”

“If AB 957 is signed into law by the Governor, parents will be compelled to adopt the state-approved stance on gender identity or risk losing custody of their child,” the announcement adds.

CRI President Karen England explained the impact of California PTA’s support for the bill on parental rights.

“The California State PTA’s endorsement of this law shows a complete disregard for parental rights, setting a dangerous precedent for other states to follow suit and appease the progressive transgender movement,” England said. “AB 957 establishes an ideological litmus test for parenting in California, and the potential impacts of this language are truly horrifying.”

Following approval of AB 957 by the state Senate Judiciary Committee in mid-June, the California Globe reported “hundreds of parents attended the hearing to oppose the bill, but none of that mattered to the Democrats who voted to pass the bill.”

The Globe added:

Several statistics about trans children and suicide were used in the arguments supportive of AB 957, including 1-in-5 trans/binary youth attempted suicide last year, and fewer than 1-in-3 trans kids have gender affirming homes. There was no supporting documentation to these claims.

The California Family Council also opposes the legislation.

England observed that the California State PTA was also previously found to be “secretly partnering with Planned Parenthood to teach 5th graders gender theory and sexual education, while hiding it in their budget under ‘assemblies.’”

England urged parents not to be fooled by the PTA’s deceptive actions, noting the organization “has strayed from its original purpose of organizing bake sales and fundraisers for the benefit of children’s education and has instead become another organization promoting an extreme agenda,” CRI asserted in its press statement.

“The collaboration with Planned Parenthood and the promotion of radical ideologies” is “a complete betrayal,” England said, and urged parents to demand the return of their dues.

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]




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