California Spent $13 Million to Guard 120 Empty Homes

Several tents on the side of the street
by Eric Lendrum


The state government of California has been revealed to have spent $13 million on providing security for 120 empty houses for five months, even as a homeless crisis ravaged the state, Fox News reports.

In a report broken by local outlet Fox 11, the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) paid $9 million to the highway patrol from November 2020 to April 2021, and gave another $4 million to a private security firm over the same period, all for the purpose of protecting the vacant houses in Pasadena.

In a statement addressing the report, CalTrans said that the houses had been purchased by the government 60 years ago, when there were plans for a change in the local infrastructure by connecting the 710 freeway to the 210. However, that project “is no longer moving forward,” the government statement declared.

“Our goal is to sell these homes and provide current and former tenants, as well as those who qualify for the Affordable Sales Program, a path to first-time homeownership,” the statement continued.

The high amount of spending on protecting the empty homes comes in the midst of a worsening crisis of homelessness throughout the nation’s largest state. It has been estimated that there are at least 161,000 homeless people in California. Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA-27) said that the empty homes should be converted into affordable housing for the homeless, and also criticized CalTrans for its waste of taxpayer money.

“Thirteen million dollars would have been roughly the same amount that could go to three emergency road repair projects,” Chu pointed out. “So just think what that money could have gone to.”

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.







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3 Thoughts to “California Spent $13 Million to Guard 120 Empty Homes”

  1. E.P.

    What is/was the salary of the guards? What was the administrative overhead for the cotract? If the total is actually in the millions, I would suggest auditing the contracting officer(s) for other thefts. Political office holers would also need to be scrutinized to wensure they have not exceeded their customary charges for influence peddling.

  2. Annon

    Somebodies gotta watch the stash. If you do not pay somebody to watch the stash it might be stolen or found by law enforcement and the property along with the stash will be confiscated. It is a catch 22 scenario.

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