Cameron Sexton Radio Spots Promote Republican Legislative Accomplishments


State Representative Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) is promoting the legislative accomplishments of the Republican Administration and legislative supermajorities with a new pair of radio ads. Many of the successful legislative items, from tax cuts to school safety to job creation were lost in the shuffle when scandals involving House Speaker Glen Casada and his top staffers captivated the media as the Session ended.

Sexton ran similar spots intended to advance the agenda of the Republican supermajority in the House earlier in the year. As Caucus Chair he has said that part of his role is policy, not just politics, and the ads during Session and in advance of a Special Session in August are an important way to fulfill that role.

Sexton is seeking the nomination for House Speaker in a Republican Caucus meeting scheduled for later this week. The winner of that election, which requires at least 37 votes in the 73 Member Caucus, is expected to succeed House Speaker Glen Casada following his resignation on August 2. The full House will vote on a new Speaker on August 23 during the Special Session called by Governor Bill Lee.

Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill says the ads are a smart move by Sexton. “He is letting Tennesseans know that there was more to the last legislative Session than the scandals and controversy that buried some real success stories, including tax cuts, increased education spending, higher salaries for teachers, improved school safety, and more. That story hasn’t been told and it is important for all of the Republican legislators who will be facing reelection next year to insure that what they actually did as a legislative body gets some attention.”

“The ads also show the kind of creative political leadership that Sexton hopes will put him in the Speaker’s role,” Gill added, “and some of his fellow Republican legislators will likely take note of that as they prepare to cast their votes.”

The two thirty second radio spots, titled “Taxes” and “Jobs,” and can be heard here.

Transcripts of the two ads read as follows:


ANNCR: Paid for by Cameron Sexton for State Representative, Mark Gilmore, treasurer.
SEXTON: Our Republican supermajorities have cut  $782 million in taxes since 2011. This year we eliminated the professional privilege tax. It was was part of the $45 million in total tax cuts. . We increased the rainy day fund to over a BILLION dollars, passed a balanced budget AND are running a surplus!Tennessee’s economy is stronger than ever and our common sense conservative direction is working. With your help we’ll continue to lead!
This is State Representative Cameron Sexton. I’m small on government, big on people.



ANNCR: Paid for by Cameron Sexton for State Representative, Mark Gilmore, treasurer.
SEXTON: Tennessee is leading the way in creating good paying jobs. Thanks to  common sense conservative leadership, Tennessee was named the third most business friendly state in the country — which is one of the reasons why we are creating over 56 new jobs per day, and almost 185,000 since 2011. Better higher paying jobs. Tennessee’s on the right path.  There’s still work to be done and our Republican led Administration and supermajorities aren’t stopping now!  We’ll continue to lead with your help.
This is State Representative Cameron Sexton. I’m small on government, big on people.



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Photo “Cameron Sexton” by Cameron Sexton.





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One Thought to “Cameron Sexton Radio Spots Promote Republican Legislative Accomplishments”

  1. Kevin

    I’m NOT impressed! Does he want me to bend over and his ring?

    A budget surplus means that the State of Tennessee took more money from taxpayers than it said that it needed. Nothing more nothing less! Next year they will just find a new and creative way to keep (aka spend) any surplus. NOWHERE did I see or hear anybody talking about giving back the $600+ million dollar SURPLUS, or, reducing the size of government!

    Stop with the political double speak! We see through it! Why do you think Tennesseans overwhelmingly voted for and support Donald Trump?
