Carol Swain Describes Tulsa Trump Rally, Predicts How Blacks Will Vote in the 2020 November Election


Live from Music Row Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed Dr. Carol Swain to the newsmakers line.

During the third hour, Swain joined the show to recount the Trump rally this past Saturday in Tulsa. She went on to describe the events leading up to the rally as a VIP guest and predicted Trump would see an increase in the black vote by around 15-20 percent in November’s election.

Leahy: We are joined on the line now by the hardworking and always accommodating, always right, Carol Swain. All-star panelist and former Vanderbilt professor who was on stage with the President Saturday in Tulsa. Good morning Carol.

Swain: Good morning how are you?

Leahy: I will say it Carol that you are always right. Because we did actually ask you to be on at 7:30 am and we called you at 7:15 am and you are accommodating us so thank you.

Swain: Well, I’m accommodating you from the side of the road. (Chuckles)

Leahy: See. This is what true friends do. Even when you make a mistake they help you out. Tell us about the rally.

Swain: I thought the rally was awesome. So I’m very disappointed to read in the news that it was a complete failure. (Chuckles)

Leahy: Well, the mainstream media might kind of have a little ax to grind wouldn’t you say?

Swain: I would say so. And inside that auditorium life was normal. (Leahy laughs) There were a few masks but for the most part, people were just living their lives as Americans. There was not a lot of fear. And there was a lot of hope and optimism.

And I just believe that the President is exactly what America needs and that he understands us. Our freedoms and the threat that comes from the Democrats. And I felt one of the strongest points the President made was,  look at the cities and states that are run by the Democrats. Do you want them running the country?

Leahy: It’s interesting because literally just a few minutes ao here on the program Crom Carmichael who is in the studio made that very point.

Carmichael: Carol how are you?

Swain: Good morning Crom. Hey, I’m doing great!

Carmichael: Good to hear your voice.

Leahy: What is that like being up on stage with the President?

Swain: On stage with the President, that article that Channel 2 published, that photograph was from October. So I periodically would Tweet out the photograph with a statement. I Tweeted out that I love President Trump and I hope he wins in November in a landslide. And someone saw the photo and said I was on stage. I was not on stage with the President. I was behind the President situated in the camera view.

Leahy: Interesting.

Swain: I had his back. I had his back.

Leahy: You had the President’s back!

Swain: Yes.

Leahy: We appreciate that a lot. The logistics of getting in and out of the rally like that, kind of troublesome? You took a COVID-19 test and got the results in 30 seconds. You were negative. That’s great. Congratulations.

Swain: The thing about it is that when you are an invited guest the logistics of it is a very different situation. As soon as I was brought to my hotel I was put on board a bus and that bus took us to the testing site. Everyone that was likely to be near the President or other VIPs were tested. And so it was my first COVID test. And I was relieved that I was negative because it crossed my mind that if I was positive I might have to self-quarantine in Tulsa for 14 days. And that’s not on my schedule. (Leahy laughs)

Leahy: You’ve been traveling a lot and you’ve been in great demand. You went to the premiere of the great documentary Uncle Tom in Dallas on Friday. I bought that by the way and I watched it over the weekend. It featured your story. It was a very compelling documentary. How was that documentary received in your view?

Swain: I thought it did a great job and initially I had been told that my story was going to be the central feature. But, I really liked the young man that they chose to sort of frame the film around. And I thought it made it even more powerful.

There were so many young conservative voices that they give us hope. I think the film is a game-changer. And it’s a game-changer because you here all this negative narrative about black America and systemic racism. And what’s really funny is that Herman Cain, Colonel Allen West, and Larry Elder, we were born and grew up in systemic racism.

I was born in 1954 and so anything that young people are encountering today it’s not systemic racism. And I made the point in the roundtable that we had before the film that if there is systemic racism it’s against whites. I had to explain that it has to do with the social justice warriors.

They are from institutions and I’m familiar with the department as soon as the elderly white retire and they are elderly they are going to majority-minority departments. There is an institutional transformation that’s taken place. And then we have these situations where white people some of them feel like they need to get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness.

Then you have the little white kids selling lemonade to give money to black businesses. The world is upside down. These young black people all they wanted was an opportunity. They have been very successful because they were willing to work. Our narratives are just as important as everyone else’s narrative. And I think since the left wants to say that personal experience and the narrative is important, we’re getting our narrative back.

Carmichael: How involved are you with the Trump campaign?

Swain: I’m a member of Black Voices for Trump’s advisory board and the Mighty American Strike Force that sends out volunteers. The Mighty American Strike Force has gone from to the outreach director for black Americans to the outreach for college and university students. I’m involved in a lot of ways. And the GOP, they are using me more for media. And I did a One America News interview over the weekend that will air sometime today.

Carmichael: How well is the Trump campaign going to do among black voters?

Swain: I think that they are going to greatly increase their support among black voters despite all of this turmoil taking place around America. I think that President Trump is poised to get 15 to 20 percent of the black vote. And he does really well among black men.

Black men see him as a friend. And so I am encouraged. I’m so encouraged by the young people that I see. And I’m encouraged by the fact that he gets it. And he doesn’t just get it about America. He understands black men. And black women, you know, God bless them. I’m a black woman but God bless us.

Some of them have just swallowed hook, line, and sinker the Democratic party’s line and that they are involved in all these reproductive rights and reproductive freedom that’s killing their babies. Black women are 13 percent of the population getting 77 percent of the abortions. That would be genocide if the Republicans were doing it.

Leahy: Carol, you are going to meet with the Vice President tomorrow is that right?

Swain: Well, I’m going to be in D.C., and with the schedule of the Vice President things always change. So I’m talking with the chief of staff. The luncheon itself has been re-scheduled but I’m supposed to go and he’s working on details. I’m expecting to meet with the chief of staff either having lunch with him or meeting with other people. So I will be going to D.C. tomorrow. Flying to California on Wednesday. And we’ll be recording some more Prager U videos.

Leahy: That’s Dennis Prager, Prager University. You know the group that Google doesn’t like or YouTube because they are just saying the truth which is too controversial for them.

Swain: I have 40 million views with my existing four Prager U videos. I will do an interview for the Prager book club on a book that impacted my life. I chose Booker T. Washington’s Up From Slavery.

Leahy: Carol, when are you back in Nashville?

Swain: I’ll be back on Friday and then I leave again next week. But I’ll be back next week on Thursday. (Chuckles)

Leahy: Carol, thanks so much for accommodating us. Carol was right I was wrong on the time. Carol, you are always right. Thank you.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.






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3 Thoughts to “Carol Swain Describes Tulsa Trump Rally, Predicts How Blacks Will Vote in the 2020 November Election”

  1. william Quayle

    Carol is very smart.

  2. Beatrice Shaw

    This woman is very arrogant and self serving

    1. Bill

      Are you glaring in the mirror as you write your comment?
