All Four Nashville Mayoral Candidates Issue Statements on ICE Attempt to Arrest Illegal Alien in Hermitage


A group of Hermitage neighbors interfered with an attempt by ICE on Monday morning to apprehend an undocumented immigrant man and a 12-year-old boy following a traffic stop, Fox 17 reported.

Neighbors locked arms around a van the immigrants hid in while ICE agents tried to serve a civil warrant (detainer). Agents left after a standoff that lasted more than two hours when the immigrants went into a house, with their access secured by the neighbors. Metro Nashville Police Department officers were on scene but did not participate with ICE, the station said.

On his official Twitter account, incumbent Mayor David Briley tweeted, “Every Nashville resident and family deserves to feel safe, regardless of immigration status. My statement on yesterday’s events.”

His tweet was accompanied with the following statement:

It is my job as Mayor to keep all Nashvillians safe.

On Monday, ICE agents attempted to detain a Nashville resident. However, the agents did not end up detaining the resident, and no arrests were made.

Our police officers do not actively participate in immigration enforcement efforts and only serve as peacekeepers. The officers were at the incident to keep neighbors safe and secure a perimeter.

I am keenly aware this type of activity by our federal government stokes fear and distrust in our most vulnerable communities, which is why we do not use our local resources to enforce ICE orders.

I will continue to work with local advocacy organizations like TIRRC to make sure residents know their rights and that support and resources are available for undocumented immigrants should the need arise.

John Cooper tweeted a series of statements supporting the neighbors and opposing ICE, including: “I am proud of these neighbors and their community for their actions this morning. I want to know more about what role, if any, Metro played in conjunction with ICE this morning. This kind of disruption is unhelpful and harmful to our community on so many levels.”

Cooper also tweeted, “I intend to work with the Sheriff to interpret the 1996 IGSA agreement as narrowly as possible so that Metro resources and local law enforcement are not being used to enforce federal immigration law.”

The Dr. Carol Swain campaign released this statement via email, with the subject line “Carol Swain will uphold the rule of law”:

In case you missed it, Councilman Cooper and his supporters are taking MNPD to task today for doing their job upholding the rule of law. According to state law that came into effect on January 1, 2019, state and local entities are prohibited from adopting policies or practices designed to obstruct cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

Mayoral candidate Carol Swain had this to say:

Metro Police Officers have an important  job to do–they are here to enforce the law. For Councilman Cooper to attack their service to score political points is wrong.

As mayor, I will support our police, firefighters, and first responders in their efforts to enforce the laws on the books and to help keep all of our neighborhoods safe. That is job one of the Metro government and it will be priority number one in the Swain administration.

The other candidates can work to change the law as it’s written if they want to, but their personal opinions on illegal immigration should not get in the way of public safety or somehow be used to criticize our brave officers who are risking life and limb to uphold the law.

John Ray Clemmons tweeted, “We deserve answers from Metro leaders on the events in Hermitage this morning involving a father & son. I oppose @MNPDNashville using local resources to support ICE raids when not required by law to do so. Nashville must be a welcoming city to all.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “David Briley” by David Briley. Photo “John Ray Clemmons” by John Ray Clemmons. Photo “John Cooper” by John Cooper.




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19 Thoughts to “All Four Nashville Mayoral Candidates Issue Statements on ICE Attempt to Arrest Illegal Alien in Hermitage”

  1. […] Star reported in July on how neighbors in Hermitage interfered with efforts by customs agents to apprehend an […]

    1. Thomas

      If you want to protect all Nashville CITIZENS then stop protecting criminals (illegal aliens with criminal records) None of you deserve to be the Mayor of Nashville!!!

  2. […] on the issue of sanctuary cities, tweeting his support for Nashville residents who, on July 22, impeded the lawful actions of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in Davidson County who were […]

  3. […] on the issue of sanctuary cities, tweeting his support for Nashville residents who, on July 22, impeded the lawful actions of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in Davidson County who were […]

  4. Ryan

    It looks like every candidate EXCEPT Dr Swain supports breaking federal law when it suits them. If they will willingly break the law on this, imagine how else they will not only break the law, but also encourage others to do so.

    Shame on them. Vote Swain on August 1

  5. CCW

    Good show! We folks out here in deplorable-ville TN need that money that the state is going to save by defunding contributions from our taxes to these Sanctuary Cities in TN. A quick check to our legislatures got assurances that they are ready to apply sanctions of defunding to the Sanctuary City lawbreakers. I guess we will see.

  6. Rick


  7. D Blair

    How is he allowed to break a state law?

  8. Habu

    Dr. Swain is the only choice for Nashville Mayor. We cannot have an elected official encouraging criminals to violate the law as stated by Briley, Cooper & Clemmons.

  9. Nashville is no longer a safe place due to democrat Socialist policies. Their constituents are the anti Americana, the Illegal Aliens, the criminals, the California snowflake crowd.
    Old Hwy 41 looks like a third world country. With businesses boarded up fro crimes and numerous liquor stores a seedier sight in America is hard to come by and it is all due to the fostering of Illegal Aliens, and tolerance for drug gangs, AntiFa and tolerance for crimes committed because they are perpetrators are a minority, wo declare Laws should not apply to them. Nashville is turning into a Chicago because of Democrats like it’s Mayor!!!

  10. Ray Elkins

    God bless you Ms. Swain. I guess the only people above the law are illegal aliens and elected politicians. Nashville is on record now as a sanctuary city and Nashvillians will have no voice in that decision. If any of these democrats get elected we will lose another great city.

  11. Jay

    Ok Nashville, you’ve got a mayoral candidate ready to make the choices that might not be ‘popular’ but is RIGHT, stands up for ALL citizens SAFETY, ready to do a J.O.B. & uphold the LAW.
    Here’s your chance to do good by Nashville & the rest of your state…..y’all OUGHT to know what to do from here!

  12. Mary

    The Mayoral choice is now very clear.

  13. Milton

    Vote Carol Swain and turn Nashville around in the right direction, on this and many other issues!

    1. William Soffianti on

      I do not reside in Davidson Co.but we will sure as heck be affected here in Murfreesboro by what happens there. Nashville would be stupid to vote for anyone other than Carol Swain.i can not wait to find out if Nashville jo

  14. Buddy Phillips

    All politicians take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution and the law. Carol Swain is the only candidate who will do that. No elected official gets to pick and choose which law they will support if that law is on the books. Vote Carol Swain and the law will be carried out.

  15. rick

    What a group. They should have arrested the people that got in the way You enforce the law and protect the citizens. These people are illegal and they broke the law. We have the right to select a mayor from a group of losers and political zeros. Nashville made national news as a loser city , with our moron mayor at present Briley, with more in waiting !!

    1. Michaek

      Yes, they should have arrested all those who prevented the detention of the lawless immigrant. You have to wonder if all those who surrounding the van were also illegals?

  16. Kevin

    Well, there you have it! Nashville is officially a sanctuary city!

    And since when do law enforcement officers pick and chose which laws to enforce? This sets a dangerous precedent!

    This will now spread like wildfire bringing more and more illegals here. Illegals who take jobs from Nashville citizens Illegals who consume school resources which could help Nashville students. Illegals who consume health care resources which could help Nashville citizens.

    Briley, Cooper and Clemmons are all pathetic! Only Carol Swain is willing to stand up for Nashville citizens.
