Carol Swain Talks About Her New Show, Conversations With Dr. Carol Swain and Uniting Americans Around the Constitution


Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist, Dr. Carol Swain, to the studio.

During the third hour, Swain discussed her new start-up company called Unity Solutions Training which would offer an alternative to the heavily racist based critical race theory being implemented nationwide in corporations and schools. She also advised that her new show, Conversations With Dr. Carol Swain, would premiere today on her YouTube channel.

Leahy: We are broadcasting live from our studios on Music Row with Carol Swain. All-star panelist. You know, Carol one of my themes the past month has been this. Stolen elections have consequences. And in that regard, I like the president I’m not conceding anything yet.

Swain: I agree and it all depends on the Supreme Court. Will they uphold the Constitution? and I have faith that there are enough justices that care about the institution and our Constitution. And if they adhere to the Constitution and they look at the facts and the evidence I believe that they may very well have to address how the states implemented the mail-in ballots.

Leahy: Yes.

Swain: And then the exclusion of the Republican poll watchers and all the other things that they did that I think were violations of the Constitution. And what’s taken place in some of the states are violations of the Voting Rights Act I believe.

Leahy: I agree completely. We’ll see how that plays out. We’ll see how that plays out. But the premise is we’re not conceding anything. But let’s play a little thought exercise. What would happen of a Joe Biden administration? The Hill had a story that said Biden plans to issue executive orders reversing a number of President Trump’s policies as soon as he takes office. That is within 24 hours.

Here’s the list. He plans to rejoin the ill-fated and stupid Paris Climate Accords. Those adjectives are from me not from The Hill. He will reverse the U.S.’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization. Also, he would reinstate the deferred action for childhood arrivals program, which is by the way unconstitutional. And then he would reverse the president’s executive order banning critical race theory training from the federal government and federal contractors. I want to talk about that last business.

Critical race theory, which is an awful left-wing wrongheaded theory about America and about race is now being pushed everywhere by Black Lives Matter into corporate America. Corporate Fortune 500 seems to be embracing it. What will happen if under a President Biden that executive order is canceled? Would we see this very divisive critical race theory training continued to spread in Fortune 500 companies and the rest of America?

Swain: It’s already in Fortune 500 companies across America and some businesses that even smaller. What worries me is that it’s found its way into the church. Into Christian academies. And they push an agenda that’s totally you know, and antithetical to the beliefs of Christians. And it’s a very dangerous ideology that actually produces the opposite of what it says its goals are.

That’s why I started my new business, Unity Training Solutions because there has to be an alternative. And I believe that if companies want to offer their employees something extra they need to have a choice and they should not be bringing in people with ideas that will disrupt the workplace. You know, the organization. There is a better way. and it starts with our Constitution’s equal protection clause as well as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that protects everyone including White people. And I think that we are going through a moment now we’re reverse racism is real. Back in the 1980s when White people would say they were a victim of Reverse Racism people would laugh.

Now we see it. And it’s no laughing matter. The things I see being done to young White children or college-age. If it were being done to any other group everyone would be up in arms. There would be news stories. It would be intolerable. but somehow they seem to believe it’s okay if the victim is white. And this is taken place at a time when White people are decreasing as a percentage of the national population. minorities are becoming the majority. We need to change course. We need to move towards something that’s going to unite us as Americans around a set of principles and values.

Leahy: I think our entire listening audience is in agreement with you on that. Unity Training Solutions is name your company. What sort of training do you do? Do you do it for corporations or schools churches? Who do you do the training for?

Swain: Well, it’s a start-up. and what you know, we’re taking clients for next year. But our goal is to focus on educational institutions, corporations, churches, nonprofits. I will be involved initially, you know with the training. And my focus would be giving a little bit of an overview of America and then focusing again on the Constitution.

We have to go back to the Constitution. We have to look at civil rights laws. And then we have to look at what people have been able to accomplish working together. In America you know Whites and Blacks and people of other races, we have worked together. And that’s why our country has been one of the greatest countries in the world. That is being destroyed right before eyes.

Leahy: You know back to my theme of stolen elections having consequences, and I think that it’s pretty clear to me that this election is in the process of being stolen by the Democrats by the use of widespread fraud and cheating in Georgia and Pennsylvania.

Swain: And Michigan.

Leahy: And Michigan. And Nevada.

Swain: The Democrats use minorities. Racial and ethnic minorities. Maybe I saw this on the Tennessee Star that Native American tribes were being given gift cards for votes.

Leahy: Yes. They bought votes basically.

Swain: And will anyone go to jail? Where did the money come from? You know people ought to go to jail for these things. and we’ve always known that Chicago and Detroit and I’m not so sure the Nashville we know about the Hopewell Box. I don’t know how much cheating, you know takes place in elections in Nashville. But it seems to be everywhere Democrats are that it happens.

Leahy: Yeah, I think That is not exactly what you would call a coincidence. There may be some causality there, right?

Swain: Right. But one of the most important things, you know, I’ve always, you know, love Donald Trump, but I think that what he’s doing for America by pushing back and exposing what’s been going on in elections. It didn’t just happen in 2020. It got worse in 2020. It’s been going on for a long time. And this is our moment to hold them accountable. And what’s very unfortunate is unless you’re watching One America News or Newsmax or reading the Tennessee Star you probably don’t know what’s taking place.

And for the listeners that are in other states, you know, The Epoch Times is a great source. They’re doing a great job. But the Tennessee Star is covering all these issues and you should be sending articles to your Democrat friends that are not getting the news from CNN and MSNBC and CBS and even Fox. And I’m taking a fast from Fox News.

Leahy: You are taking a fast from Fox News. A Fox News fast.

Swain: And even from some of the commentators I liked. I’m just not going to turn them on. And One America News is kind of growing on me because they do old-fashioned news. They do real news and then they cover the stories I care about.

Leahy: Yeah. One America News they’ve been pretty good. The challengers to Fox now are One America News and Newsmax. But it’s difficult for a media startup to get the platform right because of those that are on cable right now. The good news is technology is changing and streaming is now replacing the old cable networks. I think we’re gonna see a lot of streaming networks in the near future.

Swain: I have news to report.

Leahy: Do you have something to offer us?

Swain: My new show, Conversations With Dr. Carol Swain. We are posting our first show today. And the show is an interview with Dr. Ming Wang. And those people locally you’ve heard his story. It’s not focused on his story. He started an organization called Common Ground. But what we talked about in this show, it’s a conversation. It’s not just my guest going on and on and on.

But we talked about how at this moment in American history that racial and ethnic minorities like us who have been blessed to be in America and we have experienced the American dream that we have to speak up for the rights of other people. We have to speak for White people like many of them fought with us alongside us during the civil rights movement. And there are some things that we can say that no one else can say. And right now if the country is going to move in the right direction with race, it’s up to the racial and ethnic minorities to fight for the Constitution.

Leahy: Where can people go to see Conversations With Dr. Carol Swain?

Swain: It’s going to be posted on my YouTube channel.

Leahy: What link can I send people to like right now?

Swain: If they go to YouTube and put in Carol M Swain my channel will come up. And it will be posted on my website at some point.

Leahy: Conversations With Dr. Carol Swain.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Background Photo “Conversations with Carol Swain” by Dr. Carol M. Swain: Be the People News.







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