CDC Says ‘Majority’ of COVID Deaths Among People Who Were ‘Unhealthy to Begin With’

Doctors talking with masks on


For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is acknowledging that comorbidities are behind a vast majority of deaths from the virus.

“The overwhelming number of deaths – over 75 percent – occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities, so really these are people who were unhealthy to begin with,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s director, said on “Good Morning America.”

A comorbidity is a health problem that exacerbates COVID-19. The CDC’s website says that only five percent of death certificates from COVID-19 list the virus as the sole cause of death. That means that 95 percent of COVID-19 deaths are attributable to at least one comorbidity.

The CDC data counts “respiratory failure” as a comorbidity, which tops the list of contributing death factors at more than 322,000 instances. “Hypertensive diseases” are second on the list of comorbidities at more than 151,000, and third is Diabetes, at 125,000. Obesity, Sepsis, cardiac arrest and heart failure are also represented in high quantities on the list.

In total, 819,575 Americans who have died with COVID-19 have also had a comorbidity. A total of just over 836,000 Americans have died from the virus.

Some are wondering whether the CDC’s change in tune has to do with the change in leadership in the White House.

“There have been more deaths ‘with COVID’ during Biden’s administration than during Trump’s administration, so NOW they want to clarify that ‘with COVID’ doesn’t mean ‘from COVID.’ Dialing back the fear porn just a notch to avoid blame,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY-04) said.


President Joe Biden campaigned on ending the virus entirely.

“I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus,” he said in Oct. 2020.

He also blasted former President Donald Trump as the United States neared a death total of 200,000 in Sept. 2020.

“Donald Trump knew that COVID-19 was dangerous. He knew it was deadly. And he purposely downplayed it. Now, nearly 200,000 Americans are dead. It’s unconscionable,” he said at the time.

Now, the majority of COVID-19 deaths in America have occurred under Biden’s presidency.

Notably, some on the political left claim Walensky was only discussing death rates in vaccinated Americans with comorbidities, though that claim is unclear from the context of Walensky’s interview.

“This is a lie, one that is getting picked up and repeated by right-wingers and Covid skeptics across social media. Walensky was talking only about deaths in vaccinated people, not Covid deaths generally. She was referring to this new CDC study,” author James Surowieki said.

“Among 1,228,664 persons who completed primary vaccination during December 2020–October 2021, severe COVID-19–associated outcomes (0.015%) or death (0.0033%) were rare,” according to that study. “Risk factors for severe outcomes included age ≥65 years, immunosuppressed, and six other underlying conditions. All persons with severe outcomes had at least one risk factor; 78% of persons who died had at least four.”

The Star News Network reached out to the CDC for clarification but did not hear back.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].

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4 Thoughts to “CDC Says ‘Majority’ of COVID Deaths Among People Who Were ‘Unhealthy to Begin With’”

  1. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Well duh. You Don’t need a Medial Degree to figure the one out.

  2. Karen

    Yep, that has been a favorite line of mine during this whole scam….NOW you’re worried about your health??? All these 100+ lb overweight people need to have been worrying about it a LONG time before this scamdemic! I have friends in this boat. They haven’t changed their diet or exercised for a single minute! But, they will be first in line for that booster!

  3. LM

    Compare the statistics in the last paragraph of this article with the same statistics for people who did not get a COVID shot and you’ll get the same pecentages.

  4. Steve Allen

    What we are beginning to see is that the democrats have FINALLY realized that Americans are no longer buying their covid crap. They know they are going to take a beating in November and are now working to mitigate the inevitable. So far 26 democrats in the House will not be running for reelection. They know what is coming and in all likelihood do not support the far leftist crap that is the mainstay of their parties platform. The question is how bad will they be beaten? There are so many donks in power right now that have committed high crimes while in office that if the republicans take a commanding control of congress the blood letting will begin, beginning with Fauci and the trail of blood should lead all the way to the White House.
