Celebration Turns to Fury When State Rep. McCormick Drops, Then Announces a Replacement, to His School ‘Bathroom Bill’

LGBT activists were ecstatic Wednesday when word spread that State Representative Gerald McCormick (R-Chattanooga) announced he was dropping his “controversial bathroom bill” following, as the Times Free Press reported, “assurances from Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery that he already can and will step in with legal aid to smaller systems facing lawsuits over LGBT access policies.”

But alas, it was short lived – “Fake News,” if you will.

A follow-up report by the news outlet clarified that while the McCormick did withdraw the measure, afterward, in an interview, the Chattanooga-area Republican said that he had a new bill in the works he planned on introducing soon that he told the Times, “should be a little clearer,” adding (sarcastically):

“…plus, I wanted to give the Democrats time to introduce their own legislation since they’re so opposed to this and in favor of men being in little girls’ bathrooms.”

The Times continues:

McCormick said he believes the new wording “is a little bit better in terms of just giving the locals common-sense discretion to take care of this problem on their own without lawyers from New York or California coming in and telling some little rural county what to do in their bathrooms.”

The original bill required the state provide legal defense or funding for it to school districts and officials facing legal action over policies “designed to protect the privacy of students from exposure to others of the opposite biological sex.”

It addresses restrooms, locker rooms or other facilities “where students may be in various states of undress.”

The LGBT activist community responded immediately, telling the Times that should the ‘bathroom bill’ move forward, that “there will be a cost.”

The Nashville Scene, who are also covering the ‘bathroom bill’ developments, intimated activists may target the business community-  namely, Amazon – who announced earlier today that Nashville was in its top 20 locations the internet retailing giant is evaluating as the location for its much-anticipated second headquarters:

“If you think a company like Amazon is eager to move to a state with this type of law on the books, then refresh your memory of what happened after North Carolina passed its bathroom bill. Not good, Gerald.”

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2 Thoughts to “Celebration Turns to Fury When State Rep. McCormick Drops, Then Announces a Replacement, to His School ‘Bathroom Bill’”

  1. Stuart I. Anderson

    Hopefully the day is near when we tell left-wing corporate executives that while we would love them to do business in this state, but not at the cost of our adopting their cultural Marxist agenda.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Why is a proposed regulation or bill only “controversial” when it offends the liberal left? Virtually all such actions have opposition of one kind or another but it seems that only those that are of a conservative bent are deemed controversial. Media bias? For example, I have not seen the Democrat and RINO proposal to give legal status (amnesty) to the DACA men and women (they are no longer “kids) termed as controversial.
