Chair of Tennessee Pastors Network: State Legislators ‘Turning Our School Bathrooms and Locker Rooms into Prey-Ins’

Tennessee Star

“The Republican majority in the Tennessee legislature continues to show more allegiance to LGBT activists and the corporate interests that fear them than to the valid concerns of parents, pastors and people of faith,” Dale Walker, Chair of the Tennessee Pastors Network, tells The Tennessee Star, after a bill that “requires students in public schools and public institutions of higher education to use restrooms and locker rooms that are assigned to persons of the same sex as that shown on the students’ birth certificates” failed to make it out of a State Senate committee on Wednesday.

“We intend to make sure that Tennessee voters are well informed and fully engaged when they head to the polls next year. We may even host some ‘pray-ins’ to highlight the roll of key legislators who support turning our school bathrooms and locker rooms into ‘prey-ins’,” he adds.

“The [State] Senate Education Committee on Wednesday made no motion to consider the legislation,” the Associated Press reported.

“The lack of a motion effectively kills the bill for the year,” AP noted.

“So-called conservatives in the Tennessee legislature may not be willing to step up and protect our daughters and grand-daughters from having to share school bathrooms, locker rooms and showers with males but their refusal to do what is right doesn’t make the their acceptance of perversion any less wrong,” Walker says.

“Sadly our young girls will pay the price for the spinelessness of the male-dominated legislature that refused to take steps to protect them,” he concludes.

The safety of young girls who attend high schools where males have access to all bathrooms has been a topic reported on recently.
“Two suspects reportedly in the U.S. illegally allegedly raped and sodomized a 14-year-old Maryland high school student on Thursday after trapping her in a bathroom stall during the school day, according to police,” Breitbart News reported on Monday.

The bill, SB 0771/HB 0888, is sponsored by State Sen. Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) and State Rep. Mark Pody (R-Mt. Juliet) in the House.

Beavers recently said that she was considering a run for Governor of Tennessee in 2018. As part of her platform, she promised to repeal Gov. Haslam’s proposed gas tax increase, if it passes this session, if she is elected.

In an exclusive interview with The Star last month, State Rep. Pody explained why he introduced the bill.

“Senator Beavers and I, we actually wanted to have a discussion about two of the bills that we were running,” Pody told The Star:

One of them is just a bathroom bill.

We believe that males should use the male restroom and girls should use the female rest room.

It’s pretty simple and common sense.

You can watch the complete video of that interview here:


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3 Thoughts to “Chair of Tennessee Pastors Network: State Legislators ‘Turning Our School Bathrooms and Locker Rooms into Prey-Ins’”

  1. cannoneer2

    Name one verifiable instance where this bill would have made a difference here in Tennessee over the past year.

  2. Bob Miles

    There are several legislators that need to lose their next election over how they voted this year. These State Senate Education Committee members should lose their senate seats for this. A motion and a second should have been given so this bill could have been heard and fairly voted on.
