Charges Dropped Against Christian Pastor Arrested at Mall of America

Ramin Parsa, a Christian pastor who was arrested at the Mall of America in August and charged with trespassing, was cleared of all charges during a court hearing Thursday.

“Praise the Lord! The prosecution is suspended, no more criminal charges, pleaded not guilty. Thank you so much for your prayers. We have resolved the criminal case and the city is not going to prosecute me further, so the city is out of it,” Parsa wrote on Facebook.

As The Minnesota Sun reported, Parsa runs Redemptive Love Ministries in Los Angeles, but visited Minnesota in August. While in the state, he took a trip to the Mall of America and ended up in what he has called a “random” conversation with two Somali women.

As an ex-Muslim, he spoke with the two about his conversion to the Christian faith, and was reported to mall security by a passersby. He was subsequently arrested, taken to the basement of the Mall of America, and charged with trespassing.

Parsa returned to Minnesota Wednesday evening ahead of his court hearing, and spoke at the Minnesota Capitol during a prayer rally hosted in support of him.

“I’ve been through this before in other countries,” he said during the rally. “The only thing that made me sad is that it happened in America, a nation I love with all my heart. This should not be happening in this country.”

While the charges against him were dropped, his days in court might not be over.

“The mall’s conduct still needs to be addressed. There are many options available that we are considering. Stay tuned, and please continue praying for more victories ahead,” he said.

According to PJ Media, Parsa could potentially sue the Mall of America for “unlawful imprisonment,” since he was held in the basement of the mall for hours before police were called.

You can read Parsa’s full story from The Minnesota Sun here.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photos “Ramin Parsa” by Ramin Parsa. 














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2 Thoughts to “Charges Dropped Against Christian Pastor Arrested at Mall of America”

  1. Mick

    It’s no good going up against the Mall. You in America need to cement in concrete you right to free speech. Once that’s gone, you may as well convert to Islam, because they will own you all.

  2. Sandi

    So little has been reported about this that I doubt many will even know of Parsi’s .arrest. Still, I’m so happy to learn that these ridiculous charges against him were DROPPED!
    THANK YOU, Tennessee Star, for reporting this!
    (Please write more about his bio/history. I’m new to learning about it myself and am blown away so far!)
