Charlie Crist Campaign Reports $3.8 Million Cash-on-Hand

Charlie Crist


The Charlie Crist campaign for Governor reported $670,000 raised in December to round out 2021 and make his starting cash on hand for 2022, $3.8 million.

December fundraising numbers for Crist’s campaign were initially reported by Florida Politics on Tuesday, prior to official numbers being released by the Florida Elections Commission (FEC) late Monday. The actual number was $670,833.25.

The $670,833.25 in December pushed Crist’s total donations in 2021 to almost $6 million after surpassing the $5 million fundraising mark at the end of November. Of the total amount of funds raised, December numbers from the FEC showed that Crist’s political committee, Friends of Charlie Crist, accounted for $413,750.

In a string of recent tweets reiterating his goal to unseat Governor Ron DeSantis, Crist on December 15th wrote, “My name is Charlie Crist. I’m running for Governor of Florida to end the chaos that Ron DeSantis is causing in our state. I need everyone seeing this to like, RT [re-tweet], and follow to help spread the word. Thank you!!!”

And more recently on January 8th, Crist wrote, “Ron DeSantis’ agenda has been consistent–him first, Florida last. That’s unacceptable, and it’s why we need to defeat him. Like this to join the movement.”

As last reported by The Florida Capital Star, DeSantis’ political committee, Friends of Ron DeSantis, raised almost as much as Crist did in the entire year with $4,593,936.

Crist still holds a financial advantage over his competitors for the Democratic nomination,  Nikki Fried, the state’s current Agricultural Commissioner, and state Senator, Annette Taddeo.

Fried’s political committee, Florida Consumers First, reported only $161,401, while her campaign account recorded $165,957. Taddeo’s committee, Fight Back Florida, reported only $17,510, and her campaign account recorded $43,508.

In addition to the financial lead Crist has over his Democratic opponents, he also has a list of endorsements from elected officials, has held multiple events across the state, and has dished out four policy proposals ahead of the election in November 2022.

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Casey Owens is a contributing writer for The Florida Capital Star. Follow him on Twitter at @cowensreports. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Charlie Crist” by Mike Cohen CC 2.0.

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