Chattanooga Tea Party Founder and President Mark West Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Chattanooga Tea Party president and founder Mark West has endorsed Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) in her campaign for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2018.

“I’m honored to endorse Diane Black for Governor. This election is a choice about the future of our state. Do we want strong leadership to make sure Tennessee is a beacon of conservative policies and traditional values? Or do we want to join other states in going the way of liberal bastions like California,” West said in a statement emailed to The Tennessee Star, adding:

Diane is a strong believer in the importance of protecting our God-given liberties. Protecting the rights of healthcare providers to keep their jobs when abortionists want to compel them to violate their consciences is just one example of her track record of fighting for us. In addition to the Conscience Protection Act, she’s a co-sponsor of Kate’s Law. When murderers are allowed to roam free among us and our government refuses to follow the Constitution we need a fighter.

Diane is fiscally conservative, socially conservative, a proponent of a strong National Defense and a bold Christian, who was willing to endorse the Nashville statement. She has been fighting in Washington to change the trajectory of our country, and I know she can do the same thing in our state. I am honored to endorse Diane Black and I know that with her as our next governor, we can build a stronger Tennessee together.”

West’s endorsement of Black may be a turning point in the gubernatorial campaign.

The Chattanooga Tea Party president and founder is one of the most well respected liberty movement/Tea Party leaders in the state, and his endorsement of Black represents a big step in her ability to reach out to grassroots conservatives who, to date, have coalesced almost exclusively around her gubernatorial rival, former State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet).

A successful businessman before he became involved in grassroots conservative politics, West’s support for Black may encourage other conservative activists to back the former nurse in her bid for the Governor’s mansion.

Beavers’ hold on the loyalties of Tennessee’s grassroots conservatives, however, may be hard to break.

Many question Black’s integrity and respect Beavers’ long and distinguished record of steadfast support for conservative causes.

In addition to the influential Tea Party leader’s support, Black published a slew of endorsements Tuesday in her bid for the Governor’s office by key local and grassroots leaders, as well as announced hundreds of statewide County Leadership Teams.

“I’m proud to have so many strong conservative, grassroots leaders on my team from all 95 counties,” Diane Black said in a statement.

“My focus, from day one of this campaign, has been on engaging with local officials and local communities, listening to them about the issues that they face every day. Our next Governor will be faced with significant challenges, but also presented with significant opportunities. I’m honored by the grassroots support in our state and look forward to having this team fighting side by side with me to protect our Tennessee values,” she added.

According to her statement Tuesday, her supporters include:

Over 100 former and current elected officials including city and county mayors, state legislators, sheriffs, district attorneys, county clerks, road supervisors, registers of deeds, school board members, TNGOP SEC members, and congressmen.

Over 100 former and current officers of Tennessee Federation of Republican Women, county Republican Parties, Tea Party Organizations and the Tennessee Republican Party including a former state party chairman.

364 former and current elected officials, business and community leaders, pastors, farmers, Republican Party and Tea Party officers and activists.

Representative Black is one of a total of eight candidates vying for the state’s top spot in the 2018 election. Republican candidates include former State Sen. Beavers, Tennessee House Speaker Beth Harwell (R-Nashville), Williamson County businessman Bill Lee, Knoxville businessman Randy Boyd, and Johnson City realtor Kay White.

The two Democrats that have declared their candidacy are former Nashville Mayor Karl Dean and State House Democratic Leader Craig Fitzhugh (D-Ripley).




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13 Thoughts to “Chattanooga Tea Party Founder and President Mark West Endorses Diane Black for Governor”

  1. Wes Hibbert

    I have not heard of Black endorsing the 2nd Amendment, nor have I heard of her endorsing repeal and replace of the ACA. Altho I would like to see sexual predators punished equally, I am bothered by the quickness the media convicts as soon as accused. We are supposed to be innocent until proved guilty, not the reverse. Where does Black stand on that? Where does she stand on inspecting abortion centers and licensing doctors who practice in them? Should those doctors have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals? Should abortions be paid out of federal tax revenues? How would she combat drugs? How does she feel about federal intervention into our schools? What is her stand on the ACT scores in Bearden? Does she support Trump? I have met Beaver and heard her speak. I liked her. So far, she’s #1 on my list. I don’t know anything about Black or West.

  2. Katie

    I do not understand what Mark West is thinking. I heard he maybe a “never Trumper”. That may explain what is going on. A teaparty leader aligned with the establishment! Strange bed fellows. We are all in for Mae Beavers the only true conservative we can trust.

  3. Wes Hibbert

    I have not heard of Black endorsing the 2nd Amendment, nor have I heard of her endorsing repeal and replace of the ACA. Altho I would like to see sexual predators “tarred & feathered” then castrated , metaphorically of course, and jailed, including Bill Clinton, I am bothered by the quickness which convicts as soon as accused. We are supposed to be innocent until proved guilty, not the reverse. Where does Black stand on that? Where does she stand on inspecting abortion centers and licensing doctors who practice in them? Should those doctors have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals? Should abortions be paid out of federal tax revenues? How would she combat drugs? How does she feel about federal intervention into our schools? What is her stand on the ACT scores in Bearden? Does she support Trump? I have met Beaver and heard her speak. I liked her. So far, she’s #1 on my list. I don’t know anything about Black or West.

  4. Bob Miles

    I’m not going to say anything negative about Mark West. From what I know, he’s a fine, Christian man, and he has his own reasons for supporting Diane Black, but I support the Constitutional Conservative Christian, Mae Beavers, who has shown me how all Constitutional Conservative Christian legislators should be voting.

  5. Jim Vesper

    Mae Beavers’ record of fighting for and promoting conservative legislation in Nashville has my respect and endorsement. I do not believe that DIane Black has done anything with her time in Washington to celebrate. The Conservative Review Scorecard gives her a grade of D for her votes in Washington. Her record does not match her rhetoric. I see her as another campaign conservative. Why the hype for her candidacy TN Star?

  6. Kevin Desmond

    As one of the founders and leaders in the conservative Alliance of liberty groups strung out across this great state I can tell you that Mae Beavers has the bulk of leadership support among active conservative liberty minded people in Tennessee. I have never met Diane Black and I am sure she is a very nice person but can I rely on somebody from the DC swamp to protect me and my fellow citizens in Tennessee from Washington politics and the two major national political parties who seem totally incapable of representing the values and morals of the American people any longer. Our entire American culture is at risk and these are perilous times for conservative people. I know and respect Mark West but he was very wrong about Donald Trump being elected and I think he is wrong here also.

  7. James Hammontree

    I am a member of the Tea Party in Blount County and I support Mad Beavers for governor to replace RINO Harlem and his boot lickers.

    1. James Hammontree

      I meant Mae Beavers. Maybe she does need to be mad at what has been going on in Nashville.

  8. Susan E Gingrich

    I don’t know Mr. West but assume he is speaking for himself only. My understanding is that the Chattanooga Tea Party is inactive and has never participated in the TN Liberty Alliance, composed of TN tea parties and patriot groups. I also know Mae Beavers has many conservative supporters in Chattanooga. It surprises me when any conservative endorses a conservative in name only like Diane Black. A genuine conservative would have attempted to stop Obama during his 8 years of excessive spending and unconstitutional policies, even if shutting down the government was required. Diane is part of the Swamp-we don’t need her weak leadership as governor. TN needs a strong, genuine, proven conservative governor who won’t make hidden deals benefitting special interests, including those in all levels of TN government. Taxpayers matter!

  9. 83ragtop50

    I am unimpressed with Ms. Black’s work in Washington. I reside in her district and vote in a heartbeat for a true conservative candidate. I still believe that Mae Beavers represents an opportunity to finally get a real conservative in the Governor’s seat. But I also believe that lack would be a step in the right direction – pun intended.

  10. Dave Vance

    Tea Party leader endorses the swamp!
