Christian Book Author Kirk Cameron May Return to Tennessee Library for Brave Books’ ‘Library Takeover Day’

Christian book author and actor Kirk Cameron said he may be returning to a Tennessee library on August 5 for “See You at the Library,” a national “library takeover day” event sponsored by BRAVE Books that seeks to challenge left-wing censorship in public libraries.

Cameron told Human Events host Jack Posobiec last week that while the national event will be conducted in “hundreds and hundreds of libraries” across the country, he may be reading his books in the “same library” in Tennessee in which the librarian was fired for attempting to cancel his original event in February.

“Do you know specifically where you will personally be on August 5, If that’s something you’re at liberty to discuss publicly?” Posobiec asked Cameron during the interview.

The author of As You Grow and Pride Comes Before the Fall responded:

We’re locking that in right now. But just to be clear, there will be hundreds and hundreds of libraries simultaneously across the nation hosted by parents and grandparents reading books … for the “See You at the Library” event. And I think I’m going to be in Tennessee. If you remember. a couple months back, we had an event at a library in Tennessee, where the librarian was so disgruntled and disorderly he tried to cancel the event at the last minute and was making so much noise, it was disrupting everything, that the community and the board got together along with the mayor, and they actually fired him and replaced him with somebody else. And then the mayor wrote us a letter and said, we would love to have you back, we are all about the kind of values that you’re promoting. And, so, please come back. We might go back to that very same library in Nashville, Tennessee.

As The Tennessee Star reported, in March the Sumner County Library Board voted 4-3 to fire Hendersonville Public Library director Allan Morales just weeks following Cameron’s scheduled story hour event to promote his BRAVE Books title As You Grow.

Cameron’s appearance at the library with Missy Robertson of Duck Dynasty, women’s sports activist Riley Gaines, and surfer and author Bethany Hamilton, was met with “unkind pushback from one disgruntled librarian,” the Christian author observed in a Facebook post.

Cameron spoke further with Posobiec about how he and BRAVE Books have been targeted by the taxpayer-funded American Library Association (ALA), now under the direction of self-avowed Marxist lesbian, Emily Drabinski.

The children’s author observed how constitutionalist Americans rooted in faith have lagged behind leftist activists in challenging the cultural change in the nation:

I would like to just point out that, while I don’t high five the ideas or the trends of … a lot of the leftist movements, what we can do is we can say, you know what, they’re leading by example. Here we are as conservatives, here we are as constitutionalists, here we are people who love the values of Western civilization. However, we’ve done a very poor job. We have a very poor ground game, and we have for decades. And if you look at a small minority group of people and look at how they have been salt and light – their version of salt and light – in a culture to transform it, they’re getting out of their little huddles and they’re not just staying in the gay bars. They’re going into public schools, libraries, education, business, tech, government, everything else. And then redefining marriage and family. Hey, folks, that’s what we should have been doing for the last 50 years. And because of our neglect, we now have a mess on our hands.

“Everything has escalated,” Cameron continued. “First, we had some grumpy librarians who didn’t want us to come and talk about peace, love, joy and faith but now we have the ALA itself trying to block access for us as authors and families from coming to their own public libraries to read any book of Christian virtue, or any book at all.”

The author explained how Drabinski and her director of the Office of Intellectual Freedom “went on national virtual conference and instructed librarians everywhere on how they can deny access to quote ‘the Kirk Cameron thing’ and how to invent programming so that the day’s programming for the reading room is all filled up on August 5, the day of our national event.”

As a result, Cameron said parents have been alerted and, on August 5, “families will be adopting their local public libraries and reading a story of virtue to their children.”

Brave Books CEO Dr. Trent Talbot appeared on War Room with Steve Bannon to discuss leftist censorship in public libraries.

In May 2022, Cameron also presented his new documentary titled The Homeschool Awakening, a film that puts forward his assertion that “public education has become Public Enemy No. 1.”

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Susan Berry, PhD is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Kirk Cameron Story Hour” by Kirk Cameron.




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2 Thoughts to “Christian Book Author Kirk Cameron May Return to Tennessee Library for Brave Books’ ‘Library Takeover Day’”

  1. Mr. Right


    1. The Library personally invited Mr. Cameron to have his story hour, once they realized who he was they tried to back out.

    2. Everyone waited outside in the rain to ensure that fire safety was upheld.

    Please educate yourself before spouting false information.

  2. william r. delzell

    Cameron had too big a crowd for the library to safely accommodate. Second, he FORCED himself on the library staff by intimidating others.
