Citizens United Endorses Marsha Blackburn for U. S. Senate

The political action arm of the powerful and influential group, Citizens United, delivered a full-throated endorsement Tuesday of Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) to fill the open Senate seat left behind by the retiring Bob Corker:

Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement endorsing conservative Congressman Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate.

“CUPVF is proud to support conservative change agent Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senator from Tennessee. Congressman Blackburn is a longtime friend of Citizens United and the conservative movement,” said Citizens United President David N. Bossie. “I’m proud to say that Congressman Blackburn spoke at all of our Freedom Summits advocating for our shared principles and values.”

“We support Marsha Blackburn for Senate because she understands that you can’t just talk about a conservative agenda, you have to fight for it and get it enacted,” added Bossie, who served as President Donald J. Trump’s Deputy Campaign Manager.

“Marsha Blackburn is a full spectrum conservative who fought the Obama agenda every step of the way and fully supports President Trump’s agenda of repealing and replacing Obamacare, tax reform, and border security. I look forward to working with Marsha Blackburn in the Senate and I urge all Republican primary voters in Tennessee to support conservative Marsha Blackburn for the United States Senate,” Bossie concluded.

Citizens United PAC was founded back in 1988, but became a household name in 2007 when Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party successfully used the judicial system to forestall the release of a ripping documentary film about her extreme leftist personal history in, Hillary: the Movie.

At issue, Democrats claimed, was that the film ran afoul of the wide-reaching campaign finance reform laws known as the McCain-Feingold Act. Citizens United fought back, eventually winning, and with that victory invalidated many of the McCain-Feingold reforms which the Supreme Court ruled violated the First Amendment.

Then 2010, Lois Lerner’s IRS targeted Citizens United along with many other conservative and Tea Party groups in an ongoing effort to deny the burgeoning movement access to the tax exempt status as organizations complying with the 501 (c) (4) guidelines.

Despite the best efforts of the activist, establishment, and bureaucratic Left, however, Citizens United continues to support causes and candidates they feel align best with their mission to promote the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security.



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One Thought to “Citizens United Endorses Marsha Blackburn for U. S. Senate”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Seems a bit early in the process to be endorsing anyone. Is the idea to discourage other potential candidates?
