Colorado Elementary School Teachers Begin ‘Rainbow Fridays’ to Promote LGBT Content to Kids


Two teachers at an elementary school in Lakewood, Colorado have started what they call “Rainbow Fridays” to push LGBT content on children.

According to Denver-based KMGH, Slater Elementary School Social Worker Davanta Greer and Physical Education teacher Karen Schroeder “dress in rainbow gear at the end of each week to perform these dance numbers on social media.”

“But the dance is only part of it,” the news report continued. “Both teachers identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community, and they want to use Rainbow Fridays as a way to preach inclusivity and make all students feel comfortable and welcome. The kids love it and you can’t blame them because the teachers go all out.”

The report then cuts to an interview with the teachers.

“I mean, I’m wearing my rainbow tutu from 6:30 until the bell rings and we have our staff meeting at 3:30, so it’s a commitment,” Greer says.

“The kids have joined in, too,” Schroeder says. “It could be like a little five year old that just loves rainbows and unicorns and she’s going to wear that shirt because she knows it’s Rainbow Friday. Or it could be a kid that is working through identity and needs to know that there is a safe space to be able to represent the rainbow in the way that they want to.”

The videos are reportedly recorded on TikTok, a social media application that is popular among teachers sharing their far-left ideologies. The Star News Network could not locate the account. However, The Star did locate Greer’s personal TikTok account, which is riddled with LGBT content.

Jefferson County Schools did not return a comment request.

The Star has been working on a series of stories identifying TikTok teachers who push far-left politics on the platform.

Watch the full news report:

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Slater Elementary School Teachers” by Slater Elementary School.






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3 Thoughts to “Colorado Elementary School Teachers Begin ‘Rainbow Fridays’ to Promote LGBT Content to Kids”

  1. Ms Independent


  2. Bill

    “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
    This would include anyone and everyone that makes this sick lifestyle in the schools possible.

  3. 83ragtop50

    Colorado became California East many, many years ago. Nothing coming out of that hellhole surprises me.
