Columnist Roger Simon: The U.S. Government Paying for Iran’s Attack on Israel Is the ‘Single Greatest Disgusting Thing in American History’

Roger Simon Israel

Roger Simon, the co-founder of PJMedia and current columnist for The Epoch Times, said the U.S. government paid for Iran’s Saturday attack on Israel, which saw 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles launched at the country.

Simon said the money trail could be traced back to the Obama administration when billions of dollars were sent to the Mullahs.

“If you go back to Obama, they sent billions of dollars to the Mullahs, which was stopped by Trump. And guess what? The Mullahs didn’t do anything. No action from Hezbollah, no action from the Houthis, no action from the ones in Iraq that changed their name every three days – none of it. Then, on day one of [the Biden administration], they backed the money train for Iran. Billions, some people said a hundred billion… a lot. Where do they get the money? Where does Hamas get the money? It all came from us,” Simon explained on Tuesday’s episode of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“This is the single greatest disgusting thing in American history, bar none, end of story,” Simon (pictured above) added.

Simon also provided insight on Iran’s strategy regarding its attack on Israel over the weekend, explaining how the attack was meant to target Israel’s Nevatim Air Base, which houses a majority of the F35 fighter jets the U.S. sold to Israel, with missiles.

“The Mullahs are not stupid. They’re evil as all get out, but they’re not dumb…There was no way that the drones were going to do anything because they take nine hours from Tehran. The bulk were drones but the missiles can make it in 12 minutes. The missiles were aimed at a place called the Nevatim Air Base. What’s interesting about it is that most of the F-35s that the U.S. has sold to Israel are at the Nevatim Air Base…They wanted us to concentrate on all of the drones, which we did very successfully – Israel did as well – but they were really thinking of Nevatim because they wanted to get the F-35s and brag about it,” Simon said.

In regards to President Joe Biden’s response to the situation unfolding in the Middle East and protests on American soil, Simon said the president is currently focused on pleasing pro-Palestine, anti-Israel voters in Michigan and Minnesota in order to help his reelection chances in November.

Simon said that the president’s solution has been simply “nothing,” adding he believes the current administration is at a loss on its next moves as it remains silent as nationwide pro-Palestine protests rock the nation.

“I don’t think they know what to do. I really think they don’t know what to do but logically, they could do the same thing to those people that they did to the j6 protesters,” Simon said.

Simon went on to note that the Biden administration’s handling of the 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has been the “emblem” of the administration’s foreign policy, calling it “embarrassing.”

When asked by Leahy if he’s “ever seen such an incompetent foreign policy by an American president,” Simon said, “Not in my lifetime.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Roger Simon” by Roger Simon. 





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