Commentary: Black Lives Matter and Its Relationship with Marxism

by George Rasley


As we have explained in numerous articles, the Black Lives Matter organization is a hardcore Marxist revolutionary cell, whose ideology would undoubtedly shock African American religious leaders, business leaders and church members if they were widely known.

Back in January of 2016 our friend James Simpson published an outstanding exposé of the connection between the Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists who provide the shock troops for this revolution and the longtime hard core Leftists who fund it and put it into motion.

In “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter” Simpson explains that:

BLM launched in 2013 with a Twitter hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, after neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman was acquitted in the Trayvon Martin killing. Radical Left activists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi claim credit for the slogan and hashtag. Following the Michael Brown shooting in August 2014, Dream Defenders, an organization led by Working Families Party (ACORN) activist and Occupy Wall Street anarchist Nelini Stamp, popularized the phrase “Hands Up–Don’t Shoot!” which has since become BLM’s widely recognized slogan.

Garza, Cullors and Tometi all work for front groups of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), one of the four largest radical Left organizations in the country. The others are the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS). Nelini Stamp’s ACORN—now rebranded under a variety of different names—works with all four organizations, and Dream Defenders is backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others.

FRSO is a hereditary descendant of the New Communist Movement, which was inspired by Mao and the many communist revolutions throughout the world in the 1960s and 1970s. FRSO split into two separate groups in 1999, FRSO/Fight Back and FRSO/OSCL (Freedom Road Socialist Organization/Organizacion Socialista del Camino para la Libertad). Black Lives Matter and its founders are allied with the latter group.

Now, here’s what we see as the key point in Simpson’s article – following the money.

While Simpson’s extensive documentation is too long to include in its entirety, we will pull one key element – the role of Nazi collaborator and hard-core Leftist billionaire George Soros.

Soros has put tens of millions of dollars into the Black Lives Matter movement and the shadowy radical Leftist network that funds it for one purpose and one purpose only – to destroy the “white” American core of capitalism, free markets, limited government and American traditional culture and values.

Please note that in this context “white” does not mean a person of the Caucasian race. “White” in radical construction means anyone of any race, creed, nationality, color, sex, or sexual preference who embraces these beliefs which to the radical Left are irredeemably evil and anyone who aligns with them is “white” in spirit and thus equally guilty of “white crimes.”

The Black Lives Matter movement carries this narrative to unprecedented heights, observes Simpson, claiming that only whites can be racists. And while justifying violence to achieve “social justice,” the movement’s goal is to overthrow our society to replace it with a Marxist one.

Moving Jim Simpson’s research forward, our friends at Capitol Research have just released a must-read research article, “A Terrorist’s Ties to a Leading Black Lives Matter Group” showing that at least one board member of Thousand Currents—the group fiscally sponsoring the most organized part of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, who have been involved in most of the activity surrounding the current unrest—tried the same thing almost 40 years ago during Ronald Reagan’s reelection campaign. And it landed her in federal prison for 16 years.

If there was any question about whether Black Lives Matter has ideological ties to the Communist terrorists of the 1960s, the story of Susan Rosenberg [archived here] should put that issue to bed, wrote Scott Walter, president of the Capital Research Center.

Rosenberg, who started out as a member of the 1960s revolutionary group Weather Underground, graduated into even more violent, and arguably successful, forms of terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s—including bombings at an FBI field office in Staten Island, the Navy Yard Officers’ Club in Washington, DC, and even the U.S. Capitol building, where she damaged a representation of the greatest of the Democrat defenders of slavery, John C. Calhoun. She currently serves as Human and Prisoner Rights Advocate and a Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Thousand Currents.

(The webpage for Thousand Current’s board of directors was taken down within hours of Capitol Research posting their research. Fortunately, the board of directors webpage is archived here.)

As Robert Stilson of Capitol Research explains hereBLM Global Network Foundation has been a fiscally sponsored project of Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, since 2016.  That means the BLM group, which runs the website, does not have its own IRS tax-exempt status but is operating as a “project” of an organization that does. In the case of 501(c)(3) fiscally sponsored projects, this allows tax-deductible donations to be made to the project.

When people say they support the Black Lives Matter organization, their money is most likely going to the BLM Global Network Foundation that traces its beginnings to “three radical Black organizers — Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi” (mentioned above in James Simpson’s research). Cullors recently went viral online when she admitted that she and others in the group were “trained Marxists.”

As Scott Walter noted, this leads to confusion when people express their support for “Black Lives,” because they may not realize this organization is ideologically tied—to the point of having Rosenberg on the board of the central group—with trained Marxists with a history of extremism and violence. In fact, Rosenberg was a member of the May 19th Communist Organization (M19). It was, according to this NY Post article from January 2020, “the nation’s only woman-run terror group,” as recounted by William Rosenau in his book Tonight We Bombed the U.S. Capitol.

According to the Post, M19 spent two years engaged in bombings in New York and Washington, DC, that were meant “to cast a cloud over what President Ronald Reagan’s re-election campaign was promising: a sunny, prosperous ‘Morning in America.’ Reagan’s election in 1980 told the remnants of America’s radical left that the country had rejected their call to revolution.”

Middle-class and college-educated, M19’s members shared a disdain for their own whiteness. To prove they weren’t merely “mouthing revolution,” they allied with the Black Liberation Army to break cop-killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur) out of prison in 1979. Two years later they assisted in the notorious Brink’s robbery of 1981, which killed two Nyack police officers and a bank guard.

Rosenberg and another M19 member, Tim Blunk, were arrested in November 1984 in Cherry Hill, NJ, in front of a storage unit containing 740 pounds of unstable dynamite stolen from a Texas construction firm four years earlier. Rosenberg was also wanted in connection with the 1981 Brink’s robbery. She was never charged in those crimes.

It should surprise no one that after 16 years in prison, and a lot of pushing from New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler of Trump impeachment fame, she was released in 2001 when President Bill Clinton commuted her sentence, an act that outraged even the left-leaning New York Times.

National Review columnist and former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy described her trial this way in a 2008 column:

Rosenberg turned her New Jersey terrorism trial into a circus, posturing as a political prisoner. At her sentencing, she urged her supporters to continue their war against the United States. (“When we were first captured we said, we’re caught, we’re not defeated, long live the armed struggle. We’d like to take this moment to rededicate ourselves to our revolutionary principles, to our commitment to continue to fight for the defeat of U.S. imperialism.”) She expressed remorse about only one thing: she hadn’t had the courage to shoot it out with the police who’d apprehended her.

And as Scott Walter noted in his article, Rosenberg has written a book about her exploits in which she justifies her actions this way:

I pursued a path that seemed to me a logical step beyond legal protest: the use of political violence. Did that make me a terrorist? In my mind, then and now, the answer is no. I say this because no act in which I was involved ever had violence against persons as its object or consequence.

Would the “protestors” destroying statues say the same about their behavior over the last several weeks? It’s a fair bet they would Scott Walter concluded.

Walmart and other useful idiots in the corporate boardrooms that have pledged millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter, and others sponsoring fundraising for the organization, apparently have no idea that they are supporting militant and violent Marxists committed to destroying constitutional liberty and replacing it with a Marxist oligarchy run by a convicted terrorist long-allied with Democrat politicians – or maybe they do, and its just taken them this long to admit which side they are on.








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One Thought to “Commentary: Black Lives Matter and Its Relationship with Marxism”

  1. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Jerry Nadler and Bill Clinton must be so proud of their roles in springing terrorist Rosenberg from prison so that she could pick up right where she left off.
