Commentary: Democrats Want You To Forget Mollie Tibbetts

Mollie Tibbetts
by George Rasley, Editor


After it was announced that illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera, confessed to the brutal murder of Mollie Tibbetts and led investigators to her body Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts gave her sympathies to the family but quickly changed the subject to the broader immigration reform. The Senator said she was “so sorry” for the family, but they “need” to “focus” on where the “real problems are” in the immigration system, such as the child separation policy at the border.

White House tweetSymone Sanders, former spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, wrote in a Twitter missive that Tibbets lost her life due to “toxic masculinity.”

You can read the full text of Senator Warren’s remarks and Symone Sanders’ tweets through this link to Real Clear Politics.

Our friends at the Daily Wire caught leftist political pundit Sally Kohn complaining about Fox News covering the tragic murder of Mollie Tibbetts, and, even after illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera confessed to the crime, trying to minimize his culpability because Mollie Tibbets was “a white girl.”

“#1 story” on Fox News “is about undocumented immigrant who is *SUSPECT* for murder of a white girl,” Kohn flippantly wrote in a tweet. “Way to stay predictable, Fox,” Kohn added.

The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacomo also caught MSNBC guest, Fordham University Professor Christina Greer, lamenting Fox’s coverage. “Fox News is talking about, you know, a girl in Iowa,” she said.

Others, including alleged conservatives, have argued against “politicizing” Mollie Tibbetts’ death. However, as we pointed-out on Wednesday her death is political, because this entirely preventable death was caused by politicians keeping our borders open and stifling interior enforcement of our existing immigration laws.

On Wednesday Iowa’s Republican Governor Kim Reynolds joined WHOTV’s Dave Price to talk about the reaction to her statements which some have criticized as politicizing Mollie Tibbetts’ death. Mr. Price asked the Governor about that response. Here is her reaction:

Well what I believe is, and you’ve heard me talk about this before, it is actually politics that is preventing us fixing a broken system. That is political. We need to put our differences aside and we need to fix a system that is broken. We have been talking about it for 30 years. It is time for people to put politics aside, to sit down and find a solution to this problem.

As a mother I cannot imagine receiving the news that your daughter had been murdered and just contemplating what she went through in her final hours. But as a Governor I also have an obligation to make sure that we keep our community safe. We’ve got kids that are going back to school this week. Parents are dropping our children off at our colleges and universities and we want to be able to assure them that they are able to go there and be safe.

I have an obligation to do that and we need to fix the system and I would call on both parties to come together and address it.

Iowa Republican Governor Kim Reynolds was right. The brutal murder of Brooklyn, Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts casts a harsh and inescapable light on exactly who is responsible for this senseless killing, and from our perspective Cristhian Bahena Rivera, whom the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation has named as her alleged murderer was only the means of her death, the real killers are the politicians who keep our borders open and who continue protecting illegal aliens, especially those with criminal histories.

Mollie Tibbetts was killed so that somebody in Iowa could have cheap labor, and she was killed so that the Business Roundtable, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the rest of the Washington – Wall Street – Silicon Valley Axis could hit this quarter’s earnings target, and most shamefully, she was killed so that virtue signaling liberal politicians could get reelected and because their bootlickers in the media and their urban elite supporters in the gated communities and the security-doored co-ops and condos feel superior to her, and the other victims like her, and don’t think their lives are worth protecting.

President Trump has spoken about the economic disaster visited upon middle America by the economic policies of the past 30 years as a politician-made disaster. The same must be said of the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so that their patrons could hit next quarter’s earnings target.

We urge our friends and CHQ readers to draw a line in the sand before the 2018 midterms. Demand that the Wall be funded before the election and demand of each House and Senate candidate that they will support funding and building the Wall on our southern border NOW, and that President Trump be given the funds, and new authorities if needed, to undertake an aggressive program of interior immigration enforcement NOW.

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George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie’s and is a veteran of over 300 political campaigns. A member of American MENSA, he served on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle, as Director of Policy and Communication for Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12) then Vice Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, and as spokesman for Rep. Mac Thornberry now-Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.









Reprinted with permission from

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One Thought to “Commentary: Democrats Want You To Forget Mollie Tibbetts”

  1. Ron W

    I suppose according to leftists, Some Lives Matter, some don’t. If the perp charged with Mollie Tibbett’s murder had been shot in the process of an ICE apprehension, then it would be a major matter.
