Commentary: Kamala Harris Doesn’t Care About Solving the Border Crisis

by David Keltz



With the exception of those who may have glanced at the February edition of Vogue magazine or recently browsed the New York Times style section, we have not seen or heard much from Kamala Harris since she was sworn in as the 49th vice president of the United States on January 20.

We did, however, learn from the Washington Post that Harris likes to crochet and that she recently “learned about a special hand-dyed yarn” after visiting a knitting shop in Alexandria, Virginia.

On March 24, the vice president’s low visibility seemed likely to change when President Biden tapped Harris to lead the ongoing border crisis that has spiraled out of control since his Executive Orders (EOs) on immigration have reversed many of former President Trump’s immigration policies, including Trump’s “zero tolerance” stance on prosecuting illegal border crossings.

Harris is the “most qualified person” to lead the effort, Biden said after anointing the vice president the border czar.

But, as of this writing, Harris has now gone 41 days without holding a single press conference to discuss the crisis. She has refused to visit the southern border because, in her words, “we have to deal with COVID issues.” Yet Harris has found the time to visit several other states to promote the Biden administration’s infrastructure plan and other initiatives.

So what exactly is Harris doing to address the influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico and several Central American countries?

On April 27, Harris announced that the U.S. will send $310 million in aid to Mexico and Central America’s Northern Triangle countries — Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. The aid will come from the budgets of the State, Defense, and Agriculture departments. So we are reallocating funding from our military to pay other countries not to send their citizens here. How’s that for “building back better”?

It is not clear how the Biden administration will ensure that the aid will be spent towards its intended purpose instead of enriching corrupt Central American governments. Harris has yet to speak with the leaders of Honduras and El Salvador.

According to NBC, a senior official in the Biden administration said that Harris will also work with Cabinet members, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to determine how to curb “the current flow of migrants” and implement “a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration.”

“While we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law and that we also — because we can chew gum and walk at the same time — must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek,” Harris said on March 24.

But more than six weeks later, it does not appear that Harris or anyone in the Biden administration intends to enforce the law to stop the flow of migrants. It also does not appear that Harris has a clear strategy to address the massive surge in illegal border crossings.

According to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) data, in Trump’s final month in office, illegal border crossings remained manageable at 78,444.

But after Biden signed his immigration EOs, illegal border crossings have surged every month. In February, 101,028 illegal immigrants crossed our southern border, and March saw the number of border crossings balloon to 172,311. Based on preliminary numbers for April, at least another 172,000 migrants illegally entered the country.

Meanwhile, ICE arrests have decreased by more than 60 percent from an average of 6,800 per month during Trump’s final three months in office to 2,500 in Biden’s first full month.

In other words, since Biden became president, migrant crossings have significantly increased while arrests of illegal immigrants have swiftly decreased. And in the more than six weeks since Harris was put in charge of immigration policy, the number of illegal immigrants crossing into our country has not slowed.

After allowing over 4,000 migrants (many of them children) who had not been tested for COVID to be crammed into a detention center designed for 250 people near the Rio Grande, the Biden administration has asked the CBP to build a new caging facility as quickly as possible.

To make matters worse, there has been a significant increase in the number of migrants smuggling fentanyl, the deadly man-made synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and killed more than 87,000 people in the U.S. last year. Between January and April, New Mexico law enforcement officers seized nearly 3,200 fentanyl pills, a 2,682 percent increase from all of last year.

The good news is that at a conference on Tuesday, Harris finally announced what she believes to be the root causes of the border surge. To the surprise of no one, the vice president does not believe that the Biden administration’s lax immigration policies are in any way responsible for the increase in illegal immigrants.

Instead, Harris attributed the surge to climate change, among other excuses: “The catastrophes that are causing people to leave right now. The hurricanes, the pandemic, the draught, and extreme food insecurity … the lack of climate adaptation and climate resilience.”

As of last week, there were still more than 22,000 migrant children in Health and Human Services (HHS) custody, and the CBP estimates that as many as 184,000 unaccompanied children could reach the border by the end of the year. The Biden administration has committed to spending at least $60 million per week, or $3.1 billion annually, to house them.

But Biden recently concluded in a rare interview that his administration has “now gotten control” of the border situation, which means that Harris will have plenty of time to work on her crocheting.

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David Keltz was a speechwriter for the Administrator at the U.S. General Services Administration from 2020–21 and is the author of the new book The Campaign of His Life and Media Bias in the Trump Presidency and the Extinction of the Conservative Millennial. He previously served as a White House Intern for Vice President Mike Pence. You can follow him on Twitter @david_keltz.










Appeared at and reprinted from The American Spectator

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3 Thoughts to “Commentary: Kamala Harris Doesn’t Care About Solving the Border Crisis”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Incompetent. No Jerry Brown to promote her and to solve her problems.

  2. ArrestAllDemocrats

    She is a joke. Kamala doesn’t care about anything but kamala

  3. Some Dude

    VP Kamala Harris is waiting for the border to GET under control, and THEN it will go to the border and declare, “Tada! look what I have done!” Next it will say, “and, NOW, the Democrat voters, and social & news media, can Kneel before Zod! Report me as a god!”.

    And they will.

    This administration is a farce, and I feel bad for the future of America. If you do not take advantage of the time remaining, to legally pillage the financial markets, for your OWN futures… the U.S. government will probably NOT be able to give you enough, later. Given USA’s massive printing of currency over the last 12 months, there is limited time to affect change. (And I mean… MASSIVE printing; exponential, insane, and (most of all) inescapably consequential levels of money printing by the government!)

    PS: I blame schools and universities overrun by socialists who teach hate and self-loathing, feelings above facts, and dependence over independence. America is now two generations deep, into adults raised by women with no strong male role models. I blame the destruction of the family, the absence of fathers, identity politics, media’s fall from neutrality, and social programming.

    These people are turning our future generations into sad, under-educated, narratively addicted morons… nothing but minions of The Problem. America’s future is becoming filled with mindless sheeple who bleat nothing but, “Baaaa”. Which is sheeple for, “Gimme”.

    {And that is exactly why CCP Xi invested in OUR school systems, in our government, and in our financial systems. To win an asymmetrical war. And Helmsman Xi, IS winning. Sadly, this country is unaware of that war. And… unprepared.}
